The Public Health Agency, through the Clear Project, are offering constituted voluntary sector sports clubs in the Western Trust area the opportunity to avail of training, which will help them support their members and receive up to £300 worth of relevant sports equipment for their club.
In order to receive this aid clubs must:
Be a constituted voluntary sector sports club and enclose a copy of this document and a list of their committee members.
Be appropriately insured or prepared to obtain appropriate insurance if awarded.
Enclose the most recent annual accounts or statement of income and expenditure which must be approved and signed by an officeholder.
Operate within the Western Trust area.
Have a significant impact upon or involvement from their local community.
Please note: This must be members who have a significant input / involvement / role within the club.
Equipment requested should help the club develop activities that meet the needs of the local community and support the delivery of the ‘Take 5 Steps to Wellbeing’.
These are five simple steps to help maintain and improve your wellbeing through the themes of ‘Connect’, ‘Be active’, ‘Take Notice’, ‘Keep Learning’ and ‘Give’.
To claim funding from the Clear project clubs will be asked to:
Submit grant application then once accepted complete training.
Seek out a quote for the equipment (quote to be approved by the Clear Project).
Pay the chosen supplier directly. Where a club cannot provide sufficient evidence of proper financial processes, the Clear Project will pay for direct invoices/items needed.
Submit an invoice made out to the Clear Project for the amount spent, accompanied with the receipt/s as proof of purchase.
If the club does not have the finances, then requests for advance payment will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Any relevant sports club within the Western Trust area can apply for the funding however preference will be given to:
Groups operating in the top 20% most disadvantaged Super output areas (SOA’s).
Those with lower capacity.
Please note: The funding award will not be released until all training has been completed. All training must be completed by 31st January 2023.
To apply, please download and complete the application form below
The Building the Community-Pharmacy Partnership (BCPP) Programme is led by CDHN and funded by the Health and Social Care Board (HSCB), with strategic direction provided by a multi-agency Steering Group. BCPP supports communities and community pharmacists to work in partnership to address locally defined needs so that people make connections, listen to and understand each other better and work together to address the social determinants of health and health inequalities.
We recognise that health is impacted by much more than the everyday lifestyle decisions that we make, important as they are. Research shows that social isolation can be as damaging for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. With this in mind, our projects aim to address these wider issues and tackle the root causes of poor health. These vary greatly for different groups of people and may include mental health issues, housing issues, low educational attainment, poverty or debt. Group work and relationship building is at the core of all our projects. By sharing our assets, our lived experiences and supporting each other we can achieve great things.
For information on the Programme or for some support with your application, please contact a member of the BCPP team on 028 3026 4606.
The next round of funding is due to close on 13 October (Level 1) and 17 November (Level 2). Application packs are available from
Our Grant round is now open. If you have successfully taken our Eligibility Quiz, prepared your answers, please complete our online Application Form.
The MSE Charity gives grants to UK not for profit organisations that deliver activities which make a lasting impact on how people think, behave and manage their money.
Please remember we ONLY accept applications electronically. The grant round closes on Friday 22nd July at 5pm OR earlier if we have already accepted 40 applications.
The purpose of the Community Festival Programme is to support the delivery of Ulster-Scots Community Festivals which provide people with opportunities to experience and learn about Ulster-Scots culture, heritage, and language. Ulster-Scots Community Festivals have an important role to play in raising awareness of Ulster-Scots within the wider community. The grant enables the Ulster-Scots people to celebrate their cultural identity and at the same time educate and strengthen the Ulster-Scots communities. The programme also supports the inclusion of Ulster-Scots content in other Community Festivals.
There will be two tranches, the first will be for Festivals in July, this tranche will close at 3pm on Thursday 30th June. The second tranche will open on the 1st July and close in late July for Festivals from the 1st of August to the 31st March 2023.
Groups are required to submit their application via the online application portal. Groups need to register HERE and you will receive via an email an electronic application form, a copy of the guidelines and a template for a festival plan.
Almost all woodlands in Northern Ireland are planted with some form of grant assistance. The Forest Service encourages the creation of new woodlands and the management of existing woodlands by providing grant aid towards the cost of the work. Forests for Our Future programme aims to plant 18 million trees or 9,000 hectares of new woodland over the next 10 years to help our environment and economy. Grant funding for creating new woodlands will be via the Small Woodland Grant Scheme or the Forest Expansion Scheme.
Small Woodland Grant Scheme
The Small Woodland Grant Scheme is specifically for new native woodland planting of 0.20 hectares and larger and is open to applications until 10pm on 31 August 2022
Forest Expansion Scheme
The Forest Expansion Scheme is for new woodland planting of 3 hectares and larger. All woodlands that comply with the UK Forestry Standard are eligible for support. Successful applicants will receive up to 100% of eligible establishment costs and where eligible annual premia for a 10-year period. The Forest Expansion Scheme is open to applications until 3pm on 31 August 2022
Full details and application forms available on the DAERA website
7Interested in being part of the Elevate Community Mentoring & Grants Programme?
Sign up for an information session below
The Public Health Agency funded Elevate programme supports groups who are in need of mentoring and who can benefit from funding (up to £5,000) to deliver a project which uses community development to tackle health inequalities. The sessions will give an insight into what Elevate involves and its benefits, as well as information on the application process and timeline.
Applications are now being invited for upcoming Broadcast Appeal slots on local television and radio. These opportunities will be available from December 2022 onwards.
Application forms and assessment criteria for Broadcast Appeal slots can be downloaded online. Completed application forms should be submitted no later than 5pm on Wednesday 29th June 2022.
9The Wired Up? Survey - Digital Needs and Digital Inclusion across the VCSE sector
The Community Foundation has commissioned the Bytes Project and Stats & Stories to explore the current levels of digital skills and inclusion in the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector (VCSE) in Northern Ireland. The purpose of the survey is to gain greater understanding to the current levels of digital skills, barriers to digital inclusion and challenges for the sector to build digital capacity in the future.
The Wired Up? Survey should take around 10 minutes to complete and the good news is, there is a prize draw for two £100 hotel vouchers. The survey is anonymous and we encourage you to provide honest feedback. Please contact Dr Donna Kernaghan with any questions about the survey at
10Regional Review of Assistive Technology Services
The Department of Health are taking forward a Regional Review of Assistive Technology Services. As part of the Review they are keen to hear from service users with lived experience of accessing these services. Services include: Wheelchairs; Community Equipment e.g. profiling beds, hoists etc. ;Homelifts e.g. stairlifts, through floor lifts; Minor Adaptations e.g. grab rails, handrails; Environmental Control Systems.
The Review has a range of strategic and operational objectives focusing on the delivery of Assistive Technology Services in terms of Legislation/Policy, Commissioning/Procurement and Governance.
The Review aims to determine the effectiveness of these services in meeting service user need in a timely and cost effective way. It is intended to produce a number of recommendations regarding the future delivery of services across Northern Ireland.
The expectation of service users is to engage and share views on their experience of accessing these services. The Department are keen to hear both positive and negative experiences in order to enhance the understanding of how services are delivered to those who need them.
It would be helpful to get the views of those service users with direct experience of accessing these services. The ability to participate in group discussions and to comment on relevant documents would be desirable.
Service users will be provided with a copy of:
Terms of Reference of the Project Steering Group
Project/Action Plan
Presentation outlining the need for and purpose of the Review
The Patient Client Council will be facilitating a virtual meeting on Friday 24th June at 10am and would like to invite those with experience to share their views.
11IMAGINE Study: Innovative Technologies for Mental Health
Many people experience anxiety these days, for all kinds of reasons. Increasingly, people are turning to technology to ease these feelings or help them cope. The IMAGINE project wants to know more about peoples’ views and /or experiences of using technologies for managing anxiety through an online survey.
IMAGINE is being conducted in Northern Ireland by academics at Ulster University. It is also being conducted in France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Scotland. The information collected from each country will allow us to compare the development and use of these new technologies across different countries in North-West Europe. See here for more information - InvitationToParticipate_IT4Anxiety_IMAGINE_Survey.pdf Who can participate in this study?
This study is looking for people from the following three groups to complete the questionnaire:
People experiencing general anxiety (self-declared and currently not receiving NHS treatment)
Non-professional carers of a person experiencing anxiety.
Health professionals working in the voluntary or private sectors with people experiencing anxiety
To participate please click the below link to read our participant information sheet (PIS) and complete your consent. When you submit this Google Form, you will see another link to the IMAGINE Study questionnaire.
To take part, click the below link to our PIS, consent and the IMAGINE study questionnaire Closing date: 30th June 2022
If you require assistance or further information, please contact Dr Siobhan Poulter (
This study has been approved by the Ulster University Research Ethics Committee - REC/22/0013
Principal Investigator: Professor Joan Condell, School of Computing, Engineering and Intelligent Systems, Ulster University
This research is funded by the NWE Interreg EU Programme
Over the past year, RCN, as a partner in the UK wide 5G New Thinking project has been animating engagement and discussion on the need for better digital connectivity in rural communities, highlighting issues around digital exclusion and facilitating consideration of the benefits that better connectivity can bring.
Evolution of working patterns, accelerated due to the pandemic, have highlighted the possibilities and benefits of forms of remote and hybrid working. Policy makers are now paying more attention and rural communities in Northern Ireland are starting to take action to develop remote working hubs.
We are running a seminar and workshop in partnership with the Centre for Cross Border Studies in The Junction, Dungannon, Tuesday 28 June 10am to 1pm with input and group discussion on
Lessons from the work in developing remote working hubs in Ireland
Policy around development of remote working hubs in Northern Ireland
Actions needed to better support rural communities take next steps
13What is Natural Health and how can you apply the answers to this in your daily life?
Organised by Far and Wild (in partnership with North West Community Network)
Where: DiverseCity Community Partnership Building, Bishop Street, When:Wednesday 29th June at 11:00am Refreshments will be served Please RSVP to
We invite you to an open discussion at this important time of health recovery, welcoming your contribution and perspective on this topic. This event is for everyone interested, particularly anyone who may feel they haven't been heard on this issue or who simply wish to know more.
Far and Wild believes that debate around how to maintain a healthy life-style- both physically and mentally- particularly during the past 2 years of health-related restrictions, should be supported and allowed to flourish. Please come along and join in the discussion- your opinion is valued and welcome.
For further information contact Lawrence on +447775911198 via Whatsapp
Supported by funding from the Community Foundation of NI
14 SYNERGY: A 7 week T:BUC Summer Programme for 11-14-year-olds
Hoodies, day trips, free lunch, teambuilding and adventures!
Churches Trust is running an exciting 7-week programme over the summer for 11-14-year-olds where they will have the opportunity to make new friends, develop new skills and have fun.
Our Synergy project is funded by The Education Authority and The Executive Office. The overarching aim of T: BUC is ‘to continue to improve attitudes amongst our young people and to build a community where they can play a full and active role in building good relations.’
The Synergy Camp offers post-primary school young people aged 11 – 14 the opportunity to participate in a fun mix of day trips, group work and adventure activities. Some of the activities we are doing include a day out to Doagh Famine Village, teambuilding activities and a two-night residential.
Synergy will provide a safe space for participants to explore ideas of place, nature, and heritage – all while challenging stereotypes and perceptions of ‘otherness.’
Synergy Project Schedule
Thursday 30th June
10 am to 2 pm
St Columb’s Park
Thursday 7th July
10 am – 2 pm
Doagh Famine Village
Thursday 21st July
10 am to 2 pm
12 – 14 The Diamond
Tuesday 26th
Thursday 28th July
Leaving at 10 am
Returning at 3 pm
Wild Atlantic Adventure Centre, Tullagh Bay
Post Camp
4th August
10 am – 2 pm
12 – 14 The Diamond
11th August
10 am – 2 pm
18th August
4 pm – 8 pm
12 – 14 The Diamond
If you have any queries or require further information please contact Wendy at Churches Trust:Mob: 07918294785 or email
The Lifestart Foundation is rolling out a post-covid programme funded by the RTE Toy Show in Association with the Community Foundation NI.
The Smile Baby programme is aimed at parents/carers of young children born before or during the Covid health crisis (birth to 3 years). In a relaxed and informal atmosphere it provides parents/carers with information and support to help them promote their child's social and emotional development and language development which may have been affected by the Covid crisis, as well as providing parents with an opportunity to discuss any anxieties or concerns.
The programme addresses themes such as child self-esteem, promoting empathy and learning through play and includes interactive play sessions and baby massage. It is a structured as a facilitated parent and baby/toddler group run over 4 sessions, each lasting 2 hours and all costs including facilitation costs, programme resources, venue hire and lunches are all met by the Lifestart Foundation.
Organisations interested in hosting a Smile Baby Programme should get in touch with Dr Pauline McClenaghan 07912517109 who is coordinating the programme.
Call for Trainers
Call for a specialist (or service provider) for Communication & Promotion support (service contract, remote work)
SALTO European Solidarity Corps is looking for 1 Application deadline: 30.06.2022 online version.
This is a 3 year post to work with pre-school children in a creche setting and also to support children and parents development through activities with their parent/carer delivered in various local facilities.
Closing Date: Tuesday / 28 June 2022 5:00pm
Please click here for job description and application form
North West Methodist Mission has been delivering services to the homeless in Derry/Londonderry for 80 years. Clarendon Shelter provides temporary accommodation of up to two years in our premises on the Northland Road for homeless women with or without children who are experiencing complex needs.
Work pattern: As and when required
Hourly rate: £9.83 per hour
Location: Clarendon Shelter, Ashmore House Edenmore Court, Northland Road, BT48 7NG
Essential Criteria:
GCSE Maths and English or equivalent
A minimum of 1 year's experience in a formal care/support role
Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office Applications
If qualifications are not held:
A minimum of 2 year's experience in a formal care/support role
NVQ Level 2 Health and Social Care qualification or equivalent
For a full job profile and details on how to apply, please email:
Closing date for applications:Wednesday 29th June 2022 at 12 noon.
North West Methodist Mission is an Equal Opportunities Employer
20Virtual Manufacturing/ Engineering Jobs Fair North West
The Department for Communities, in collaboration with the Department of Social Protection & the Cross-Border Partnership for Public Employment (CBPES), will be holding a Manufacturing/ Engineering Jobs Fair for the north west border region on Wednesday 29th June from 11am - 6pm.
This event will be attended by a number of employers from the Manufacturing / Engineering sectors in the North West border region who will have their vacancies promoted on an electronic jobs board.
It will provide a fantastic opportunity for graduates, jobseekers, and people looking to change careers to learn about local companies who are currently recruiting and see what vacancies are on offer.
Anyone wishing to apply for a vacancy will have the opportunity to upload their CV’s directly to employers on the day, or simply complete an ‘Expression of Interest’ form.
The all-island competition, which hopes to change how older people are portrayed in Ireland and Northern Ireland, was launched in April and remains open for entries until 30 June.
The competition is free to enter and open to residents of Ireland and Northern Ireland over the age of 18.
It seeks to capture the lived experiences of older people and is seeking images that show older people enjoying life and doing everyday activities.
Under the themes of ‘Staying Active, Staying Social, Staying Connected’, images should portray older people in an authentic and inclusive way - regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, politics, culture, ability, income, or post code.
The Institute welcomes submissions from photographers of all abilities.
To find out more about the ‘How We Age’ photography competition, please visit for terms and conditions, submission guidelines, and consent forms.
Our 'virtual bar'
Click on this link to visit our bar. Drag a typical week's worth of alcohol onto the bar to see how it stacks up against the 'low risk guidelines'.
'MOT' your drinking
Click on this link to take our alcohol test - it will let you see whether your alcohol use puts you at risk of poor health.
As the school holidays approach and with the cost of living increasing for households in Northern Ireland, the Consumer Council is encouraging families, youth groups and other organisations to download its free Family Activities to keep young people entertained.
The activities include games, puzzles, wordsearches and colouring sheets to download for free and enjoy. Each activity is fun, free and comes with instructions. Plus it teaches participants something about consumer rights, scams and personal finances.
There are also online interactive quizzes to test your consumer rights knowledge.
To access the activities visit:
The Consumer Council is also encouraging anyone who downloads the activities to share photos on social media enjoying the resources. Those who do will be entered into a competition to win a number of £25 shopping vouchers.
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