NWCN are holding a Members Event on Wednesday 20th October at 10:00am to present our Draft Strategic Plan for feedback from members as well as issuing our new Membership Packs.
This will be held both in person in Clooney Hall and on Zoom.
This event would be ideal for anyone renewing their membership or for anyone thinking about joining NWCN to get a flavour of the work we do and our future plans.
We value input from our membership and would love to hear your views on our plans!
Refreshments will be provided.
If you would like to attend please email info@nwcn.org stating if you will be there in person or via Zoom.
This Scheme is funded under the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Tackling Rural Poverty and Social Isolation Programme.
Micro Capital grants of between £200 and £1,500 are available to rural community-led, voluntary organisations for projects tackling issues of local poverty and / or social isolation.
The total project cost must not exceed £3,000.
Projects must clearly address an issue of rural poverty and / or social isolation and applicants must provide a minimum of 15% match funding.
Key objectives
The Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme 2021 has been designed to:
Help rural community-led, voluntary groups to address local issues of access poverty, financial poverty and social isolation; and
Improve the lives of rural communities, and in particular the wellbeing of isolated individuals.
Projects must focus on one of the following three themes:
Modernisation (of premises / assets)
Information Communication Technology (ICT)
Health and Wellbeing
In recognising the impact of Covid 19, and the need for investment to reopen and safely operate venues, eligible costs may include structural alterations, e.g. ventilation systems for rooms without windows; heating rooms previously unused rooms to provide more space; removing walls to improve space and improve distancing. Furthermore, goods which have a degree of permanence (anticipated to have a life beyond 1 year) or can be permanently affixed to the venue can also be considered eligible. This would allow items including sanitiser stations, perspex screens, signage, floor markings, refillable spray bottles, automatic doors, replacement furniture that can be wiped down and contactless thermometers.
The Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme 2021 will be open for applications from Friday 01 October 2021 until 12 noon on Friday 22 October 2021.
For further information about the Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme 2021, please contact the Rural Support Network for your council area who will provide the link to the Application Form for the Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme 2021: Your Local RSN | The Local Rural Support Networks
*Please note, DAERA will only accept online applications to the Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme 2021, applications will not be accepted in any other format;
Supported by UK Research and Innovation, Community Grants help eligible community groups to organise events and activities for their audiences during British Science Week (11-20 March 2022), expanding the number of people who enjoy and take part in science.
Please complete the Community Grant application form to apply for a grant. The deadline for applications is 5pm on Monday 8 November 2021, so be sure to complete your form in good time!
For British Science Week 2022, we’re offering grants of £500 and £1000 to community groups that work with people who are typically underrepresented in science, and which set out to deliver an event or activity that involves the local community, challenges science stereotypes and inspires ongoing science engagement. Why not take a look at our Community Grant case studies to discover how previous grant recipients used the funding for their own British Science Week projects? Homepage - British Science Week
Before submitting your form, be sure to consult the Community Grant guidelines to find all the information you need on how to apply, and whether your community group is eligible. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at communities@britishscienceassociation.org
4Information webinar: Musical Instruments for Bands
Tuesday, 12 October 2021, 11:00am – 12:00
We are pleased to host an information webinar for bands based in Northern Ireland considering making an application to the Arts Council of Northern Ireland’s Musical Instruments for Bands funding programme.
The Arts Council has designed this programme to increase the quality of music-making in the community by helping bands to replace worn-out instruments and purchase new instruments.
Particular priority will be given to applications which can demonstrate
high quality musicianship;
a commitment to training and musical education, particularly of young people; and
a commitment to repertoire and technique development in relation to the band’s existing repertoire and technical standards.
The event will start with a short presentation on the key points of the Programme. Arts Council staff will then be on hand to take your questions.
5PEACE Plus (Theme 1.1) - Open Online Initial Information Sessions
Derry City and Strabane District Council are delivering 3 open invitation information sessions about the forthcoming PEACE Plus Programme. This is part of our initial awareness raising about opportunities to engage with council in a co-design process for significant PEACE Plus funding in the near future. We are offering 3 sessions. Each will have exactly the same content so you only need to attend one if interested. The session will last 30-40 minutes. There is no need to pre-register.
The attached powerpoint will be the basis of the conversation. (Some people may have attended a very similar session via Local Growth Partnerships – no need to attend again if you’ve already heard the information). Please feel free to circulate this information to anyone relevant to the conversation.
The information session is open to anyone interested but will be of particular interest to:
Community and Voluntary Sector Organisations in the DCSD Council area with an interest in cross-community work and cross-border work.
Community and Voluntary Sector Organisations in the DCSD Council area with a focus on Good Relations, Diversity, Dealing with the Legacy of the Past and the type of work in previous PEACE programmes.
Statutory organisations which have previously engaged with council in the PEACE IV Programme or which are interested in knowing more about PEACE funded programmes.
Please note that this is only the start of a process. There will be further opportunities to engage with a co-design of a PEACE Plus bid for the Derry City and Strabane District Council under Theme 1.1 as further information is available from SEUPB (Special EU Programmes Body).
Pick one session. Options to attend are as follows:
6BBC Northern Ireland - Apply For A Broadcast Appeal
Applications are now being invited for upcoming Broadcast Appeal slots on local television and radio. These opportunities will be available from January 2022 onwards.
Application forms and assessment criteria for Broadcast Appeal slots can be downloaded by clicking the links below. Completed application forms should be submitted no later than 5pm on Friday 22nd October 2021.
Applicant organisations should operate, or provide benefits for, people on a region-wide or sub-regional basis and have good accountability arrangements in place for their work. Applicants should additionally be able to demonstrate how they will use their Appeal opportunity and what they hope it might achieve. Broadcast Appeals are intended to reflect different types of charitable activity and support needs. They cannot be used for campaigning or lobbying purposes.
Broadcast Appeals Briefing Session (Via Zoom)
Our short briefing session will provide some useful advice on the application process (including the information that we’ll need about your organisation, its work and governance) and what makes a successful Appeal.
Wednesday 13th October 2021, 10.30am – 11:15am via Zoom
Pre-registration is required. To confirm attendance, or to find out more about this event, please telephone Paula on 07813968839 or contact us by email at paula.gilmurray@bbc.co.uk. A Zoom link will be sent out once registered.
Prior to COVID-19, there was clear evidence that our urgent and emergency care services were under increasing pressure. Growing numbers of people were experiencing long waits to be seen in overcrowded Emergency Departments (EDs). This was already an unsustainable position requiring radical transformation. However, the impact of COVID-19, and the accompanying focus on infection prevention and social distancing, have driven home the urgency of ensuring that we do not allow EDs or hospitals to reach these levels of crowding in future. Immediate changes need to be implemented in advance of further waves of COVID-19.
In the same period, there has been poor co-ordination between primary and secondary care services. With the exception of a few examples, primary and secondary care largely developed their care services in isolation. This artificial compartmentalisation of care has contributed to longer waiting times for patients, poorer patient experience, inconsistency of approach, duplication and organisational waste.
The HSC system’s response to the pandemic has helped to break down professional and administrative boundaries and demonstrated that a better way of working is possible. The challenges of the pandemic have produced fundamental changes in primary care, leading to universal patient triage, virtual consultation, shared learning and new clinical pathways. Secondary care colleagues have reached out to GPs with offers of new pathways and opportunities for working together.
These initiatives can be developed to support an enhanced range of safer and more effective elective and unscheduled care services to patients which could extend well beyond the pandemic.
As part of the Review of Urgent and Emergency Care services, the Patient and Client Council invite you to share your thoughts on any recent experiences with any Urgent and Emergency Care service. Please use the form below to register for your preferred session:
Thursday 14th October, 10am-12pm
Thursday 14th October, 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Friday 15th October, 2pm-4pm
Should you have any questions or queries, please contact Jane Reilly, Involvement Officer at PCC, on jane.reilly@pcc-ni.net or 028 9536 1705
The Executive’s Active Ageing Strategy 2016-2022is to transform attitudes to, and services for, older people. It aims to increase the understanding of the issues affecting older people and promote an emphasis on rights, value and contribution.
We would like your views on how successful the Strategy has been to help us prepare for a new Strategy (subject to Executive approval). There are 10 questions on the Strategy and 8 optional questions about yourself. Your response will be anonymous but if you give us an email address we will acknowledge your response.
The Western Health & Social Care Trust in partnership with Derry City & Strabane District Council, Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council, Public Health Agency and Community & Voluntary groups would like to welcome you to Positive Ageing Month (October 2021) which is a month-long campaign of events and activities for older people that recognises and celebrates the contribution older people make to their communities and the wider society.
A comprehensive programme of events has been developed that encourages older people to take the five steps to well-being; Be Active, Give, Connect, Keep Learning and Take Notice. These 5 steps built into our daily lives can help maintain and improve our health and emotional wellbeing.
Please also find the Age NI report on Lived Experience and also a youtube video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNhGAxgVfnk to the recent Pensioners Parliament held on 17th September in Stormont which provided opportunities for older people to raise important questions to Ministers on key issues people face.
10Positive Ageing with Japanese craft making – beauty of imperfection and eternity
Date: October 17th 2021 (Sun)
Venue: Holywell DCCP, Bishop Street, Derry/Londonderry
Time: 11am-18:00pm (please look at the program below for details) Admission free, Booking essential (mail to nwjapanesecg@mail.com) *We encourage people of 60+ to join this event but anybody can apply.
We’ll introduce three kinds of easy craft which participants can practice at home . -- Kinstugi, which is a technique for repairing ceramics with lacquer and gold or silver powder. Kintsugi treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise. Broken pottery is brought back to life with a unique pattern tracing its breakages.
-- Silk flower (cherry blossom) making. Japanese people love cherry blossoms. Let’s learn how to make silk cherry blossoms and enjoy HANAMI (a flower watching party) at home!
-- Card making with Origami (folding paper to make 3D objectives like
cranes) and Mizuhiki (knotting codes made of Washi Japanese paper).
We also demonstrate a Tea Ceremony and also do storytelling, which shows Japanese philosophy of embracing imperfection and also at the same time the eternity – circle of life – which Japanese people find in cherry blossoms which come blooming every year and in the ancient tea cups fixed by Kintsugi.
Program :
11am- 1pm Kintsugi workshop (max. 16ppl)
1pm- 2pm Lunch break
(Please bring your packed lunch. Tea/coffee, Japanese snack severd)
1:15 – 1:40 Tea Ceremony demonstration
1:40 – 1:50 Story telling (Japanese folktale)
2pm-3:50pm Workshop A Silk cherry blossom making (max.8ppl)
Workshop B Mizuhiki+Origami Card Making ((max.8ppl)
3:50pm-4:10pm Break (Brain Gym and/or Story telling (Japanese folktale) 2)
4:10pm- 6pm Workshop C Mizuhiki+Origami Card Making ((max.8ppl)
Workshop D Silk cherry blossom making (max.8ppl)
*You don’t have to stay whole duration. You can take workshop(s) which you like. Workshop A and D, workshop B and C are the same content.
*We’ll send information of stuff to bring to the participants who registered to the each workshop. Inquire: North West Japanese Cultural Group nwjapanesecg@mail.com
*This program is supported by HSC and Derry & Strabane Council.
11Singing for the Head, Heart and Soul - The benefits of singing for older people
There is much evidence that singing has many health and well-being benefits for older people. It can increase physical and emotional well-being by stimulating the senses, it can help increase lung capacity and improve posture, it can improve attentiveness, communication and in some cases help with memory loss. Perhaps most importantly singing in group settings is an enjoyable and social activity where you can make friends and have fun!
Anna Nolan is a community musician, with over 14 years experience. She recently was awarded a cultural practitioner award by Derry City and Strabane District Council to research the benefits of singing for older people and the best practice for facilitating such workshops. She is now looking forward to leading a series of singing workshops for both DEEDS (Dementia Engaged and Empowered Derry) and Older People North West. The workshops will include some fun body and vocal warm ups, as well as singing through well-known songs and teaching some new ones! By the end of the sessions everyone will be smiling.
Workshop Dates:
Older People North West - Open to anyone 60 years plus - please call as capacity limited and booking essential.
21st October - 25th November - Thursdays 12pm - 1pm (performance/sharing of work 25th November)
13Unicef UK – Youth Advisory Board Recruitment – 14-18 year olds The UK Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF UK) are committed to listening to and being influenced by the voices of children and young people and have had a Youth Advisory Board for a few years. This is a group of eight 14 to 18-year-olds all living and studying the UK, who care about children’s rights, and has included young people from candidate UNICEF UK Child Friendly Cities and Communities.
The current Youth Advisory Board members are about to finish their term which means UNICEF UK is looking for the next group to build on the work they’ve started.
Youth Advisory Board members have a remit to:
Be a voice on children’s rights
Provide insight – about what children and young people like and care about
Raise awareness – to help other young people understand UNICEF’s work
Successful applicants will be expected to join fortnightly video calls (usually about 45 minutes long) as well as workshops and, when restrictions allow, in-person group meetings too. Some of these will be for learning and skills development, while others will be focussed on a particular project the group are working on.
If you know of any young people who would be interested in this opportunity, please share the application link with them (they do not have to be sitting on a local children and young people’s board or connected to the CFC programme). UNICEF UK encourages applications from young people from all backgrounds, identities and lived experiences including those who are LGBTQ+, Black, Asian or another minoritised ethnicity, disabled, young carers, refugees, and low-income backgrounds.
Shortlisted applicants will be invited for an interview on Microsoft Teams, during the week commencing 25 October 2021. The new Youth Advisory Board members will then be announced as part of UNICEF UK’s World Children’s Day activities in late November 2021.
Queries for this opportunity should be directed to; Kate Holmes: KateH@unicef.org.uk
14 Children and Young Peoples Strategic Partnership (CYPSP) Youth Reference Group
The Youth Reference Group will be a safe space for young people aged 12-18 to contribute their thoughts and ideas on matters relating to the 2021-2024 Children’s Services Plan, ensuring the voice of young people in NI is heard. Young people will be asked to attend a small number of virtual focus groups, participate in discussion forums and complete surveys on matters relating to their social/emotional/ physical health and wellbeing. The Youth Reference Group may also occasionally be invited to our Partnership meetings to share their thoughts and advocate on behalf of children and young people.
It is our hope that the reference group will consist of a diverse group of young people from across the region who can represent all of Northern Ireland in terms of demographics and characteristics.
If you work with any young people who may be interested in this opportunity or would like more information, please fill out their details and return to Kori Gault Kori.Gault@hscni.net
Any queries about this opportunity should be directed to Kori Gault on 028 9536 2576 / Kori.Gault@hscni.net
Entries for NI Water’s secondary school video competition are now open! Young people are invited to submit entries on the theme of ‘The Value of Our Water Environments’.
With some great tech prizes up for grabs for both schools and pupils, entries can be either a video photobook or short 3-minute live action film.
Our charity is managed by a board of Trustees. We currently have seven members.
We are seeking to recruit three new members to oversee activities and support the development of the charity.
HURT was established 20 years ago by local woman, Sadie O Reilly, after losing her son to addiction. We are now one of the leading community-based addiction centres in the North West. We are based in Derry and Strabane
We are an approved training centre, delivering accredited programmes and awareness sessions throughout the community to schools, youth groups businesses and statutory organisations.
HURT have 13 personnel delivering services to approximately 330 service users annually. We use an external accountant and independent auditor. We have all of the requisite insurances including Directors indemnity insurance in place.
What’s in it for you? / What can you expect?
Making a difference to the people that HURT supports.
Personal development opportunities and free training.
Use your skills where they are really needed.
Meet new people and help support the work of the paid staff and unpaid volunteers.
Contribute to decision making processes involved in the development of the charity.
What’s in it for us? / What can we expect?
Your skills & enthusiasm.
New ideas for the charity.
Your attendance at approx 7 meetings per year (5.15 to 7.pm)
Increase in support for Management Group & Staff
Raising awareness of project in the local community
Some of the skills we are looking for: Financial, I.C.T., Legal, Minute-taking, H.R., Fundraising, Enthusiasm, Commitment.
For further information please call the office or email dessie@hurtni.org.uk to arrange an interview.
17Find out how the Assembly's Economy Committee works
Insight into the Economy Committee
8th October 2021, 10:30AM to 12:30PM
This session will be delivered by the Clerk of the Committee. It will be give you an opportunity to learn more about their roles and responsibilities; in holding the Minister and department to account; their work to date; and what they have coming up in the next few months.
You'll also learn more about how you can you have your say as part of Committee inquiries and scrutiny of legislation.
RT @FoyleHospice: Do you have a few hours to spare?
We are in urgent need of Volunteers to help out at the Summer Raffle Stalls in… https://t.co/BBKZ2RmOyZ —
1 year 9 months ago
RT @YouthActionNI: We are delighted to invite you to our art exhibition and critical youth research hub and hear stories from young pe… https://t.co/QjcN2U5cr1 —
1 year 9 months ago
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RT @SuppCommunities: Join us for this popular session online 7 June at 10 am.
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RT @ConsumerCouncil: Our latest free newsletter is now out. This month we have information on:
📺Save money on household appliances
🍳 5… https://t.co/6Wz1wBT6X9 —
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RT @NIAntiPov: @NWCN01
Hearing from local elected reps in Derry about the cuts to the community and voluntary sector. A lot of un… https://t.co/mrNL7fwGdD —
1 year 9 months ago
RT @CRJDerry: This morning we attended a meeting organised by @NWCN01 with our local elected reps to discuss the potential impact… https://t.co/1u8zOTaRZY —
1 year 9 months ago
A huge thanks to all who came along to our meeting about the funding crisis in the sector, good conversations were… https://t.co/UGzifowO2O —
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