Notice is hereby given that North West Community Network wish to call an Extraordinary General Meeting on Friday 12th November 2021 at 10:00am via Zoom. We propose to make some alterations to our Governing Document which includes:
Article 8.7 - Making amendments to the length of office term of the NWCN management committee
Article 8.2 & 8.11 – Making amendments to the percentage of members in attendance to conduct affairs of the NWCN committee
Article 6.2 - Making amendments to the stipulation of ‘in person attendance’ at meetings
2The Join the Dots PB deadline has been extended!!
Individuals and Groups can bid for up to £500/€ equivalent under the theme of ‘Creating Connections’ this could be for example, with people, nature, en vironment, communities, sports, young and old, food, heritage and many other ways to connect! Anyone aged 8 and above can get involved. It’s a very simple bid form along with a short 2 min video (captured on a mobile phone/ camera) pitching the idea.
The deadline is 12 November and projects will have until April 2022 to deliver.
3 Grass Roots Grant Support Programme has been extended
The Deadline for the Grass Roots Grant Support Programme has been extended to Friday 29th October @ 3pm.
Applications already received will be assessed next week with applications received by next Friday being assessed the following week.
As submissions are currently low Council would encourage groups to submit applications under this Programme by the new deadline and application forms and additional information can be downloaded via
4Better Community Business Network: Grant Initiative
BCBN’s Grant Initiative aims to provide small third-sector grant awards to empower charities and local community projects. This initiative will distribute a one-off grant award of up to £3,000 per charity or to small but credible community projects, which are able to demonstrate their positive impact on the communities they aim to serve.
Selection Criteria
Be UK based
Address a community issue or support a local community initiative
Provide benefits to the local community
Must be able to demonstrate that the money will be used for project-specifics
Applicants are welcomed from groups including: local community, self-help or voluntary groups and charities (including local branches of national charities) or individuals acting for the benefit of the local community. Some of the causes we support:
Education (e.g. schools, extra-curricular clubs)
Health (e.g. hospitals, cancer research, healthy eating)
NI-based funder which funds only registered charities in Northern Ireland. Aims to assist the physical, mental and spiritual development of young people under 21 years of age. The Trust's policy is to provide small grants in support of local projects which benefit children and young people.
The main objects of the Victoria Homes Trust are:
To help and educate young people of both sexes under the age of 21;
To develop their physical, mental, spiritual and moral capacities so that they grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society and that there conditions of life may be improved:
To assist in the training of young people to enable them to maintain themselves at the termination of their education and training;
To assist other non-statutory bodies in carrying out any of the above objects.
Projects addressing the following needs of children and young persons are particularly welcome:
Alcohol and drugs abuse
Counselling for those in need of guidance, advice, and support
At present, the Trust considers grants twice in the year and should be received on or before the 30th of April or 30th of November. Applications will only be considered after these deadlines twice a year.
The Arnold Clark Community Fund is open to all UK registered charities and local community groups who fall into these categories. The fund is also open to community interest companies, charitable incorporated organisations and social enterprises.
Successful applicants will receive up to £1,000. Application deadline: 31st December 2021
Please note:
We are currently only accepting applications from organisations who fall into the following categories: food banks, toy banks, housing and accommodation & poverty relief.
For more information on who is eligible to apply, please click here.
7The Linnean Society's "Our Local Nature" grant scheme
The "Our Local Nature" Grants are available to fund innovative projects, designed and led by young people in the UK.
Adult applicants should develop their proposal alongside young people and the projects should seek to affect change or empower local young people and their surrounding communities to increase access to natural spaces and improve understanding of the local biodiversity.
The maximum award is £1,000 per proposal.
This grant is purposefully broad and welcomes novel ideas. Some examples of possible proposals could be: running a school festival about nature; painting community murals showcasing biodiversity in the area; building a community garden; creating a nature walk; hiring a speaker to come and talk about local foraging.
8International Collaborative Arts Fund Open for Applications
With co-investment from Creative Scotland, Arts Council England, Arts Council Northern Ireland and Arts Council of Wales/Wales Arts International, the pilot Four Nations International Fund is designed to support those working in the arts and creative industries in the four nations across the UK and together with counterparts in Europe and beyond.
Applications will be accepted from creative sector organisations and individuals based in one of the four nations of the UK. Applications will require applicants to have at least one partner from another of the four nations of the UK in addition to at least one international partner.
Funding is intended to support in-person, digital or hybrid activity, across a range of artforms. Eligible projects include:
Development of artistic practice through working cross-UK and internationally.
Collaboration with and learning from artists, creative practitioners and organisations cross-UK and internationally.
Development of early relationships with artists, creative practitioners and organisations with a longer-term view of developing cross-UK and international markets and audiences for work and building profile internationally.
Exchange of key creative people to develop new concepts or relationships.
The fund has a total value of £100,000 and provides grants of between £1,000 and £5,000. The deadline for applications is 11 November 2021.
Thursday 28th October 2021, 7pm-8.30pm
Zoom Presentation, Facilitator: Lauri McCusker
A decline in grants and funding means organisations must re-think and diversify their income. This workshop will provide guidance on the income options available to community and voluntary organisations.
Please note: Due to the parameters of our Funding, to facilitate this course as part of a wider initiative to enhance leadership skills in the West, in order to participate your home address or working address must be located in the Western area of N. Ireland
10Public Anchor Networks - FREE Community Wealth Building Webinar
Wednesday, 27 October 2021, 12:00 – 14:00
Local community-led anchors are multi-purpose and provide innovative solutions to local problems and challenges. They can fast track the community wealth building process by thinking more laterally about how their suppliers can create genuine and immediate social value in the local economy without costing hard-hit local suppliers too much in terms of bureaucracy and regulation.
As part of a programme of work to advance community wealth building in NI, DTNI and its programme partner Trademark (supported by the Department for Communities) will explore how anchor institutions can play a pivotal role in the development of a new economic model. We will hear from work ongoing across the UK and consider the challenges and explore the solutions needed to drive forward CWB in NI.
The Executive has launched the High Street Task Force Call for Evidence, which gives everyone an opportunity to have their say on how to breathe new life into our high streets. The Call for Evidence seeks views on solutions to continue to make our city centres, towns and villages thriving and sustainable places. It asks respondents for any evidence they have that either supports or challenges initial thoughts and/or addresses any evidence gaps.
The findings from the Call for Evidence, together with other data, will inform a draft report and recommendations that will be subject to full public consultation and equality considerations before a final report is presented for agreement by the Executive, by Spring 2022.
The Assembly’s Committee for Communities is inviting all private rental tenants to respond to a ‘Call for Views’ on the new Private Tenancies Bill, which focuses on the role and regulation of the private rented housing sector.
If passed, this new Bill will provide tenants with better protection by ensuring landlords and agents meet regulations about the quality and safety of the accommodation offered. It also seeks to safeguard tenants by ensuring a legislative requirement for written tenancy agreements, restrictions on rent increases and an increase in the eviction notice period.
Tenants, or those with an interest in this area, can complete as much or as little of the online survey as they feel relevant to them. A PDF copy of the survey can be downloaded, but we ask that responses are input on-line where possible.
The closing date for responses is Friday 29 October 2021.
The operational data collection phase of Census 2021 is now complete. At NISRA we are now working to process the data collected during the census and by Summer 2022 we will start publishing the first results. We call these outputs. Our outputs team are looking into the best way to bring this information to a wide audience. To do this a public consultation was launched on October 1st 2021.
This technical consultation, will allow Census Office to gather the views of users on the proposed strategy for disseminating 2021 Census results. The consultation document outlines the proposed design for 2021 Census results, specifically the order of the release of census statistics, and the way the statistics will be made available to users.
A webinar event is being held on Wednesday 3rd November at 2pm, which will provide consultees with additional information and an opportunity to ask questions about the issues of interest to them. If you are unable to attend the live event, a recording will be made available on the NISRA website immediately after. If you would like to attend please register on EventBrite at
The consultation will remain open for 8 weeks, from 1 October 2021 to 26 November 2021.
There are currently 190 state care monuments in Northern Ireland. This means that the monuments are cared for by the Department for Communities and are either owned by, or under the guardianship of the Department. These historic monuments represent much of human history ranging from some of the oldest built structures (dolmens, cairns and stone tombs) through early Christian sites (crosses, churches and towers) to medieval buildings (castles, bawns, mottes and friaries) and beyond (windmills, forts, gas works). Some of the most well-known state care monuments are Derry Walls, Carrickfergus Castle, Dunluce Castle, Navan Fort and Devenish Island.
As these properties are under the care of the Department for Communities, the Department is responsible for paying for their preservation and upkeep. We would like to hear from you about how these monuments are important to you and what you would like us to prioritise in relation to them.
The Condition Management Programme helps you manage your health condition to allow you to progress towards, move into and stay in employment. The programme is led by healthcare professionals, such as occupational therapists, physiotherapists and mental health nurses.
You may be eligible to take part in the CMP if any of the following apply to you:
are in work struggling to stay in work due to your health condition
have recently gone off work due to your health condition
are receiving benefits and struggling to find work due to your health condition
Taking part in the CMP is voluntary so it will not affect your benefits.
For further detail and information on how to apply click here
During Fertility week each day has a theme as listed below. This will be a busy week with video releases, webinars, blogs and much more on all these topics from fertility experts, health professionals, patients and others during the week.
Monday 1st November #FERTILITYFAIRNESS
Fertility Network UK wants to see fair access to NHS-funded fertility treatment for all eligible patients regardless of postcode, race or sexuality. Look out for our survey on access to NHS IVF on Facebook, information on fertility treatment and success rates for Black, Asian and other ethnic minority fertility patients and hear the experiences of the LGBTQ+ community.
We have a #FertilityFairness webinar, hosted by Dr Raj Mathur, chair of the British Fertility Society. To watch the webinar on Monday 1st November, please use this link. Tuesday 2nd November #DONORDAY
On #DonorDay we’ll highlight the work of the national donor recruitment campaign in Scotland, raise awareness of the need for ethnic minority gamete and embryo donors, and encourage the public to consider gamete donation and fertility patients who have completed their IVF family to consider embryo donation.
On Tuesday 2nd November at 6pm we have a webinar, hosted by Nina Barnsley, director of the Donor Conception Network. To watch the webinar at that time, please use the link below. Wednesday 3rd November #HIMFERTILITY
#HIMFertility is all about male fertility. Men are half of the fertility equation and their experiences, thoughts and feelings matter equally. Look out for a twitter takeover by the HIMfertility crew and many other male voices throughout the day.
To find out more and share your circumstances at our #HimFertility webinar, this will be a male only fireside chat with members of Comedian Rhod Gilbert as well as Toby Trice and Ian Stones. Watch the webinar via the link below at 6pm on Wednesday 3rd November Thursday 4th November #FERTILITYED
Fertility education is the focus on Thursday. In Northern Ireland we have piloted our Future Fertility Programme which aims to inform young people about the factors, including lifestyle, that can affect fertility, and Fertility in the Workplace which encourages employers to provide a supportive work environment and helps employees to know their rights. Our webinar on Thursday 4th November at 6pm, #FertilityEd webinar, is hosted by Professor Joyce Harper, co-founder of the British Fertility Society’s Fertility Education Initiative. To watch this webinar on the Thursday 4th please use the link below. Friday 5th November #TALKFERTILITY
Friday’s #TalkFertility is all about celebrating patient voices and highlighting coping strategies for both current fertility patients and people who are childless not by choice. We will be signposting where to find help, and sharing the results of an FNUK survey looking at the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on fertility patients and their treatment. Details on our webinar on Friday 5th November will follow soon, but also will be held at 6pm that evening.
Date for your Diary:
Our first support group meeting in November will be held on Tuesday 9th November at 7.30pm, where we will be joined by an embryologist from In OVO clinic, to chat about science involved in collecting eggs, assessing and preparing sperm samples and egg fertilisation. This should be a very interesting evening and perhaps helpful for any of you undergoing, or planning to undergo fertility treatment.
If you would be interested in attending please email Hilary who will forward the link.
18REACH Across seeks Education Development Officer
Local cross-community group REACH Across are seeking a F/T Temporary Education Development Officer to deliver Community Relations and Leadership Training in schools.
The post is for 5 months up to March 31st 2022 and it is funded by The Executive Office Central Good Relations.
Closing date for applications is Thursday 28th October at 10pm and interviews are planned from 6pm on Mon 1st November.
Job Duties:
Responsible for the planning, development, and delivery of an inclusive social and personal development programme for young people with Down syndrome aged 8 to 25 years old
Create a safe, fun, learning and development environment for children and young people with Down syndrome
Provide one to one and group mentoring support to meet the individual needs of programmes participants
Establish, build and maintain relationships with external agencies to enhance opportunities for participants eg work placements/experience, inclusion programmes
Complete risk assessments for programme activities to ensure safety and wellbeing of participants, staff and volunteers
Communicate all activities and schedules to parents and participants as necessary
Liaise with parents and participants to ensure that the programme continues to meet the needs of the users
Recruit, train, support and manage volunteers to enable them to support activities with the children and young people
Qualifications / Experience: Essential:
Third level qualification (Degree) in a relevant discipline
Planning, development, delivery and evaluation of youth led projects
Motivate, engage and encourage volunteers mentors and young people with a learning disability
Safeguarding Vulnerable Children and Adult Protection
Carrying out risk assessments
Reporting on and evaluating projects
Degree in Youth Work, Education, Social Sciences or equivalent.
Minimum of 2 years experience supporting children and young people with a learning disability in a paid capacity.
Recruitment, supervision and coordination of volunteers.
Application Method:
Please request employer application pack from
Probation Board for Northern Ireland Board appointments: Appointment of Chair and Board Member
The Department of Justice is seeking to appoint a Chair and 12 Board Members for the Probation Board for Northern Ireland (PBNI).
The role of the Probation Board is to help make communities safer by challenging and changing the behavior of offenders. PBNI carries out a wide range of functions, from the provision of assessments and reports to the courts to working directly with prisoners preparing them for their subsequent resettlement in the community.
The Chair of the Board will be expected to provide strategic leadership and direction and will work closely with the Chief Executive. Board Members will support the Chair and their responsibilities will also include ensuring that PBNI complies with all statutory requirements for the use of public resources.
The Chair and Board members are appointed for a term of three years.
We encourage people from all sections of the community to apply and would particularly welcome applicants from an ethnic minority background, those who have a disability and women, as they are currently under represented on the Board.
Applications close at noon on Friday 12th November 2021.
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We are in urgent need of Volunteers to help out at the Summer Raffle Stalls in… —
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RT @YouthActionNI: We are delighted to invite you to our art exhibition and critical youth research hub and hear stories from young pe… —
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🍳 5… —
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