Join NWCN in Strabane on Friday 22nd November 2019 for our next festival of funders where you will have the opportunity to hear about the latest funding on offer from a range of funding bodies. You will have the opportunity to meet with them face to face and receive advice & signposting that is suitable for your organisation.
Confirmed to date:
CLEAR Project
Community Development Health Network (CDHN)
Community Relations Council (CRC)
Eden Project Communities
Supporting Communities NI
The National Lottery Fund
You can call in any time between 10:30am- 1:30pm.
Register your interest at or call 028 7126 1941
The Acorn Giving Circle (AGC) is made up of a group of women who aim to make a positive contribution to improving the lives of people from Derry - Londonderry in a small but meaningful way. It was formed in 2012 as a response to the establishment of the Acorn Fund (AF), a fund within the Community Foundation for NI (CFNI).
The funds generated by AGC are now available in the form of small grants for charitable or community groups / organisations. Grant size is up to £500. Acorn Giving Circle aims to prioritise its support to where the need is greatest and where it can make a significant difference.
Priorities: Children and Young People, Older People and Local Impacts of Climate
Area: Derry
Grant Size: Up to £500 Closing Date: Nov 25, 2019 13:00
Once again our 12 days of giving is designed to provide vital funding to charities by donating £1,000 to 120 charities over 12 days in the run up to Christmas.
With your support, we can help to change people’s lives for the better. You can nominate any UK or Irish registered charity you choose and nominations will remain open until midnight the day before each draw. Draws will take place each weekday from 5 – 20 December 2019.
The more nominations a charity receives the greater the chance of them winning, So please do spread the word and encourage your friends, family, colleagues and anyone else you can think of to nominate too!
The 2020/21 competitions for T:BUC Camps, and Central Good Relations funding programmes are due to open at the end of November 2019. To help you apply, the Executive Office will be hosting three T:BUC Funding Forums in local council areas.
The T:BUC Funding Forums are a great way to find out more about the good relations funding that is available and how to apply for it. Executive Office staff will be available at each forum to talk about your good relations project, with timed slots available each day between 1.00 pm to 7.00 pm.
Representatives from the Community Relations Council and Education Authority will also be in attendance. Places are limited so you must register to attend and early registration is recommended. When you register, you will be asked to choose a time slot, between 1.00 pm – 3.00 pm, 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm or 5.00 pm – 7.00 pm. You can come any time in your chosen slot.
The Braid, Ballymena, 27 November 2019, 1.00 pm – 7.00 pm
5 Play Plan 2020-2032 - Public Consultation Events
Derry City and Strabane District Council (in partnership with PlayBoard NI) is working on the development of a Play Strategy for the area. The play strategy is important as it will help to guide council as it works to meet play needs over the coming years. As we develop the strategy we are keen to hear your views regarding current play opportunities and welcome you to attend a consultation within your area. Registration opens at 6pm and all consultations will run from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
If you would like to attend one of the sessions, please pre-register by emailing your name alongside details of the session you would like to attend to Please note that consultation locations may be subject to change. For up to date information, please review council’s website at
The Department for the Economy; Economic Social Inclusion Branch are responsible for the Northern Ireland Pathways to Success Strategy which deals with the issue of NEETs in NI. NEETs are typically young people aged 16-24 who are not in employment, education or training.
We are looking to identify the issues and barriers these young people face and to get their views on various services provided by government. This information will be used to help develop better government programmes and services for the future.
We will be conducting a survey which will last around an hour. The young people will participate in the survey anonymously using their smart phone (free wifi will be provided). This will then be followed by a free lunch for all those who have participated, to thank them for attending.
The events will take place on the;
14th November 2019 in Fermanagh House, Enniskillen starting at 12 noon. (Lunch included)
20th November 2019 in The Alley, Arts and Conference Centre, Strabane at 12 noon. (Lunch included)
26th November 2019 in the Omniplex Omagh at 12 noon. (Lunch and Film included)
7Economics for Ordinary People or Under the Surface of Neoliberalism
St Columbs Park House
Mon 18th November
Why did no-one see the 2008 Credit Crash coming? Why did governments bail out the banks who caused the crash and then implement austerity measures on ordinary people? Why are there foodbanks in Derry? Where does money come from and why isn’t there enough? Why do economic forecasts sound like weather forecasts, giving analyses and predictions and advice on taking precautions but with little sense that ordinary people have any power to make real changes? The Economy is presented to us a fixed system, seemingly essential for our well-being, given priority in political decision-making but only understood by a small number of experts. And yet, those experts aren’t providing solutions for the big challenges facing us – Climate Crisis, increasing poverty, debt, insecure employment…
Tony Weekes, formerly an academic economist, will enable a discussion on the reasons for this by focusing on two questions:
What do citizens need to improve our understanding of economics? Do we need ‘a society’ rather than ‘an economy’?
The recent Citizens’ Assemblies in the Republic of Ireland have shown that ordinary people can understand multi-sided issues and be involved in decision making at a national level. They have inspired a pilot in deliberative democracy in German-speaking Belgium. In response to Extinction Rebellion, the UK Government has just invited a randomly selected 30,000 people to put their names forward to be part of a Citizens’ Assembly on Climate Action.
As the anthropologist Margaret Mead said “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
Coming up to the December Westminster elections, facing the possibility of Brexit in 2020, with no sign of a restored NI Assembly anytime soon, this session is an opportunity to gain confidence in our ordinary intelligence, our ability to question, learn, discuss and have opinions on matters which affect us all.
Strengthening Families Programme is an evidence-based parenting programme, designed to promote the protective factors associated with good parenting and better outcomes for children.
Delivered over 14 sessions SFP works with the whole family by improving relationships, parental bonds and parenting skills whilst improving social and life skills for the young people participating.
For organisations SFP Provides:
-access to a free evidence based programme to complement/enhance existing service delivery
-Facilitates greater interagency working
-Upskilling and professional development of staff
-Free training programme
-Access to additional free training
-Improved outcomes for service users
The next two day SFP training date for sfp has been confirmed for Tuesday 21st and Tuesday 28th of January 2020, Waterfoot Hotel, Derry. Training will be two full days and upon completion of training participants can facilitate and refer onto SFP.
Please complete training form and return.
Any queries call Leona on 07403050507
9Parental Alienation United As One Conference 2020
La Dolce Vita Project in association with Parental Alienation Europe will be hosting "Parental Alienation United As One Conferences", on 21st April 2020 in Croke Park Dublin and in The City Hotel, Derry/Londonderry 23rd April 2020.
Both conferences are suitable for professionals to include psychotherapists, social workers, psychiatrists, counsellors, barristers, solicitors, guardians of court, family support workers and anyone working are involved with those impacted by domestic abuse, violence and parental alienation.
Learning outcomes will include:
Understanding and knowledge of the prevalence of parental alienation across the world from expert speakers and worldwide research.
Understanding and knowledge of the impact of parental alienation on children and why it is emotional and psychological abuse.
Understanding and knowledge of links with parental alienation to coercive control and domestic abuse.
Understanding and knowledge of the "5 Factor Model, 8 manifesting symptoms in a child, and the 17 strategies used by alienating parents".
Understanding and knowledge of Irish Case Law recognising Parental Alienation (Southern Ireland).
Understanding and knowledge of child custody management strategies for assessing parental alienation.
Understanding and knowledge of legal implications and potential resolutions.
Guest Speakers:
Dr Demosthenes Lorandos
Professor William Bernet
Dr. Steve Miller
Brian O Sullivan
Brendan Guildea
Caroline Langl
Mairead Stewart
Both conferences will give you the opportunity to network and to come together to support, promote and protect the rights and best interests of children, throughout Ireland from the harm caused by parental alienation.
Early bird offer available to 30 November 2019: £120.00. Tickets purchased after this date will be £150.00.
Libraries NI in conjunction with Derry City and Strabane District Council Good Relations Department is holding an open night for newcomers to the Derry/L’Derry area. This will be an opportunity for a guided tour of the library, find out the activities that are on offer and meet new friends.
Kinship Care is delighted to bring you our most recent newsletter ‘Kinship News’, Issue 33.
The last few months for everyone here at Kinship Care NI have been just wonderful. We travelled to the National Lottery Awards in London and were named the Best Community and Charity Project in the whole of the UK. 16 year old Megan Hart also picked up a Young Hero Award. Megan, who is registered blind was raised by her grandmother who became very sick and passed away. Megan cared for her grandmother right up until she died and now wants to make her family proud. It was a very special moment to watch Megan get up on stage and receive her award. We are now looking forward to watching ourselves on the telly on the 19th November 2019.
We also celebrated Halloween with lots of activities for children and their carers, held a Family Fest event for 700 children and their families and marked the 1st Birthday of our Kindness of Strangers Shop with cake and freebies for our donors, customers and supporters. We are now flat out opening our new Kinship Care Ireland Centre and Kindness of Strangers shop in Newtowncunningham in Co.Donegal and getting programmes and activities organised for children in the run up to Christmas.
Thank you for continuing to support kinship carers and their children. It means a lot.
Ballykelly Mens Shed are holding their A.G.M. on Wednesday the 13th of November 2019, @7.30pm.
The venue will be the Mens Shed, 3 Shackleton Drive, Ballykelly, BT 49 9PR.
All welcome,refreshments served.
Brian Mc Cluskey, Secretary, Ballykelly Mens Shed.
Please contact Mary Lynch,
Administrator on 07521691345 or email
14 Join Autism NI's Big Christmas Cuppa this December!
Put the kettle on and hold a 'Big Christmas Cuppa' coffee morning for autism!
Get together with friends, family and work colleagues this December for coffee and cake and ask everyone to make a small donation. It couldn’t be easier!
The world’s largest ever study into the impact and measurability of arts interventions on physical and mental health has just been launched by King’s College London. Initial reports suggest that arts and creativity can make a significant contribution to addressing a number of the pressing issues faced by our health and social care systems.
There are many examples which show the impact of embedding arts participation in mainstream clinical and social care. But if we are to build up a good evidence base, and develop effective implementation and evaluation models, we need to explore these programmes on a bigger scale.
One local example of this is currently being offered by the Greater Shantallow Community Arts project at Studio 2 Arts on the Skeoge Road in Derry. With a 20 years legacy of interaction in the GSCA presently offer a range of programmes delivering high quality projects to enhance wellbeing and improve social interaction. These multi-arts programmes, supported by the Arts Council Lottery Programme, the Bearing Foundation and the Public Health Agency, are targeted at Older Men and People with severe disabilities and are on offer at Studio 2 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and at the Strabane Health Improvement Project on Fridays.
It’s really important for everyone to have access to arts and culture, which shouldn’t only be for the elite as it is everyone’s right to create and enjoy the art they can share and learn.
There are a few places left on the 10 week programmes and if you want to try a range of creative activities all these exciting programmes are being offered free and if you are interested contact Studio 2 Arts on 02871-358750 or SHIP in Strabane 028 7138 3557.
Numbers are limited but the enjoyment factor is immense so book your place now.
To say #ThanksToYou to National Lottery players for their support over the past 25 years, hundreds of amazing projects are opening their doors with special offers and free entry between 23 Nov – 1 Dec.
The National Lottery has funded many beloved tourist attractions taking part in this special campaign. Sports venues, community centres outdoor spaces as well as cinemas, theatres and many more places have all found special ways to thank National Lottery players by joining #ThanksToYou!
Plus screenings of Jarman’s Super 8 films Saturday 16th November, 1-3pm with an introduction by film producer and moving image curator, James Mackay
Void Gallery is delighted to present The Last of England: an exhibition featuring the work of renowned artist Derek Jarman. This year marks the 25th anniversary of his death and his work still feels urgent and contemporary.
The exhibition will focus on the GBH paintings series along with his film The Last Of England (1987); they were selected as they reflect and resonate on our current political environment, especially within the context of Northern Ireland.
Don’t miss the chance to see Jarman’s Super 8 films. This is a unique opportunity to view these works and gain an insight into them as they will be introduced by Jarman’s collaborator, James Mackay. Please see for further information.
Journal making Workshop with Mhairi Sutherland
Saturday 23rd & 30th November, 2-4pm
£3 plus booking fee for both workshops
‘Modern Heart’ is the title of a Saturday afternoon programme for enthusiastic dreamers, doodlers, activists and anyone interested in curating their thoughts and ideas into a vivid, visual and personalised journal. These workshops are themed around the exhibiting artist, the late film-maker, diarist, gay rights activist and gardener Derek Jarman.
Session 1:
Exhibition tour, Introductory talk, Dungeness visit and notebook/sketchbook examples
Practical book-making techniques using drawn, text and photographic methods. Session 2:
Practical making with found and own materials, collage, inserts and cut-outs.
Journal ‘sharing’ and viewing Jarman’s notebooks and approaches
Suitable for: Sessions are most suited for adults, including secondary and third level students with an interest in art and design. No previous experience required. £3 fee covers both days. Participants: All journal-making materials and equipment provided, in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere, including coffee and croissant.
Bring your own notebook, either a favourite with blank pages, or a new, crisp notebook for some fresh ideas. Notebooks can also be provided, please state when booking.
Our Early Years Programme continues this Autumn with the popular Void Tots workshops. Come along and experience multi-sensory activities for early years children in Void's Process Room. Mums, dads, grandparents and carers are all welcome to come and get stuck in!
Drawing Workshop with Stephanie Gaumond focused on the exhibition of work by Derek Jarman. Explore Derek Jarman's exhibition The Last of England through drawing in this relaxed session with artist Stephanie Gaumond. Materials are provided but if you would like to bring your own please feel welcome do so.
Ho ho ho! Get into the festive spirit with our annual drop-in Christmas decoration-making workshop! This family workshop is the perfect way to get into the festive spirit by making decorations for your home - or as gifts for friends and family!
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