Consultation Title |
Organisation |
Closing Date |
Contact Name/Dept |
Email / Website / Further Info |
Equality Scheme - 5-year Review |
Department of Finance |
27/08/21 |
Strategic Equality Branch |
equality@finance-ni.gov.uk |
Duty of Candour & Being Open |
Department of Health |
31/08/21 |
IHRD Implementation |
IHRD.implementation@health-ni.gov.uk |
Magistrates’ Courts and County Court Appeals Rules |
Department of Justice |
01/09/21 @ 17:00 |
Enabling Access to Justice Division |
eajdconsultations@justice-ni.gov.uk |
Complaint’s handling |
The Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman |
02/09/21 |
028 9023 3821 |
nipso@nipso.org.uk |
Rural Policy Framework for Northern Ireland |
Department of Agriculture, Environment & Rural Affairs |
06/09/21 @ 23:59 |
N/a |
ruralpolicydelivery@daera-ni.gov.uk |
UK Emissions Trading Scheme: proposed amendments |
Department of Agriculture, Environment & Rural Affairs |
07/09/21 |
N/a |
emissions.trading@beis.gov.uk |
NI Peatland Strategy |
Department of Agriculture, Environment & Rural Affairs |
09/09/21 |
N/a |
NIPeatlandStrategyConsultationResponse@daera-ni.gov.uk |
Draft Policy on Legal Advice and Assistance |
The Equality Commission |
10/09/21 |
Anne McKernan |
LegalAssistancePolicy@equalityni.org |
Proposed changes to the NI Civil Service Injury Benefits Scheme |
Department of Finance |
10/09/21 @ 12:00 |
CSP Policy, Legislation & Communications Branch |
PensionsPolicyCSP@finance-ni.gov.uk |
Proposed Implementation and Next Steps of the bTB Eradication Strategy for NI |
Department of Agriculture, Environment & Rural Affairs |
10/09/21 |
028 9052 5502 |
TBBR.Policybranch@daera-ni.gov.uk |
Disabled children & young people up to 25 with severe complex needs: integrated service delivery and organisation across health, social care & education |
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence |
14/09/21 @ 5pm |
Clifford Middleton |
CYPseverecomplexneeds@nice.org.uk |
Cemetery Management Guidance |
Derry City & Strabane District Council |
15/09/21 |
John Quinn |
Clooney Masterplan |
Derry City & Strabane District Council |
15/09/21 |
Helen Turton |
Derry City & Strabane - Clooney Masterplan (derrystrabane.com) |
Non-Fatal Strangulation |
Department of Justice |
17/09/21 @ 00:59 |
Criminal Justice Policy and Legislation Division |
nfs.consultation@justice-ni.gov.uk |
Proposed Amendment to Leisure Pricing Policy |
Derry City & Strabane District Council |
17/09/21 |
Rachel McCay |
Future Planning Model |
Department of Health |
17/09/21 @ 23:59 |
Organisational Change Directorate |
OrgChgDir@health-ni.gov.uk |
Early Access to Medicines Scheme (EAMS) |
Department of Health |
17/09/21 @ 23:59 |
N/a |
Early Access to Medicines Scheme (EAMS) Consultation - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)(external link opens in a new window / tab), and the response form can be accessed here(external link opens in a new window / tab). |
Provisional Recommendations of the Local Government Boundaries Commissioner |
Office of the Local Government Boundaries Commissioner |
21/09/21 @ 23:59 |
consultation@lgbc-ni.org.uk. |
Point of Care Manufacturing |
Department of Health |
23/09/21 @ 23:45 |
N/a |
Point of Care Consultation - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)(external link opens in a new window / tab), and the response form can be accessed here(external link opens in a new window / tab) |
The introduction of standard legal aid fees |
Department of Justice |
24/09/21 @ 14:00 |
Enabling Access to Justice Division |
Family.Fees@justice-ni.gov.uk |
Minor settlements |
Department of Justice |
24/09/21 @ 00:59 |
N/a |
AtoJ.Consultation@justice-ni.gov.uk |
Family Practitioner Services Independent Appeals |
Department of Health |
24/09/21 @ 17:00 |
Organisational Change Directorate |
OrgChgDir@health-ni.gov.uk |
Expanding access to naloxone |
Department of Health |
28/09/21 @ 23:45 |
N/a |
Expanding access to naloxone | Department of Health (health-ni.gov.uk) |
Simplifying Complaints Procedures in Public Bodies |
Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman |
30/09/21 |
N/a |
NIPSO is consulting on its proposals to simplify the way public bodies in NI deal with complaints. |
'Reaching Rural' Draft Rural Strategy 2021-2025 |
Housing Executive |
30/09/21 |
Sinead Collins at: |
rural.housing@nihe.gov.uk |
Use of Restrictive Practices in Health and Social Care Settings and Regional Operational Procedure for the Use of Seclusion |
Department of Health |
01/10/21 |
Adult Mental Health Unit |
mentalhealthunit@health-ni.gov.uk |
Engagement Paper: Pro Bono Costs |
Department of Justice |
01/10/21 @ 11:59 |
Enabling Access to Justice Division |
eajdconsultations@justice-ni.gov.uk |
Proposed Conservation Principles - Guidance for the sustainable management of the historic environment in NI |
Department for Communities |
08/10/21 @ 17:00 |
Historic Environment Division |
HED.ConservationPrinciples@communities-ni.gov.uk |
Draft 3rd Cycle River Basin Management Plan 2021 to 2027 |
Department of Agriculture, Environment & Rural Affairs |
10/10/21 |
N/a |
catchmentplanning@daera-ni.gov.uk |
Shaping future support: the health and disability green paper |
Department for Work and Pensions (UK Gov) |
11/10/21 |
N/a |
You can send your response directly to the Department for Communities at: sspld@communities-ni.gov.uk OR to the Department for Work and Pensions on: healthanddisability.consultation@dwp.gov.uk |
Call for Evidence - Biennial MOT Testing |
Department for Infrastructure |
19/10/21 |
Vehicle Policy Team |
BiennialTesting-CFE@infrastructure-ni.gov.uk |
Cancer Strategy for Northern Ireland 2021-2031 |
Department of Health |
20/10/21@ 17:00 |
Cancer Strategy Project |
Cancer.Strategy.2020@health-ni.gov.uk |
Proposals for amendment of Technical Booklet Guidance to Part R (Access to and use of buildings) – Changing Places Toilets Provision |
Department of Finance |
20/10/21 @ 23:59 |
Consultation Co-ordinator |
info.bru@finance-ni.gov.uk |
Draft Disability Action Plan 2021-25 |
Northern Ireland Assembly Commission |
05/11/21 |
N/a |
equality@niassembly.gov.uk |
Boomhall Estate & Gardens Citizen Survey 2021 |
Boomhall Trust |
None Stated |
N/a |
https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/YCF8Z3W or you can print a hard copy of the survey boomhalltrustcitizensurvey2021.pdf. |
Covid-19 and Human Rights - Survey |
Human Rights |
None stated |
N/a |