We want to check-in with all of you to see how we can best support you over the next year. We want to find out:
1. The impact of the last two years on your organisation
2. What the current challenges are for your organisation
3. What the current challenges are for the community you support.
This will just take a few minutes of your time to complete! Thanks
2New funding opportunity for community groups in North West Northern Ireland
The Ideas Fund £1.2 million grant extension
Today, The Ideas Fund has announced it will be opening its next round of grant funding to support up to seven new partnerships in North West Northern Ireland. The Fund will focus on ideas related to mental wellbeing, with £1.2 million funding to support community initiatives in four geographical areas of the UK: North West Northern Ireland, the Scottish Highlands and Islands, Oldham and Hull.
The Ideas Fund is a grants scheme, run by the British Science Association (BSA) and funded by the Wellcome Trust, that enables the UK public to develop and try out ideas that address problems related to mental wellbeing through collaborating with professional researchers.
For this latest round of funding, the BSA have changed the application process based on the feedback and learning they received from organisations who applied in 2021 (the pilot year). This revised application process should reduce the time applicants need to spend on their submission. By providing more in-depth support to shortlisted proposals, the BSA hope to help applicants with innovative ideas to realise their visions.
The expression of interest for submissions will open from Wednesday 27 April 2022 and the application deadline is midday on Wednesday 8 June 2022 for both community groups and researchers. The BSA are particularly interested in applications from those who are keen to work in partnership to develop the project collaboratively.
To support applications a document has been created to provide more detailed information www.theideasfund.org
A series of webinars will be held to give more information about the Fund and the submission process for organisations that are interested in applying for this next round of funding.
Click here to read the full press release and dates for the webinars and local meetings.
For any further information please contact roisin@nwcn.org
The Happiness Fund is available to enable and support projects which improve mental health and wellbeing, inclusion, learning and skills development in local communities. Ultimately it creates happier people and neighbourhoods.
The fund is intended to support the setting up of new groups and activities, but to be successful, applicants will need to indicate how the activity/group can become self-sustainable or able to attract funding from other sources for the longer term.
The fund will award £2,500 per quarter.
Applications are invited between April 1 and midnight on June 17. Funding will be announced on July 8 2022.
Power NI's Brighter Communities programme energises innovative and emerging community groups, teams and projects with £1000 of funding awarded each month.
Applications for the month are now open, and we welcome all communities to apply. Successful communities will receive £1000 of funding to help make their community shine a little brighter. All applications must comply with the Brighter Communities terms & conditions.
The new ‘Think Social’ – social enterprise support programme is being delivered as part of the DCSDC Business Innovation & Growth (BIG) programme.
What’s It About? - The core objectives of the ‘Think Social’ Programme is aimed at helping potential social entrepreneurs to start a business and encourage existing social enterprises to grow, create employment, exploit opportunities and maximise their positive impact on society and local communities.
What's involved? 2 Workshops
Measuring Your Social Impact and Planning Your Impact Journey
How Social Enterprises Can Use Digital Marketing To Increase Impact
One to One Mentoring
From an experienced social enterprise consultant who will help you to address current challenges or gear up for new opportunities for your social enterprise.
How to Apply?
Contact Brian at Enterprise North West - brian@enterprisenw.com or call 028 71352693
The programme is open to any social enterprise or C&V group from the DCSDC area that hasn’t already accessed support through the BIG programme.
Deadline for submission of expressions of interest – Friday 20th May @ 13:00. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come basis.
6Nominations for the 2022 National Lottery Awards are now open
The National Lottery Awards celebrate the people and projects who do extraordinary things with the help of National Lottery funding. We want to hear about those people who have stood up against adversity and stood out for their caring commitment to their causes.
A total of 16 projects from across the UK will be shortlisted to take part in a public vote, later in the year, to be crowned National Lottery Project of the Year.
All winners will receive a National Lottery Awards trophy and a £5,000 cash prize for their project.
Young Hero nominees should be under 25 years of age and all suggestions must have been either funded by the National Lottery or be associated with a project which has received National Lottery funding.
Individual Nomination Categories:
Arts, Culture & Film
Young Hero (under 25s)
National Lottery funded projects from any sector are eligible to enter The National Lottery Project of the Year category.
7 Refreshed appeal rights under new Charities Act (NI) 2022
The new Charities Act (Northern Ireland) 2022, which received royal Assent on 30 March 2022, has made lawful just over 7,200 decisions which had been made in good faith by Commission staff prior to May 2019.
Any decision which had appeal rights under the Charities Act (Northern Ireland) 2008 and has been reinstated under the new Act, will now have fresh appeal rights for the charities affected and, in some cases, other people affected by them. However, there is a strict timeline of 91 days from the date the legislation received Royal Assent for individuals/charities to submit an appeal. That gives an appeal deadline date of 29 June 2022.
Given this time limit, it is important that all those affected by the Act are aware of their fresh appeal rights. The kinds of decision affected include:
if a charity changed its governing document with the Commission’s permission before the end of May 2019, new appeal rights will be applicable to individuals such as charity trustees or beneficiaries of the charity if they do not agree with the original decision.
if a charity was registered by the Commission before the end of May 2019, then new appeal rights will be applicable to certain individuals, such as charity trustees, beneficiaries of the charity or other individuals affected by the registration decision.
if the Commission agreed to amend a charity’s governing document before the end of May 2019 in order to enable the charity to make payments to charity trustees, then new appeal rights will be applicable to certain individuals. This would include charity trustees, beneficiaries of the charity or other individuals affected by the decision.
Under the new Act, these individuals and charities will have an opportunity to submit an appeal against the decision, which affected them.
The Boardroom Apprentice programme for 2022 is officially open.
he Boardroom Apprentice is unique 12-month board learning, development and placement programme that enables a diversity of new people to come forward to learn how give their time and share their skills with third and public-sector boards. It aims to unlock a wider diversity of skills, knowledge and lived experience to enable a diverse range of individuals to play their part within Boardrooms and move the Board Member role from aspiration to reality.
Boardroom Apprentice is built on three key pillars:
• Provision of a 12-month practical hands on board placement to gain experience
• The transfer of knowledge and understanding through learning days
• Support through a designated board buddy from within your host board
Make sure you read the eligibility criteria before submitting your application.
Organised by Far and Wild
Where: St Columb's Park House, Main Hall
When: Saturday 14th May 11am-1pm
Refreshments will be served
What is Natural Health and how can you apply the answers to this question in your daily life? We invite you to an open discussion at this important time of health recovery, welcoming your contribution and perspective on this topic. This event is for everyone interested, particularly young people or anyone who may feel they haven't been heard on this issue or who simply wish to know more.
Far and Wild believes that debate around how to maintain a healthy life-style- both physically and mentally- particularly during the past 2 years of health-related restrictions, should be supported and allowed to flourish.
Please come along and join in the discussion- your opinion is valued and welcome. RSVP to +447775911198 via Whatsapp or simply turn up on the day.
Supported by funding from the Community Foundation of NI.
#DMAW22 is an opportunity to start the conversation around death, dying and grief. It is important to talk about these difficult times in life to remove the stigma. Talking about it helps us to make plans and helps us to support others.
We want everyone to be #InAGoodPlace when they die – physically, emotionally, financially, spiritually, and crucially, with the right care and support.
Click here for events taking place during Dying Matters Week
Voices4Care was set up in 2013 by All Ireland Institute of Hospice and Palliative Care (AIIHPC) to learn from people’s personal experiences of palliative care and to inform and influence palliative care on the island of Ireland and is central to the work we carry out at AIIHPC. AIIHPC’s partners and key stakeholders including policy makers, palliative care service providers, researchers and educators have greatly benefitted from the insights and experiences of Voices4Care members.
Voices4Care membership is open to:
• people receiving palliative care
• carers or former carers of adults with palliative care needs, (carers refers to those caring for a relative/loved one, rather than health or social care professionals), and
• citizens with an interest in palliative care
For further information see (Link to website) also please see note Press Releases issued on Monday 28 March 2022 (please RoI edition / NI edition)
The opportunity to express interest in joining Voices4Care is open until Monday 9 May 2022
If you would like further information or to discuss this further, please contact Paula Pinto, Programme Manager at AIIHPC on (00353) 87 1961430 or ppinto@aiihpc.org
12 Enhancing CARErs WELLbeing (eCareWell) Project: Call for Carers
Ulster University is leading eCareWell, funded through the UK Community Renewal Fund, and understands the vital role carers have in the lives of those they care for and the impact their caring role has on them and the wider community.
The project will introduce various digital technologies to carers (18+) in the Derry City & Strabane District council area to understand how to support carers’ health and wellbeing. The carer will first complete an initial assessment to help us understand their needs and then be matched with technologies, which are designed to support mental and physical health, to use at home for 3-4 months.
Carers are invited to register their interest by contacting Professor Joan Condell at j.condell@ulster.ac.uk
15The Earhart Art Prize for Female Artists in Ireland
May 21st, 2022 marks the 90th anniversary of Amelia Earhart's historic solo transatlantic flight and subsequent landing at Derry/Londonderry, a journey of almost 2,000 miles in just under 15 hours and the first such flight in history by a woman and one of the most pioneering achievements of the 20th century.
To mark this momentous achievement Studio 2, in Derry/Londonderry, N. Ireland, in partnership with Greater Shantallow Community Arts is offering a cash prize of £2,000 for an overall winner as part of the inaugural Earhart Art Prize for Female Painters in Ireland.
There will also be a short-list of 10 honourable mentions who will have their work exhibited along with those of the winner on the day. The themes for the prize should consider and reflect the themes of female achievement, aspiration, aviation and flight and will be open to female painters aged 18 and over on the island of Ireland.
The entries will be appraised by a panel of professional artists and prizes will be presented on Friday, May 20th at a prestigious venue to be announced.
17 The Consumer Council - Helping you at this time
As the cost of living increases in Northern Ireland, we are here to help. We’ve created an information hub on our website to provide you with help and support on a range of topics including your food shop, your home energy bills and your transport.
The hub has free online tools that you can use to help with home budgeting, shop around for home heating oil and where to get the best value for money on your petrol and diesel. It also has a list of organisations that may be able to help including food banks, debt advice agencies and other support services.
Could you help decide how National Lottery money supports communities in Northern Ireland?
The National Lottery Community Fund has two exciting opportunities for people that are passionate about making a positive difference for communities in Northern Ireland.
We are seeking to recruit two new Northern Ireland Committee members for an initial period of four years. The Northern Ireland Committee sets the direction of our work and takes decisions about our large grants in Northern Ireland. We are looking for individuals who will add to the broad base of knowledge, skills and experience of the existing committee.
The closing date for applications is 5pm on Friday 13 May 2022
Trustees are crucial in supporting the Foundation to achieve significant impact. We now wish to recruit individuals to join our dynamic Board. As a Trustee, you will have a genuine opportunity to contribute to the debate and discussion that will inform and shape the future direction, whilst observing the legal obligations and responsibilities of trusteeship.
We wish to recruit two trustees, one of whom has HR experience. A background of equity, diversity and inclusion is advantageous. We warmly encourage those from traditionally underrepresented communities to apply.
Trustees serve in a voluntary capacity and are appointed for terms of three years. The Board meets on four occasions per year, with a number of subcommittees in which Trustees are required to participate.
Click here to view the welcome letter
Click here to view Trustee Opportunities
Should you wish to be considered for this opportunity, please submit your C.V. no later than 12 noon on Friday 13th May 2022 to: brenda@halifaxfoundationni.org
RT @FoyleHospice: Do you have a few hours to spare?
We are in urgent need of Volunteers to help out at the Summer Raffle Stalls in… https://t.co/BBKZ2RmOyZ —
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📺Save money on household appliances
🍳 5… https://t.co/6Wz1wBT6X9 —
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