One of the strategic aims of North West Community Network is to lobby and advocate for the community sector. With this in mind we wish to gather case studies or examples of the impact of not being able to access your GP or access GP appointments.
If you or anyone you know is willing to share their experience, please contact us via email
Grants of between £1,000 to £3,000 will be available, to be spent within a period of 12 months.
We recognise the value of small grants to grassroots community organisations. The aim of the micro fund is therefore to offer smaller amounts of funding to locally led organisations with income levels of £30,000 or below, to begin to tackle issues that may have been further exacerbated as a result of the covid pandemic, and that align with at least one of Comic Relief’s strategic priority areas.
The fund will offer support for organisations to buy equipment that might be essential to enable support for their beneficiaries, or to deliver some activities, in line with government guidance, or support whatever small costs that the organisation feels they need to continue to support their beneficiaries as best they can.
We will not be prescriptive, and will support any costs, providing that the application clearly shows how the funding will support addressing at least one of Comic Relief’s strategic priorities:
Children Survive and Thrive
Global Mental Health Matters
Fighting for Gender Justice
A Safe Place to Be
We will focus on the following beneficiaries:
Asylum Seekers
LGBTQ+ Community with special emphasis on those living in rural areas
3 CRC Community Relations/Cultural Diversity Grant
The Community Relations Council, with the support of Government, has established a fund to spend each year on community relations projects. This funding is intended to help community/voluntary groups throughout Northern Ireland develop their capacity to engage in community relations work and to enhance the community relations potential of projects they undertake.
Objectives of the CR/CD Scheme
To develop opportunities for groups to explore their own cultures, beliefs and traditions, thus increasing their capacity to develop relationships of trust with those of different traditions and values.
To develop opportunities for groups to extend their knowledge and understanding of others’ cultures, beliefs, and traditions - increasing their acceptance of and respect for diversity.
To enable groups to challenge stereotypes of their own and other communities in order to acknowledge and address difference.
To increase the ability and confidence of groups and organisations to identify and address those issues that divide them.
To develop networks of communication, trust and co-operation between divided communities.
To promote models of good practice for community relations work in Northern Ireland
4 Minority Ethnic Artists Mentoring and Residency Programme
The Arts Council of Northern Ireland announced a new funding programme to support the work of minority ethnic artists and creative practitioners living in Northern Ireland.
Through this new programme the Arts Council aims to create opportunities for specialized training, research, cultural exchange, networking and learning for individual artists, creative practitioners and arts administrators. Applicants may be eligible for awards of up to £5,000 each.
The Minority Ethnic Artists Mentoring and Residency Programme aims to help individuals at every stage of their career; supporting skills development and career pathways, inspiring excellence and increasing opportunities for young and emerging minority ethnic artists and creatives. The creation of the programme has been informed by the Arts Council’s Intercultural Arts Strategy and framed within its current business plan.
Programme Aims:
Support workforce skill development and career pathways for artists of all ages from minority ethnic and migrant backgrounds.
Inspire excellence through the support of high-quality, ambitious, innovative and imaginative opportunities for artists to collaborate with others.
Increase the capacity and opportunities for artists to take professional and creative risks.
Contribute to a vibrant and diverse workforce across the breadth of the creative and cultural industries.
Increase opportunities for young and emerging minority ethnic artists
The application process will close at 12 noon on 4th October, with decisions made on 12th November.
Women’s Resource Centre (WRC) is a national charity committed to working towards human-rights by supporting and understanding small specialist women’s groups and charities. Through delivering programmes, creating networking opportunities and by campaigning and influencing decision-makers, the work that WRC does is essential to ensure a diverse and thriving sector that achieves the best outcomes for women.
WRC is pleased to be able to support the Black and minoritised led-by and for women’s sector (charities and groups predominately working with women) who have been disproportionately impacted by Covid-19 with the core grants it needs to deliver critical services at this time.
The application deadline is 3pm on 1st October 2021.
The aim of the Publication Grant Scheme is to encourage the production and dissemination of publications that will contribute to greater understanding and better community relations in Northern Ireland.
Applications must come directly from publishers
Maximum award is £5,000
All grants are at the discretion of the Community Relations Council
Publication Grant Scheme closes 14 January 2022 at 4 PM.
This information session will be held at 11:00 on Thursday 16 September where we will provide more information about our recently launched small grants programme, Together for Our Planet.
This programme opened to applications on Wednesday 1 September and will close at 17:00 on Thursday 18 November.
This session will be an opportunity to find out more about the programme, what we’re looking for and ask any questions.
You can find more information about the programme here.
If you have a question before the event you would like to ask during the session, please fill in this form.
You can also ask questions live during the event.
The team will answer all the questions they can during the discussion.
We’re looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible.
If you're a charity that needs support for digital inclusion programmes, you can apply for free Vodafone SIMs, each loaded with 20GB data plus unlimited calls & texts to be used over 6 months.
As part of this consultation you are invited to register for one of the upcoming consultation engagements events being held to support direct engagement with citizens as part of the ongoing public consultation on the 10 year Cancer Strategy for Northern Ireland.
The events will take place online via zoom, the dates and times are:
10DAERA - Research and Development Operational Strategy Engagement Workshop
As part of the delivery of the DAERA Science Strategy Framework, we are currently developing a new Research and Development Operational Strategy. We are inviting you to an online engagement workshop where we will outline the new strategy and you will have an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.
The DAERA Science Strategy Framework has been developed to guide how DAERA can optimise its use of science to help deliver Departmental and Programme for Government objectives. It outlines a Vision for DAERA science; defines high level principles to be adopted; describes the desired end-state goals to be achieved in terms of providing leadership, understanding needs, optimising investment in resources and having effective governance. It then defines milestones to reach the goals in terms of providing better leadership for science; becoming more informed customers and users of science; better targeting of science funding; pursuing value for money; and ensuring impact of science products.
The Research and development operational strategy will apply across the DAERA remit of agri-food, environment, fisheries, forestry and rural development and will be integral to support the delivery of cross cutting sustainability, climate change and Green Growth policies. Going forward, DAERA’s sectoral strategies and policy frameworks will further embed R&D as a key tool in promoting the integrity, efficiency and quality of our land and sea produce and associated terrestrial and aquatic environments. DAERA sees research and innovation as central to best-practice evidence-based policy development and implementation.
We would like to extend an invitation for your attendance at one of the two planned workshops on 14th October 2021 at 11.30-12.30 and 19th October 2021 at 13.00-14.00. Please confirm if you can/cannot attend by replying to and instructions on how to join the meeting will be issued to you in due course.
11 Age NI Pensioners' Parliament Friday 17 September 2021
Only days to go until Age NI's Pensioners' Parliament from the Assembly Chamber at Parliament Buildings, Stormont.
This is a hybrid event with restrictions on the number of people who can attend in person this year due to covid restrictions as I am sure you will understand.
The Age NI Pensioners’ Parliament will see older people from all over Northern Ireland asking questions to key NI Assembly Ministers from the Department of Health, Department for Communities, The Executive Office of the Assembly and the Department of Infrastructure. The event is kindly being hosted by the Speaker of the NI Assembly, Alex Maskey MLA, as part of the Northern Ireland Centenary programme of events.
Arts and Creativity in Later Life: Implications for Health and Wellbeing in Older Adults
A review of economic evaluation methodologies for the assessment of arts and creativity interventions for improving health and wellbeing in older adults
The longevity dividend has added years onto people’s lives through improved population health - but there is much still to be done to extend the full benefits of a longer, healthier older age to everyone. There is an increasing focus on the role of the arts in improving population health and wellbeing throughout the life-course. IPH have recently completed a review of more than 70 international studies investigating the potential health and wellbeing benefits in older age of dancing, music and singing, visual and creative arts, and drama and theatre and will share the results at this webinar.
In undertaking this work IPH identified a knowledge gap in the economic impact of arts and creativity interventions on health and wellbeing in older adults. As a result IPH commissioned a second report by Clinical Costing Solutions to review the current evidence base and assess the range of economic evaluation methodologies and these results will also be shared at this webinar.
Come join us to learn, explore and discuss issues of digital connectivity in rural communities in two forthcoming short sessions.
Thursday 23 September, 12noon - 1pm
We need to talk about digital – how can rural “not spots” be better connected?
Telet Research and Cybermoor have provided digital connectivity in rural Yorkshire through a network of “small cells” as opposed to the traditional large, and more expensive, masts.
Join us to hear from Telet’s Peter Gradwell and Cybermoor’s Daniel Heery to learn about the problem they needed to solve, how they did it and to consider if and how this might be relevant in Northern Ireland.
Thursday 30 September, 12noon - 1pm
We need to talk about digital – maximising the benefit of remote working through Connected Hubs is the brand identity for the National Hub Network, a Government of Ireland initiative led by the Department of Community and Rural Development and project managed by the Western Development Commission. It provides a vehicle for individual hubs to come together under a shared identity to maximise the economic opportunity of remote working.
Join us to hear from the Hubs Programme Manager Stephen Carolan to learn about the development and benefit of the hubs network and to consider if and how a hubs network might be relevant in Northern Ireland.
Each event will combine a mix of expert input followed by questions and discussion in smaller groups. Both events will take place online using Zoom. The link will be issued after registration
Date: Wed 6th October 2021 Venue: On-Line Via Zoom Time: 9:30am – 1:30pm (Registration from 9.15am)
Booking Essential Links will be provided prior to training Self-Care flyer Booking Form
Mental Health First Aid Training (MHFA) - Facilitated by AWARE
People generally don’t know how to recognise mental health problems or know what help is available. This programme will provide you with the skills to provide initial support for someone with a mental health problem.
Normally a two-day workshop, the programme will be delivered on-line, over 3 x 4-hour sessions using Zoom
We currently have 2 online training programmes available.
Programme No. 1 Course Dates Date: Mon 4th, Mon 11th & Mon 18th Oct 2021 Venue: Online via Zoom Time: 9:30am to 1:30pm (Registration from 9.15am)
Please note that all 3 sessions must be attended to complete the programme and qualify for Certificate
Programme No. 2 Course Dates Date: 8th,Mon 15th & Mon 22nd Nov 2021 Venue: Online via Zoom Time: 9:30am to 1:30pm (Registration from 9.15am)
Please note that all 3 sessions must be attended to complete the programme and qualify for Certificate MHFA Flyer Booking Form
To apply for a place please read carefully the Booking and Cancellations Policy, complete a booking form and return via
or Post: Clear Project, Unit 13, Strabane Enterprise Agency, Orchard Road Industrial Estate, Strabane, BT82 9FR.
Addiction and Gambling is the third event in ASCERT’s 2021 seminar series.
This free online event will consider the impacts of gambling addiction, increasing prevalence in gambling problems in the UK and Ireland and the relationship between gambling and other addictions such as alcohol and substance use.
This event will be of particular interest to policy makers, service providers and practitioners, service users and anyone interested in the impacts of gambling issues.
Speakers Dr Mark Griffiths, Professor of Behavioural Addiction, Nottingham Trent University Rachel Hassan, Director of Quality Assurance & Innovation, Gamcare Pauline Campbell, Director, Dunlewey Addiction Services
The event will be recorded and be made available afterwards.
RNID is resuming its free drop-in support session for hearing aid users in Carnhill Resource Centre on Thursday 16th September from 11am -12.30
The socially distanced drop off and pick up service provides new batteries, cleaning and retubing of ear moulds for NHS hearing aids.
Hearing aids must be placed in a labelled envelope with name and contact details. They will be collected at the entrance by a volunteer and brought inside for maintenance. Users can wait in their car or return later to collect hearing aids. Hearing aids can also be dropped off by friends or family members.
The sessions are run by trained volunteers and funded by the Health & Social Care Board.
As we move into the Autumn, we wanted to let you know about our upcoming meetings, webinars and courses. Please find our Autumn programme attached.
Last year you may remember we ran Mindfulness courses through the winter and spring time. These courses were popular and due to ongoing interest to run further courses we are delighted to have secured funding through the PHA Clear Project to run 2 separate Free Mindfulness Programmes for our Trying to Conceive and ACE babes communities. These will be 8 week courses, starting in October, with an orientation session in late September.
If you are aware of anyone who would be interested in the course, please do ask them to contact me at or Hilary: Places are limited and are on a first come first served basis.
If you have any queries regarding the Mindfulness course or the Autumn calendar, please email and let us know.
18End of an Era: Call for final UK Erasmus-funded places for Training Programmes
The Inside Out Programme is looking to recruit eight participants from UK (primarily from Northern Ireland but not exclusively so) to participate in three upcoming Training Courses:
'Humour is Serious Business'
18th (Arr day) - 25th (Dep Day) November, 2021 (3 participants)
'FACE ON: Quality of on-line facilitation'
The Netherlands
16th (Arr Day) - 21st (Dep Day) January, 2022 (2 participants)
The courses are being organised by TDM2000 Malta and Internationale Vrijwilligersprojecten. All three courses are scheduled to be in-person but will be subject to covid conditions and travel regulations.
Food and accommodationprovided for all programmes and a Travel Allowance of up to €360 (Malta) and €275 (Austria and The Netherlands) is also available, all of which is made possible with funding from the Erasmus+ Programme.
A small participation fee might apply but likely to be limited to no more than €50. We will keep you informed of this.
Participants should be aged 18 and over and resident in the UK. As The Inside Out Programme is based in Northern Ireland, we target participants primarily (but not exclusively) from across Northern Ireland. Applications are welcomed from across the UK.
For all three programmes, we are looking to recruit participants that are involved in delivery of youth work. Applications are open to young leaders (aged 18-30), experienced youth work practitioners, or practitioners with a remit for young people but you must be willing to actively and fully participate in the full programme and be prepared to engage in post-programme activity including any local actions. You can be a paid employee or a volunteer.
Please note that participants are responsible for making their own travel arrangements as a demonstration of commitment to taking part but we can offer advice where necessary. You will be reimbursed for travel following completion of the programme.
How to Apply to Each Programme:
If you are interested then we would like to hear from you. YOU can download an Application Form by clicking hereand returning it to by midnight Friday 24th September 2021. Feel free to use the same e-mail address for any queries related to the courses.
For more information on The LID Programme click here and 'LID+' click here.
JobStart is a new employer incentive scheme from the Department for Communities (DfC) that will help young people aged 16–24 at risk of long term unemployment to get into the job market by providing government funding for employers to create job opportunities.
Employers in Northern Ireland can receive 100% government funding to create six-month job opportunities for 16-24 year-olds who are not in employment (or 9 months for those who meet certain criteria) For more information and to apply please visit;
More information can also be provided on this initiative by calling the nidirect helpline on 0300 200 7807. There is leaflet attached with more information
The Work Experience Programme provides employers with the opportunity to offer work experience which can provide a valuable contribution to the development of people’s employability skills and career aspirations. The Work Experience Programme is open to 18-65 year olds who are unemployed or in receipt of benefits, the placements can be between 2-8 weeks in duration.
Employers who provide a person with a work experience placement may receive an incentive payment of £250.
The Opportunity Guarantee strand of the Work Experience Programme is for young people aged 18-24 and is for a fixed term of 13 weeks.
Employers may provide Opportunity Guarantee placements where they will be in a position to offer the young person an interview for a job or apprenticeship at the end of the placement.
Employers who provide an Opportunity Guarantee placement will receive an additional £250 incentive payment at the end of the placement.
Opportunity Guarantee can also link with JobStart which can provide government funding for a six-month job opportunity.
Applications for JobStart should be made by the employer at least 4 weeks prior to a placement ending.
Participants will receive an additional £10 per day for attending a Work Experience Placement as well as assistance with travel costs.
The placements are 25-30 hours per week excluding breaks.
Please see attached list for local jobs and other opportunities such as tenders. Full details of how to apply can be found here with links to job descriptions/applications forms in the table below:
21EURES Cross Border Employer Survey – September 2021
The following is a short survey being conducted jointly by the EURES Cross Border Partnership Ireland- Northern Ireland and your local Chamber of Commerce
The purpose is to measure the number and nature of Cross-Border Employees working in Border County areas and your participation would be greatly appreciated. The survey takes about 3 minutes to complete and is completely confidential.
This is a relaxed and friendly art class. It is aimed at people who suffer from ill health and would benefit from some time out to express themselves creatively in the company of others and learn new art skills. It is just as much the social as the art, no artistic experience necessary.
The next Art for Good Health course runs from:
5th October-23rd November 2021
This course is free of charge.
23 Latest news and events from Studio 2 Arts Project
Please find attached a briefing Paper for our new project 'From Recovery to Discovery', at the end of the briefing paper there are 2 online links 1.: to the survey and 2; to a documentary we made recently. We would ask people to fill in the questionnaire (which takes 2-3 minutes online) to help us plan the programme better.
Creative Ageing Art Programme - "Make Art & Feel Good"
Starting 21st September (and every Tuesday) for 12 weeks
They say everyone had a book in them... or maybe you are a budding Picasso? Or even the next Ed Sheeran? Or maybe you just want to meet new people and share a story...
Well now is your chance to find out... We are looking for 20 men aged 45+ to be part of a exciting Arts and Crafts course...
You will get to try a range of art forms and meet other people, have a cuppa, share a story but we guarantee you a giggle or two. Delivered by professional artists and facilitators it is a brilliant chance to contribute towards good positive mental health and we really want you to be part of this. Places are free but limited.
Priority will be given to those who are referred to us by a medical professional or by a community based organisation.
For more details contact: Studio2 on 028 7135 8750 or email
24Let’s learn Japanese traditional art : nature and resilience - Bonsai Workshop
Good Relations week 2021
Let’s learn Japanese traditional art : nature and resilience - Bonsai Workshop
Saturday 25th September, 11am-1pm
Venue: Amphitheatre, Playtrail (Racecourse Rd. Pennyburn, Derry) Admission free, All age welcome.
Registration essential. Registration form:
Ten young people (10+ - 25yrs) who registered first will receive a young tree to start Bonsai by yourself!
NWJCG will organise an in-person workshop for introducing Bonsai, an art of producing small trees that mimic the shape of real life trees.
This century old practice reflects many aspects of the Japanese Culture.
Growth of the tree and our own personal growth go hand in hand as the bonsai tree matures with you.
And more! If you’re between 10-25 years old and register yourself early enough, you will have chance to receive a young tree for yourself to start Bonsai (First 10 people limited)!
Bonsai expert with 50 year experience, Barry Williamson will show you how to take care of Bonsai from the scratch.
This event is supported by Derry & Starbane Council and TEO.
Contact: or text to 07754370136
We at Verbal are delighted to be taking part in Derry City and Strabane District Councils Culture Night 2021 celebrations. Here, at Verbal, we believe that everyone should live in a world where every story matters. A world where everyone – regardless of ability, background, or circumstances – should have access to the resources and opportunities to tell their story.
For several years Verbal has hosted various events in celebration of Culture Night, always proving to be fun and enjoyable sessions for all. This year, we are offering several different sessions for members of the public to sample some of what Verbal has to offer, including joining a Reading Room, sampling a Digital Storytelling session, Visual Storytelling session or trying an introduction to Creative Writing.
Reading Room Session: Using the Reading Rooms model, Verbal’s aim is to build positive relations through stories, conversation, and shared experience between people from all different backgrounds. In celebration of Culture Night 2021, we are inviting the public to join in a Reading Room session, to listen to a story, share their thoughts and take part in a fun conversation. Session Info: Friday 17 September @ 4pm & 6pm. Digital Session Via Zoom.
To register your interest, and obtain digital link - please contact Katie at
Digital Story Telling: We welcome the public to join us in a Digital Storytelling session and sample the programme by using digital technology to explore ways to tell a story with just you tablet or smartphone. The session is supported by our experienced team of facilitators. Session Info: Friday 17 September 6pm. Digital Session Via Zoom.
To register your interest, and obtain digital link - please contact Jaime at
Visual Storytelling Session: Come join us for a fun filled Visual Storytelling session and sample our programme. Supported by our experienced team of facilitators we will enable beginners to have fun picking up the pencil to draw and move on to using materials at hand, from around your home to create a collage artwork that represents you. Session Info: Friday 17 September 7pm. Digital Session Via Zoom.
To register your interest, and obtain digital link - please contact Jaime at
Creative Storytelling Session:Verbal Arts are inviting you to join in and sample our Creative Writing Storytelling session by exploring The Magic in a Memory. Within our very different lives, we all hold memories that we cherish and hold dear. They may make us laugh out loud or feel comfort and warmth with a reflective smile. Come together on Culture Night 2021 to capture them with words.
Supported by our experienced team of facilitators, we will enable beginners to have fun creating their own narrative. Session Info: Friday 17 September 7pm. Digital Session Via Zoom.
To register your interest, and obtain digital link - please contact Jaime at
Eden Place is now open! The following courses will be available to purchase on our websitevia the 'Upcoming Courses' page on Monday 20th September from 10am.
Woodsculpture - Monday Morning 10am-12pm
Woodsculpture- Monday Afternoon 12.30-2.30pm
Spinning and Weaving- Monday 7-9pm
Ceramics- Tuesday 11am-1pm
Ceramics- Tuesday 6-8pm
Painting for Beginners- Wednesday 10.30am-12.30pm
Landscape Painting - Wednesday 7.30-9.30pm
Recreational Art- Thursday 10.30am-12.30pm
Upcycling - Thursday 2-4pm
Life Drawing - Thursday 7-9pm
Polymer Clay Design- Friday 10.30am-12.30pm
Mosaic- Friday 2-4pm
Woodsculpture- Friday 7-9pm
All courses are 10 weeks in duration and will cost £45. The courses will begin on week beginning 27th September.
At Eden Place Arts Centre your safety and that of our facilitators is paramount. When in Eden Place Arts Centre, we ask all participants to adhere to our social distancing measures, fill in our track and trace sheet, sanitise on entry and wear a face mask for the duration of the class (if possible)
Echo Echo Festival of Dance and Movement is underway in Derry-Londonderry from 5th - 25th September. The acclaimed international festival has become established as a headline event in the city’s cultural calendar in recent years welcoming artists and audiences from all corners of the globe. The programme includes a mixture of live-presence events outside, some installation and exhibition elements within the Echo Echo Studios and some online performances. The festival this year focuses on the work made by locally based artists and those based on our island, with the exception of an online piece by Emily Welther, an artist based in Germany who Echo Echo have collaborated with on many occasions.
Mayor of Derry and Strabane, Alderman Graham Warke, welcomed the Festival’s return: “I am delighted to see the return of the Echo Echo Dance Festival and would like to congratulate the organisers for the comprehensive and varied programme of events they have planned. The festival showcases some of the best performers from across the island of Ireland and uses some of our City’s best venues and scenic spaces. As a Council we are proud to support the event and I would like to thank the Arts Council for their generous contribution. I would encourage the public to access the programme and pre book any events they are interested in to avoid disappointment.”
2022 marks the 90th anniversary of the historic landing in the City and District of the great female aviator Amelia Earhart. Following a notice of motion from Business and Culture Committee, Council Officers will coordinate a meeting with interested community groups or cultural organisations/individuals to get a sense of what plans might be in place to mark this significant anniversary. We would invite any interested parties to a webex meeting on Friday 24th September at 12 noon.
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