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Member Info
NWCN invites all Community & Voluntary groups in the North-West to renew or take up Network membership for 2016-17. Annual subscription has been retained at £15/€17 to allow as many groups as possible to access membership benefits.
Download NWCN Membership Form 2018-19 here.
Network membership entitles your group to a range of practical services such as:
regular e-bulletins and newsletters, with updates on policy, consultation, training, events and comment on sectoral issues;
access to the most up-to-date contact database for community & voluntary sector organisations in the North-West;
invites to all Network events including workshops, seminars and conferences;
voting rights on Network policy;
election rights to the Network's Executive Committee (see enclosed Membership Invoice).
Strategically, membership of North-West Community Network contributes to:
strong signals that the community & voluntary sector will represent itself lucidly and eloquently
a powerful mandate in advocating on behalf of the sector
a significant lobby in bringing about social change where inequality and exclusion are barriers to participation and full engagement
relationship development with strategic bodies and other sectors
clear identification of issues and themes for collective action and response
We very much look forward to seeing you continue or resume your Network membership for the year ahead.