We want to create a Day Of Hope for the city in September 2023. We’re inviting individuals, groups or communities who would like to be involved in helping us organise this day. Our people need hope more than ever. This is the start of a journey to develop Derry/Strabane into a place of Hope.….
We are having a meeting on 10th March at 11:00am in the Holywell Building, Bishop Street. If you are interested in being involved, come and join us.
North West Community Networkin partnership with NICVA are offering a Free Finance Training session:
Thursday 16th March
10:00am to 12:30pm
DiverseCity Community Partnership, 10-14 Bishop St
Preparing and independently examining the annual accounts is a vital and important part of a charity’s governance.
In this workshop, participants will gain an understanding of independent examination and what a set of receipt and payment annual accounts should look like. The following areas will be covered:
Independent Examination (IE), what does this mean?
What should we look for in an IE?
Can my charity have an IE?
The difference between Audit and IE.
What do receipts and payment accounts (R&P) look like, including Trustee annual reporting (TAR).
What should I be looking for in a set of R&P accounts?
When: Tuesday 28th March – 11:30am Where: DCCP, Holywell Building, Bishop Street
Lunch included
Please join us for our NWCN Members catch-up event on Tuesday 28th March.
This is a chance to come together to build connections, seek support and an opportunity to talk about the challenges for you/your community. And a wee update from us on our focus for the year ahead.
Let us know if you are planning to attend - email us at info@nwcn.org
5Pilgrim Trust: Young Women’s Mental Health priorities NI
The Young Women’s Mental Health programme aims to help improve the mental health of women aged 16-25 in the UK. Committing £5 million over five years (2021-2026), their grants go to organisations that increase young women’s access to high quality, age and gender specific mental health services.
Registered or exempt UK charities with an annual income of between £100,000 and £1 million, operating for at least three years and located in specified areas including the whole of Northern Ireland can apply for between £60k and £90k.
You must Book a conversation with their Grants Manager between 15 May and 7 July; Applications open from 15 May to 7 August.
6 Housing Executive: Social Enterprise Plus Programme
The Social Enterprise Plus Strategy aims to stimulate economic activity among people living or working in Housing Executive communities.
An important part of the strategy includes an investment programme. A new round of Social Enterprise Plus Funding is open from 1 March 2023.
Two types of award:
1. Building Capacity Award – awards up to £10,000
2. Get Going Award – Award up to £1000
Applications, where possible, should demonstrate outcomes in these priority areas, but if you are unsure please make contact with the Social Enterprise team:
Reduction of negative effects of the cost of living crisis
Energy and net carbon / environmental impact
Preparing social enterprises for social clauses within Government contracts including Housing Executive maintenance contracts
COVID-19 recovery
Applications will be assessed against relevance to the Social Enterprise Plus Strategy 2020-2024, meeting the listed priority areas and suitability for public sector finance support.
Applications must be submitted by no later than Wednesday 19 April 2023 at 4.00pm.
7Ulster Scots: Small Events Grant Programme Opens for 2023
The Ulster-Scots Agency has opened its Ulster-Scots Small Events Grants programme.
This Fund supports events from 1 April to 31 December 2023, including Ulster-Scots events to celebrate the forthcoming Coronation in May.
The programme aims to support the delivery of small community events in Ulster-Scots communities and can cover a range of Ulster-Scots themes. The events also allows the Ulster-Scots Agency to work with groups to raise awareness of Ulster-Scots language, heritage, and culture; and increase the Ulster-Scots activity being delivered in communities.
Examples of how the Small Events Grant can be used include:
Ulster-Scots Coronation Events
Ulster-Scots Fun Days
Masterclasses or concerts
Events that demonstrate the history and traditions of Ulster-Scots including music, dance, storytelling, historical visits; or
Events that celebrate influential Ulster-Scots figures.
Funding for exhibitions and events marking Ulster-Scots Language Week in late November is also available.
Groups interested in applying should visit Ulster-Scots Agency website, follow the link for Small Events and register HERE: http://ow.ly/VC5A50N5Buf An application form and guidelines will be emailed to the group after a successful registration.
The maximum grant available is £1,000 (minimum of £500) and this can be used to fund one or two events. Groups must provide match funding of at least 10%. Support is available from the Ulster-Scots Community Network if groups require assistance with their submission.
Funding is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis until the fund is fully allocated.
For further information, contact the Agency’s Community Development Officer Derek Reaney on reaneyd@ulsterscotsagency.org.uk or 07843279912.
We are delighted to announce that the Adopt A Spot programme is growing!
Adopt a Spot is a scheme that enables volunteers across Northern Ireland to adopt an area and look after it. Thanks to funding from Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs four types of kits are now available to help create cleaner, greener outdoor spaces. You can apply for one of four free kits:
Food for Thought - starter food growing kit containing pots, compost, seeds, watering can, gloves and handtools.
Rewilding - to increase habitats in small spaces. Kit contains a timber bird box, bat box and bug box and some native Irish wildflower seed.
Coastal Health - litterpickers, handy hoops, bags, gloves and sieves for monitoring microplastics on our beaches.
Litterpicking - litterpickers, gloves, first aid kit, sharps box, bags and bucket to help keep Northern Ireland beautiful.
9Community and Voluntary Sector Infrastructure Support – Future Plans
The Department is carrying out a programme of work aimed at refreshing the policy frameworks for our voluntary and community sector support. This will include agreeing with our partners on the outcomes that we should prioritise in future years. A review of sectoral needs will inform how we can better support the sector to deliver outcomes set out in any future Programme for Government.
We are committed to engaging with a wide range of organisations in the sector, including those supported through our existing funding programmes as well as those that are not. We will also involve other departments, local government and independent funders. We will also be working with Reference Groups comprising a range of sectoral interests, through which we will draw on lived experience, expertise and knowledge, and together explore a range of insights and ideas in the design of new approaches.
Please take part in this short survey. It should take you no more than ten minutes to complete and will give us valuable information on current capacity and support needs within the sector.
Our survey is just one part of our engagement and will stay open until Easter.
You can also sign up for the following events.
The Department would like to take the opportunity to outline current plans and explore priorities within the sector for boosting capacity and improving the landscape of infrastructure support. Events are open to all and will include a roundtable discussion of key questions of interest.
10Belong Network in collaboration with The Institute of Physics (IOP)
Derry/Londonderry Dialogue Project
Aim of promotion: We are seeking to engage a community group in Derry/Londonderry. Group number: 8-12 participants but we’re also open to larger groups .
The "Communities in Conversation" sessions are an opportunity for local residents, in Derry/Londonderry to exchange ideas, discuss issues and collaboratively explore the future with a group of local physicists. The sessions are fun, informal and interactive. There is an organised trip to a centre engaged with physics. Lunch and childcare will be provided. Venue costs will be paid for.
What people have said about the same programme in Cardiff, Glasgow and Rochdale:
“Collaborating together will make physics even more powerful. And that's a great approach to opening up physics to the community”, (Rochdale community participant)
“I hadn’t realised how much physics is involved in everything.” (Glasgow Community Participant)
“ The whole programme has been so much fun and really engaging. “ (Cardiff Community Participant)
“ It was all about collaboration and how we can we can work together to find solutions to problems that affect us all. It was brilliant”. (Rochdale Community Participant)
“I came to the first session because my friend asked me to come with her and I’m so glad I did. Even the word physics was a bit off putting for me if I’m honest but I really, really enjoyed it. “We laughed a lot every week and learned so much. I’m now fascinated by everything and I realise I’m smarter than I thought I was!” (Cardiff Community participant)
Derry/Londonderry Project Proposed dates (TBC): Saturday 15th April Saturday 22nd April Saturday 29th April
11Supporting and improving the experience of those living with End of Life Care
WHSCT is delivering a conference as below: Supporting and improving the experience of those living with End of Life Care Needs in the community/primary care setting
The purpose of the event is to highlight care and support provisions to help improve peoples’ experience with end of life needs. Some areas in the programme include accessing out of hours medications, Advance Care Planning, bereavement support and more.
Who is this relevant for?
People who use WHSCT services, those important to them and those services that directly deliver and influence care towards end of life
The event is being held during Dying Matters Week, on Wednesday, 3rd May in the Mellon Country Inn, Omagh, 1:00 - 4:30pm with an option to attend virtually.
This is a two-day programme which uses experiential learning. The workshop is suitable for mental health professionals and counsellors. It provides an opportunity to enhance the awareness of their own anger. In addition, as participants gain greater awareness of these aspects of themselves, they will gain greater insight as to how to help their clients explore their own anger. This workshop will provide practical tools that will enhance the participant’s capacity to work with clients who are angry.
Dates: 23rd & 24th March 2023 Venue: Strabane Enterprise Agency
Orchard Road Industrial Estate
Strabane, BT82 9FR Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm ** Both dates must be attended in order to complete training **
The Muslim community in the city is going to organise a Tea and Tour open day on Sunday, 12th of March, 2023 (1-5pm) at the North West Islamic Centre, 3 Hyde business Park, Pennyburn Industrial Estate, BT48 0LU.
On behalf of all the Muslim community in the city I would like to invite you to attend this event.
In the spirit of friendship and conversation, we hope to give members of the local community an engaging insight into the life of Muslim community and to promote greater understanding of their culture. We anticipate welcoming local people from all walks of life to visit our centre and meet with its diverse Muslim community.
The open attitude of the Islamic centre and its people makes a major contribution in fostering interfaith and intercultural understanding in the local community.
Event will be consisting up of basic information in the form of posters, opportunity of interacting and meeting with Muslim community, try on Hijab and Henna corner, kids’ corner, opportunity to observe live mid-day prayer at 2:30pm and some local and ethnic snacks with tea.
We would be honoured to have your presence on the day any time between 1pm and 5pm at our Islamic centre.
Please reply at info@nwia.org.uk to confirm your attendance or for further information.
14Northern Ireland Assembly Commission Good Relations Action Plan 2022-25
Following public consultation, the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission has approved its Good Relations Action Plan 2022-25 which can be accessed on the equality section of the Assembly website, or via the link below:
15Public Consultation: DfC Draft Equality Action Plan 2022-25
This consultation seeks your views on the Department for Communities’ Draft Section 75 Action Plan. The Department’s Equality Scheme includes a commitment to develop a Section 75 Action Plan.
As final year QUB undergraduate students completing the Business Management course, we were tasked with a research project for our final assignment which entails working alongside a local accountancy firm in order to find out the level of knowledge charities in NI hold on accounting requirements which will aid us in identifying any potential gaps of knowledge.
If you haven't already done so, we would be very grateful if you could spare 2 minutes to fill out the short survey or pass it onto someone currently working for a Charity in Northern Ireland.
If you have any questions or queries regarding the survey, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Kamil on kukleja01@qub.ac.uk
Could you make a difference to people who are deaf or have a hearing loss in your community?
Charity RNID is appealing for volunteers to give two hours a month, or more, to help change lives and make a difference to the 1 in 5 adults in Northern Ireland who are deaf or have hearing loss, and the 1 in 8 who have tinnitus.
Our volunteers play a vital role in helping us achieve our goals, and we need more help! Our new programme, RNID Near You, provides support for hearing aid users, delivers information about hearing loss and tinnitus in local communities, and provides hearing checks. If you have some time to spare and are interested in learning more about how you can support us, please get in touch as we’d love to hear from you.
Do you know any young people you work with who would like some paid work experience at this year's St Patrick's Day Parade?
We are looking for a number of Parade Prop pushers, participants who would be quite strong that can pull along some props.
We need another 10 people. They would get paid straight after the parade Cash by Luxe. The hours would be gather at Bishop Street car park around 2pm, parade leaves sharp at 3pm and will finish up around 4.15pm. Payment is £40.
The Department for Communities has launched a competition for the appointment of the Chief Commissioner to the Board of the Charity Commission NI.
The Charity Commission is the independent regulator of charities in Northern Ireland, the Commission plays a key role in their development. The charity sector supports and provides vital services to the people of Northern Ireland, with charities ranging from small local groups, to those that operate nationally and internationally.
The Chief Commissioner contributes significantly to the charitable sector, with this position providing the opportunity to positively impact on the organisation, whilst enabling charities to meet their legal and regulatory obligations, and ensuring that they retain public confidence. This position also leads the Commission’s Board in its corporate responsibilities and will lead in driving forward change arising out of the Independent Review of Charity Regulation.
21 You’re invited to Burns Supper at Monreagh Hall
We’re hosting a new event, and we’d love to see you there. Join us for Burns Supper, a night of music, song and dance with two course buffet dinnerat Monreagh Hall, March 29, 2023 at 19:00.
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🍳 5… https://t.co/6Wz1wBT6X9 —
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Hearing from local elected reps in Derry about the cuts to the community and voluntary sector. A lot of un… https://t.co/mrNL7fwGdD —
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A huge thanks to all who came along to our meeting about the funding crisis in the sector, good conversations were… https://t.co/UGzifowO2O —
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