Celebrate Rural Inclusion with NWCN
Date: Wednesday 23rd May 2018
Time: 10am – 1pm
Venue: Learmount Community Development Group, 192 Learmount Road, Park Village, BT47 4BA
This event will begin at 10am with a light breakfast and will finish with a hearty lunch at 12:30pm.
You will have the opportunity to hear from successful and inspirational initiatives, the journey’s they have come through and the difference they have made:
You will also have the chance to network and make some new connections as well as discuss the current needs of the sector.
If you need help with transport to attend this event, please let us know and we can assist with this.
To register for this celebration please contact NWCN on: info@nwcn.org / 028 7127 9090
Join North West Community Network in our Big Lottery funded Celebrate event – “Rural Inclusion”