1Coffee & Catch-up Network Event – Tuesday 30th March
We are inviting all our members to join us for a check-in and catch-up event on Tuesday 30th March at 11:00. We want to check-in to see how you are all doing and we want to follow-up on the survey you completed for us.
Get the kettle on and we’ll see you all via zoom!
Let us know if you’re joining us…. info@nwcn.org. A zoom link will then be sent to you.
Grants to be issued under three thematic areas of need:
Theme 1: Ensuring basic needs – providing grants to ensure children’s basic needs are met, like warmth, security, safety, food and housing.
Theme 2: Improving well-being – giving opportunities to improve the physical and mental health of children who are disadvantaged or have additional needs.
Theme 3: Reducing inequality through creative engagement – giving opportunities for children to engage with creative and cultural activities that enhance their personal development.
Organisations can apply to one of the themes only.
Grants will range in value from £25,000 to £75,000 Closing Date: Apr 16, 2021 13:00
3 Standard Life Foundation Accepting Applications for Winter 2021 Funding
Funding for research, campaigning and policy work to improve living standards and personal finances for people on low to middle incomes in the UK.
The funding is intended for strategic work, including policy work, campaigning and research, which has the potential to improve financial wellbeing at a national scale.
The Foundation is interested in funding projects that examine and promote measures to:
Increase incomes for those on low-to-middle incomes.
Ensure people have an adequate safety net, building savings and assets.
Reduce the cost of living, making sure those on lower incomes are not paying more.
Address issues related to spending and borrowing, particularly where it becomes problematic.
There is no minimum or maximum size of grant. Organisations should apply for the amount they need. Typically grants range between £10,000 and £200,000, with most being between £50,000 and £120,000 in total. The funding may be spread over one, two or three years, and sometimes shorter periods, for example six months.
The deadline for outline applications is 3 June 2021 (13:00).
Have you got a project that needs funding?
The Police Property Fund Small Grants Scheme will be opened on 18 March 2021 and will offer eligible projects grants of between £1000 and £10,000.
What is the Fund?
The Police Property Fund is made up of assets recovered by the PSNI as a result of criminal investigations, and administered by the Board in line with the Police (Property) Regulations NI 1997.
Funding available will be administered in both Small Grants and Large Grants calls. The first call will administer £100,000 total in funding for Small Grants.
Is my project eligible?
Applications for funding will need to demonstrate that the project:
Engages with local police;
Contributes to building community safety and/or confidence in the police in your area; and
Is aligned to a charitable purpose.
How do I apply?
Full details of how to apply and all application documentation will be published at the same time as the Scheme's launch.
If you’d like to find out more about the Scheme, make sure you register for our launch webinar on Thursday 18 March by emailing rsvp@nipolicingboard.org.uk
Funder: Groundwork NI - Aughrim Programme Deadline for applications:
Monday 5th April @12pm
Monday 5th July @12pm
Monday 4th October @12pm Awards: £5,000 to £10,000
Focus: Funding for capital projects within 10 mile radius of any licensed landfill site in Northern Ireland. Projects can be for enhancing community amenities (cycle lanes, community centres, halls, community walkway) or to promote biodiversity and the protection of natural environments. Guidelines: https://www.groundwork.org.uk/hubs/northernireland/projects/aughrim-programme/. Contact:grants@groundworkni.co.uk
6Applications Invited for UK Local Environmental Initiatives Fund
Applications are being accepted by a national fund that seeks to enable the delivery of green projects and environmental initiatives by local organisations in the United Kingdom.
Grants in the form of a donation of up to £2,000 are available.
To be eligible for a donation from the fund, applications must be made on behalf of a:
Third sector organisation
Community organisation
Small or medium enterprise with less than 10 employees
Each application must be accompanied by a quote(s) for the goods or services for which the donation is going to be used.
Applications may be made at any time and will be reviewed on a monthly basis.
7 Independent review of mental health crisis services in Northern Ireland
The Department of Health has commissioned an independent review of mental health crisis services in Northern Ireland.
As part of the review process the team is keen to gather views to inform the further development of mental health crisis services in Northern Ireland.
Participation in the survey is voluntary. The survey can be completed anonymously or you have the option to provide your contact details at the end.
The survey findings will be written up in a report which will be in the public domain and will be used to inform service developments. Any personally identifying data that is included in the survey responses will not be included in the survey report but it will refer to specific services that are referred to.
The closing date for responses is Wednesday 31st March 2021.
If you have any queries about the survey please contact Gavin Davidson at Queen's University Belfast g.davidson@qub.ac.uk
The survey link is below. Please circulate to any of your contacts who may be interested in this work.
8Women’s Aid launch a petition for a Violence Against Women & Girls Strategy in NI
Women’s Aid have launched a petition calling on the Northern Ireland Assembly to develop and implement a Violence Against Women & Girls Strategy in NI. We are the only part of the United Kingdom that does not have a specific strategy dedicated to tackling gender-based violence, which means that our women and girls are being let down, simply because of where they live!
We know that domestic abuse and gender-based violence disproportionately affects women and girls, however here in NI there is nothing in place to address this. The absence of a VAWG Strategy in Northern Ireland is an inequality to the women and girls living, are they not worthy of the same protection as the women and girls England, Scotland and Wales? These specific strategies give clear responsibility for regional governments to ensure a meaningful response to stop gender-based violence against women & girls in their nations.
We also emphasise that a strategy tackling gender-based violence will not discount the valid experiences of other gender identities, but instead will address the reality of the situation which is that women and girls are disproportionately affected. Today we are calling on the Assembly to take action and develop a strategy that brings us in line with the same standard as the rest of the UK.
Please support us on this Call for Action by visiting our petition at www.womensaidni.org and all our social media platforms @WomensAidNI
9Carers Programmes at the Old Library Trust on ZOOM
BUPA – Me Time Programme (All Carers aged 65+): Free 12- week programme is open to all carers aged 65+ looking after a loved one with any long- term illness or condition. It is taught on zoom and will offer guidance and support to improve carers’ general health and wellbeing. Tablets and Wi-Fi support given on loan with resource pack. Programme begins: Fridays from 16th April at 11am
Visit: @olthlc for more information
DEEDS (Dementia Specific Courses for Carers All Ages)
Carers Education programme: FREE 4-week Course on ZOOM for those looking after someone with dementia. If you care for someone with Dementia and would you like to know more about Dementia and meet other families in a safe environment? Starting Thursday 22nd April at 11am on ZOOM.
Carers Connect: This Free 8-week programme is for carers caring for someone with early-stage dementia or who are still able to engage well in activities. It is taught on Zoom and is bespoke to the carer and loved one they are caring for. Carers learn why activities and a schedule is important for those with dementia and are taught activities for their loved ones. Carers are supplied with resources for the course and a tablet and Wi-Fi support on loan is included. The programme timetable is set via the Support Workers with the carer around the carers’ availability. Programme is due to start the week beginning 3rd May. Visit: @DerryEngagingEmpoweringDementia for more information.
For all courses: please contact Sinead on 71373870 or email sinead@olt.ie
Dates: 22nd and 23rd April 2021
Times: 9.30am-12pm each day (6 hours in total)
Facilitator: Men’s Health West Trainers
Target Audience: Practitioners/Service Providers (male or female) who work with men in any setting. Aim of Course: To explore the key issues that impact on men and their mental wellbeing and understand what works in order to be able to effectively engage with men and signpost them to a range of services.
Learning Objectives:
• Explore why we need to work with men as a specific group
• Understand the broad determinants of men’s mental wellbeing
• Explore the barriers that men experience when accessing health and social care services and how to create opportunities to engage with them
• Increase the confidence of participants in relation to working with men.
Course Content:
• The need to create a ‘Safe Space’ for men
• Understanding men through their eyes and life experiences
• Personal strengths and qualities that practitioners bring to working with men
• Why focus on men and their mental health?
• Barriers to men seeking help and support
• Opportunities to create the conditions for engagement
• Signposting to sources of information, help and support
• Top tips for engaging with men.
Please note: The course explores mental health issues including suicide. It may not be suitable for anyone recently bereaved or affected by suicide
We are happy to tell you all that we are hosting a Youth Culture and Peace Summit in a bid to explore and advocate for cultural diversity in Northern Ireland.
The online summit, which is taking place on two dates, 18th and 25th March, is open to young leaders, policymakers, members of the public, and anyone from the not-for-profit sector.
Topics that will be covered at the Summit include the promotion of inter-religious and intercultural dialogue, understanding and cooperation for peace; Political, religious, cultural & social issues that impact negatively on communities; The role of people & communities in promoting respect for cultural diversity; Understanding worldwide religious & social traditions; Examine the impact of the past on young people's future.
The 18th March summit is geared towards young people while the 25th March summit is an intergenerational event that will be led by young people.
Reiki is a hands-on healing therapy that can ease pain, improve sleep and increase general happiness and well-being.
“Yakuzen” means Food as medicine and is a way of eating/cooking based on traditional Chinese medicine that nourishes good health and supports recovery from illness.
Radio Taiso is an exercise routine that anyone can follow, broadcast every morning at 6:30am on Japanese public Radio.
Shiatsu involves applying pressure to special points or areas on the body in order to maintain physical and mental well being, treat disease, or alleviate discomfort.
A brief exploration into the origins, masters, irrationality, and practises of zen.
Contact: North West Japanese Cultural Group nwjapanesecg@mail.com This event is supported by Migrant Centre NI BAME COVID-19 Recovery Fund
15Churches Trust offers 2 great job opportunities to expand the staff team
The Churches Trust wishes to appoint two posts:
Salary £36,788 Full Time, 35 hours per week Closing date for application: 2pm 9th April 2021
Purpose and function of post:
To further the mission of the Churches Trust, under the direction of the Chief Executive Officer, by promoting a united, shared and cohesive society working in collaboration with churches from various faith traditions, schools and a diverse range of community groups
To manage the Churches Trust services and operational programme, under the direction of the Chief Executive Officer, ensuring that project outcomes and outputs are delivered according to funders’ expectations across all activities, including: youth development programmes, interfaith /inter-church / and community education projects, addressing health inequalities and deprivation, and social enterprise units.
Salary £24,586 Full Time, 35 hours per week Closing date for application: 2pm 7th April 2021
Purpose and function of post:
To support the Chief Executive in the finance function for the Churches Trust including maintaining finance records (Sage and various excel spreadsheets), financial management reporting, and ensuring adherence to finance procedures.
To administer payroll and pensions, ensuring timely payments to employees, Inland Revenue and pension provider.
To administer project finances and grant drawdowns ensuring that funder regulations and obligations are met.
The Churches Trust was established over 30 years ago in recognition of the fact that deprivation and disadvantage are key barriers to building a united community, equality of opportunity and good relations. We wish to appoint a Community Relations Manager and Finance Officer as part of the expansion of our staff team. The Churches Trust is supported by the NI Community Relations Core Funding Scheme. These posts are part funded by NI Community Relations Council.
16Job Opportunity with Bogside and Brandywell Health Forum
Office and Finance Manager
Bogside and Brandywell Health Forum 128 Lecky Road
BT48 6NP
Job Role: Management
Salary: 31,346
Hours per week: 35.00
To be responsible for the everyday function of the BBHF office including financial management, oversee monitoring and evaluation of projects, promotion of services, funding processes and deputise for the General Manager as directed.
Essential Criteria:
1a. A Degree or equivalent professional qualification at NVQ Level 5 in business management/administration, human resource management, accountancy, community development and three years’ experience of office administration that has to include financial recording and reporting, securing funding and experience of community based projects. OR
1b. Five years’ experience of office administration that has included financial recording and reporting, identifying and securing funding and experience of community based projects.
For a full Job Description, Personnel Specification and Application Form please email: aileen@bbhealthforum.org
The Waypoint Project is a peer mentoring programme at Youthlife, supported by BBC Children in Need, offering support for children and young people aged 5-18 years who have experienced bereavement, family breakdown, separation or loss.
Youthlife is seeking a Project Co-ordinator to:
Enable and empower young people to effectively contribute to and shape the Waypoint Project. The project is ‘young person lead’ and will always be directly informed by the lived experiences of children and young people with maximum impact and reach. This will include recruiting, training and supporting a diverse group of Peer Mentors who will participate in Youthife service delivery, support counselling services and provide a next step, while promoting the project and contributing to training other young people in the community as Peer Mentors
Develop our existing partnerships with statutory agencies and voluntary/ community sector providers to help ensure that children and young people affected by bereavement and loss get the right support from the right person at the right time.
Applicants will be qualified to degree level in Youth Work, Social Work, Counselling/Psychotherapy or Teaching and will have three years paid employment in the past five years in one or more of those professions
The post is funded for three years and is 20 hours per week.
18Public Appointment Competition for Members of the Board of CCNI
The Department for Communities has launched a competition for a Legally Qualified Commissioner to the Board of the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland.
This is an excellent opportunity for an individual to make a significant contribution to the charitable sector as well as ensuring that CCNI fulfils its statutory role as the independent regulator of charities in Northern Ireland. The Legally Qualified Commissioner plays an important role on the Board. Although the individual appointed will be a qualified solicitor or barrister, they will not be required to provide legal advice. Instead they will have the ability and expertise to bring a legal perspective to discussions and the work of the Board.
Applications are welcome from across the community, voluntary, business or public sectors particularly from women, people with a disability, people from minority ethnic groups and young people. A Guaranteed Interview Scheme is in place for those applicants with a disability. Further details on the position including responsibilities and selection criteria are available on the NI Direct & Department for Communities websites www.communities-ni.gov.uk/dfc-public-appointments or www.nidirect.gov.uk/public-appointment-vacancies.
The closing date for applications is Wednesday 31 March 2021 at 12 noon
19Public appointments opportunity - NI-CO Chair and Members Competition
Want to help promote Northern Ireland public services across the world?
Appointment of Chairperson and Board Members to NI-CO Invest Northern Ireland (Invest NI) is seeking to appoint a Chairperson and three Members to the Board of Northern Ireland Co-operation Overseas (NI-CO), a publicly owned company responsible for marketing, on a worldwide basis, the services, skills and expertise of government departments and other public bodies and organisations in Northern Ireland. The appointments will be for a three year term with effect from 1 September 2021 (Chairperson) and 1 October 2021 (Board members), and may be renewable for a second term.
The posts are part-time and remunerated: • Chairperson, an estimated 10 days per year - £4,857 per annum • Members, an estimated 6 days per year - £1,975 per annum. Meetings of the Board are generally held in NI-CO’s premises in Landmark House, Cromac Quay, Belfast.
Whilst there are no specific academic qualifications required for the posts, there are three essential criteria to be met, B, C & D below for Board Members and a fourth for the post of Chairperson (A, B, C & D). A. Leadership (Chair specific) B. Thinking Strategically C. Analytical Thinking D. Corporate Governance and Risk Management. All appointments will be made through open competition, strictly on the basis of merit.
An application pack with full details and guidance may be obtained from www.economy-ni.gov.uk/ni-co-competition from 9am on Thursday 18th March 2021 or by telephone from that date from Yvonne Green (028) 9052 9282 Text Relay: 18001 028 9052 9282 or Email: pau@economy-ni.gov.uk.
Should you require clarification on any aspect of the role, please contact Alistair Moffett in Invest NI on 028 90698327 or email: alistair.moffett@investni.com The application pack can be provided, on request, in alternative formats. All reasonable adjustments will be made to accommodate the needs of applicants/candidates with a disability.
The deadline for receipt of applications is 5.00 pm on Friday, 9 April 2021. Late applications will not be accepted.
Applicants invited for interview are eligible for reimbursement of reasonable travelling expenses incurred within the UK and the Republic of Ireland.
Equality of Opportunity: The Department for Economy (DfE) and Invest NI are committed to the principles of public appointments based on merit with independent assessment, openness and transparency of process. Both are also committed to equality of opportunity and welcomes application forms from all suitably qualified applicants irrespective of religious belief, gender, race, political opinion, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or whether or not they have dependants. Women, people with a disability and those from ethnic minority communities are currently under-represented on Boards across Northern Ireland and applications from members of these groups would be particularly welcome.
We operate the Guaranteed Interview Scheme which means that applicants with a disability who meet or exceed the pass-mark set for the criteria will be offered an interview. Their application will not be subjected to short-listing.
20Launch of a recruitment competition to appoint a Chair for Belfast Harbour Commissioners
The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) have launched a recruitment campaign to appoint a Chair to the Board of Belfast Harbour Commissioners .
Applicants will be expected to demonstrate their ability, experience and skills across a number of competences. Please note that experience in Shipping or Ports is not a requirement for the post. Further information about the appointment, along with the application form can be accessed through the link below.
The deadline for receipt of applications is 12.00 noon on Friday 9 April 2021.
Applications will be welcomed from all sections of the community.
Women, younger people, people with disabilities and people from ethnic minority communities are currently under-represented on DfI Boards. Applications from members of these groups would be particularly welcome.
It’s starting to feel like Spring! We are welcoming the new season with lots of fun workshops Sinead Crumlish is on hand with some fun activities to celebrate Easter. Join Sinead to make an ornament out of balloons and papier-mâché (Saturday 20 March) and Sinead will also guide you through creating your own Easter egg hunt bag (Saturday 27 March).
All workshops will be posted at 11am on our website (on the dates provided above) as well as on Facebook, Instagram IGTV, and Vimeo @derryvoid.
You can still check out Karen Cassidy’s wonderful workshop for International Women’s Day. It’s never too late to #ChooseToChallenge so why not make your own pop art self portrait with your kids.
Our art packs have been overwhelmingly popular and we are delighted to announce the latest activity - create your own pencil case! As usual, it is first come first serve so email hello@derryvoid.com now to reserve your pack.
Void Offsites continues with a new project Slowtime by artist David Beattie, generously funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. We are inviting the community to get involved by recording audio in and around the River Foyle. Why not grab the kids and your smartphone, take a wander around the Foyle, recording the sounds you hear along your way and send them in to us?
You can send your recordings to slowtimevoid@gmail.com. For more information see this dedicated page to the project on our website where you can find a Zoom recording of the first workshop which went ahead on Saturday 6th March.
Join us this World Autism Awareness Week from 29th March- 4th April and help us reach over ONE MILLION STEPS. Every steps counts!
You can take part in this fun challenge by running, walking, skipping or climbing. As well as challenging yourself, you will be raising funds for the autism community across Northern Ireland.
Our fundraising has been heavily impacted due to the covid-19 pandemic and we are asking you to help raise funds to support our continued autism services in Northern Ireland.
To sign up and receive a fundraising pack including a free t-shirt, please email events@autismni.org
RT @FoyleHospice: Do you have a few hours to spare?
We are in urgent need of Volunteers to help out at the Summer Raffle Stalls in… https://t.co/BBKZ2RmOyZ —
1 year 9 months ago
RT @YouthActionNI: We are delighted to invite you to our art exhibition and critical youth research hub and hear stories from young pe… https://t.co/QjcN2U5cr1 —
1 year 9 months ago
RT @YouthActionNI: As part of empathy day, we have an art exhibition at Waterside Library this week and school workshops in Newry and… https://t.co/zoGEkjiBPe —
1 year 9 months ago
RT @ApexHousingAssn: 📣 Join our team! We're looking for a manager who will be responsible for the daily running of our sheltered housing… https://t.co/5U1eOQZNiR —
1 year 9 months ago
RT @SuppCommunities: Join us for this popular session online 7 June at 10 am.
Learners will gain an understanding of the key processes… https://t.co/W4bfd0E2CK —
1 year 9 months ago
RT @ConsumerCouncil: Our latest free newsletter is now out. This month we have information on:
📺Save money on household appliances
🍳 5… https://t.co/6Wz1wBT6X9 —
1 year 9 months ago
RT @NIAntiPov: @NWCN01
Hearing from local elected reps in Derry about the cuts to the community and voluntary sector. A lot of un… https://t.co/mrNL7fwGdD —
1 year 9 months ago
RT @CRJDerry: This morning we attended a meeting organised by @NWCN01 with our local elected reps to discuss the potential impact… https://t.co/1u8zOTaRZY —
1 year 9 months ago
A huge thanks to all who came along to our meeting about the funding crisis in the sector, good conversations were… https://t.co/UGzifowO2O —
1 year 9 months ago