North West Community Network in partnership with North West Volunteer Centre presents: Volunteer Voices.
So many reasons and benefits to volunteering in your local community, come along and hear first hand local volunteer stories.
Wednesday, 8th November, 12 - 2pm
North West Community Network, 8 Bishop Street
This will be an interactive but intimate event based on the 'Human Library' concept were real people, in this case volunteers, are like a book that is on loan to members of the public to read and find out more about, asking questions and having meaningful conversations. Volunteers will be representing a range of local voluntary organisations who will also be attending and actively recruiting volunteers on the day.
Our seed funding programme offers grants to help Transition groups build capacity, increase impact in your local community and do something that might otherwise be impossible. Our grants are there to enable groups to work with your community to reimagine and rebuild more socially just and resilient future where everyone can thrive.
This seed funding is for Transition groups or Hubs in England, Wales and Northern Ireland registered with Transition Network.
To register on the Transition Network site, please follow this link. For groups just starting, we are offer a short Launch workshop on 18 November and 2 December – find out more and join in here. More information on eligibility and the criteria for becoming a transition group is here.
Available grants:
Micro Grants - £100-£500
To cover small project costs such as facilitator fees, a zoom account, tools or travel. Full Grants - £500 - £5,000
To support you to set up new projects, cover core staff costs or launch community led social enterprises. Partnership Grants £5,000 - £10,000
To support you to work in partnership with other Transition groups to achieve a shared goal. Could have a regional or a thematic focus.
The deadline for applications is 11.59pm on 7 January 2024.
4Charitable Organisations | Get Fully Funded to Cyber Essentials Plus!
21 November 2023, 11:00am to 11:45am, online
If you're a Northern Ireland charity and employ fewer than 50 employees, you could get fully funded to Cyber Essentials Plus!
Cyber Essentials is an effective, Government backed scheme that will help you to protect your organisation, whatever its size, against a whole range of the most common types of cyber attack.
Made available by the NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre) and with funding provided by the NICSC (Northern Ireland Cyber Security Centre), it is aimed at helping charitable organisations improve their cyber resilience.
If you're a charitable organisation with fewer than 50 employees, you could be eligible for funding to obtain certification to this Cyber Essentials Plus standard.
Join us for this free information webinar where we will be joined by NICVA (the Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action). We'll discuss how we've successfully helped dozens of Northern Ireland charities obtain certification, the benefits of the scheme and how Cyber Essentials Plus will help your organisation level up its cyber resilience.
This is a public procurement process. Any organisations wishing to tender should do so via E-Tenders NI. These tenders are advertised ‘at risk’ i.e. Before a Letter of Offer is in place from SEUPB. No contracts, however, will be appointed until the Letter of Offer has been confirmed.
A free event offering advice and support to the public on the benefits and help available during the winter months will take place at the Foyleside Shopping Centre (Level 3, Food Quarter) on Thursday November 9th 2023 from 11am - 1pm.
Organisations available will be able to offer advice on Benefits, Tax credit to Universal Credit changeover, Scam awareness and Home Security advice plus general advice on winter support.
Everyone who attends will be entered into a draw to win an air fryer!
7The Focus Project - Cost of Living Information Day
Rath Mor Centre, 10th November, 11am - 1pm
Cost of Living crisis public event. If you find yourself in need of support and don't know where to find it this is the place to be.
Organisations Attending:
Range of Welfare advice
Family Support
Trade Unions
Campaign Groups
Community Services
FREE Keep Warm, Household and Period Packs available on the day to take home. Music, Arts and Crafts, Refreshments - soup/stew.
The Advancing Race Equality Awards recognise individuals, teams, groups or networks that have been leading action, removing barriers and enhancing the inclusion of and engagement with ethnic minority people across Northern Ireland – from the workplace to the delivery of services.
The North West Migrants Forums Advancing Race Equality Awards – launched in 2021, are the only awards in Northern Ireland that recognise and reward individuals and organisations for promoting racial justice, equality, and inclusion.
9 Public Consultation on the Future of Boomhall House
Boomhall Trust is currently carrying out a public consultation exercise to discuss the future of Boomhall House. Boomhall Trust, a registered charity has aspirations to restore Boomhall for community benefit.
The Trust are working with stakeholders, local community organisations and the public to collect views on the restoration and reuse proposals. At the end of the process the consultation may lead to the submission of a planning application.
Design proposals include the restoration of Boomhall House, a building of local interest, to deliver a mix of land uses including educational, cultural, café / tea rooms, and ancillary accommodation.
The original Boomhall House was a substantial rural villa that dates from 1779 and presented a fine example of Georgian style architecture. Though now ruinous, the building retains architectural detailing and form which the project team has used to guide its restoration proposals.
Your views
This consultation is an important part of a process of consultation and collaboration with community organisations and direct surveys of the public which has been ongoing over the past three years and has helped to shape the draft proposals.
We welcome your feedback on the proposals. Please submit any comments directly to us or by email to: by 30th November 2023. The information boards can also be found online at:
10Victim Charter and Witness Charter Awareness Sessions
DoJ and partners are holding a series of Charters Awareness Sessions for those working in the voluntary and community sector. The Victim Charter sets out the entitlements and services that victims of crime in Northern Ireland can expect to receive from a range of service providers.
These entitlements are protected by law. The sessions will provide an overview of what the Charters mean and why they are important for victims.
Why should I attend? We want to ensure that those working in the voluntary and community sector understand why the Charters are important and how to signpost victims and witnesses to relevant information.
Who should come along? Staff and volunteers who come into contact with victims or witnesses of crime.
Dates, venues, Eventbrite links:
Wednesday 22nd November @ 10.30am virtual via teams – register here
Thursday 23rd November @ 11.30am at the Verbal Arts Centre, Londonderry – register here
Wednesday 29th November @ 10.30am virtual via teams – register here
Thursday 30th November @ 10.30am at NICVA, Belfast – register here
If you have any issues registering or need any further information please contact: DoJ Charter Comms
11 "Unlocking Success for Small Businesses: Discover How AI Can Transform Operations and Drive Growth!"
NI Hartree Centre event | 16th November 2023 - 6:30 – 8:30pm MU Building, Ulster University, Northland Road, Derry/Londonderry, BT487JL.
This exploration workshop will give SME’s the opportunity to: • Meet the Hartree Hub NI team • Receive information and guidance on integrating AI into your business • The Hartree Hub NI will present case studies and discuss examples of how AI can play a role in your company development
Attendees will be able to access free Hartree learning platforms to embed AI and Digital technologies in your business with the assistance of the Hartree Hub NI team.
There will be hot food, tea and coffee available for attendees from 18:15 approximately.
18:30 – 18:45 Registration
18:45 – 18:55 Welcome & Introductions – Dr Justin Quinn.
18:55 – 19:10 Introduction to Hartree Hub NI – Lorraine Lavery.
19:10 – 19:30 Value Proposition / Case Studies - Hartree Staff
19:30 – 19:45 Business case and feasibility study - Hartree Staff
19:45 – 20:30 B2E - Business to Expert Meetings – Hartree Hub NI Team Members.
20:30 Q & A and next steps.
12Creative Arts Network – Regional Support Organisations NW Engagement
Thursday 9th November 2023, 10am- 2pm, Millennium Forum, Derry City
The Creative Arts Network is aimed at making it easier for regional support organisations and NW clients to meet and share information and ideas, either on a one-to-one basis or collectively.
This session will include introductions, updates and discussions from new organisations Craft NI, Visual Artists Ireland, Arts & Business, Thrive and Equity, as well as one to one client meetings and a lunchtime workshop dedicated to Fundraising.
You are welcome to attend for part of or all of the morning. Please see attached for schedule and details on registering.
13Recruitment to the Youth Voice for the District – NW Ministry of Youth
“Empowering ourselves by using our voice for a diverse shared future”.
Age – 12-18
Sign-up to the info session on 11th November 2023 in Strabane Youth Resource Centre or Waterside Youth Office – email to register.
What will you be doing?
• You’ll become a leader in promoting diversity and tackling discrimination
• Deliver in the Youth Manifesto – the priorities shaped by people your age
• You’ll manage the budget and vote to spend the budget on the priorities
• Reach out to the community, talk and consult other young people so you can represent their views
• Be considerate of other people’s views and willing to negotiate and compromise
• Help organise events that involve young people
• Help resolve problems in your community
• Scrutinise decisions made by council that affect people your age
• Turn up and be the youth voice in meetings and debates
The NW Ministry of Youth is delivered by EA & CVS Youth Service and part funded/ coordinated by Council. Any queries should be directed to or
To celebrate World Childrens Day on 20th November, Derry City and Strabane District Council and the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People are delivering a webinar to raise awareness of Child Rights with a special focus on the recommendations from the UN Committee to help make Child Rights a living reality for every child.
Welcome: Deputy Mayor of Derry and Strabane, Cllr Jason Barr
Setting the Scene: NI Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY), Chris Quinn
Presentation on Child Rights: NICCY Staff Teams
Case Study: Representatives from the UNICEF UK Child Friendly Cities and Communities Programme in Derry and Strabane
The Health Improvement, Equality and Involvement Department of the Western Health & Social Care Trust would like to remind you of an initiative currently rolling out in support of breastfeeding mothers returning to work.
Breastfeeding is fundamental to public health as it promotes health, prevents disease and helps contribute to reducing health inequalities.
In support of creating environments where mothers can return to work and continue to breastfeed, the Western Health & Social Care Trust have updated their policy for supporting breastfeeding employees. As part of this policy, any employee returning to work and breastfeeding will be able to avail of a free ‘Return to Work’ pack.
We have extended this ‘Return to work’ pack initiative to the employees of all organisations throughout the WHSCT area (Limavady to Fermanagh).
This pack contains; a cool bag, ice block, reusable water bottle and breastmilk storage bottles to assist staff in continuing their breastfeeding journey. The pack also contains additional information on safe storage of breastmilk.
Any staff member or organisations wishing to avail of this on behalf of a staff member, should contact the Health Improvement Equality and Involvement Department on 028 7186 5127 or
Head of Fundraising Location: Belfast or Derry Office of AWARE Reports to: Chief Executive Duration of contract: Full-time Permanent Hours per week: 35 Salary: £41,496 - £44,539 (NICVA scale PO4 35 - 38) plus 3% employer pension contribution
The role will be focused on leading the organisation's fundraising team in order to achieve income generation targets to match the service delivery aspirations of the organisation. This post holder will be a fundraising professional with integrity, passion, motivation and ingenuity. The postholder will be innovative and creative in their approach in an organisation that welcomes opportunities to do things a little differently.
The key focus of the post will be:
Maintaining and expanding the current income generation of AWARE
Developing our fundraising offer through diversifying our fundraising plans whilst focusing on those which are effective
Supporting the strategic development of the organisation
Responsibility for the development, delivery, monitoring and evaluation of the organisation's fundraising strategy
Closing date: 12 noon on Thursday 7th December Interview dates: Interviews will take place on 15th, 18th & 19th December Applications should be sent via email to and application forms and supporting documentation can be found atthe AWARE website
Artists and creative practitioners working in any discipline are invited to apply to become an artist within the BluePrint project team. We are seeking to work with a suitably experienced artist in order to design and facilitate art-based transformative engagement process and co-creative activities with flood-effected communities. We are seeking to exchange learning, generate new artistic work and develop a ‘creative co-creation’ toolkit targeting local governments working with communities around climate risk and resilience.
How To Respond
Please send to shauna@derryplayhouse.comwith FAO Kevin Murphy with Blueprint in the subject line.
A CV/History of Artistic Practice highlighting the required skills, knowledge, and experience
Three examples of previous work which are relevant to this project (i.e. examples of community engagement etc) in a digitally accessible format (for example links to video, audio, image, text publication)
A covering letter which addresses why you would like to be involved and how you would approach responding to this brief. The cover letter should be no more than 4 A4 pages and the outline of your approach should include:
Understanding of flood-affected communities in a local context (or similar)
Approach to working with people through creative means
Co-creation process for how the creative outputs can be delivered
If you have any queries or access needs that require you to submit your proposal in another format, please get in touch with Shauna at shauna@derryplayhouse.comto discuss your needs further.
Submission Deadline: Friday 24 November 2023 at 5pm.
Artists will be shortlisted and invited to interview in early December 2023. The successful artists will be issued a contract by The Playhouse.
It's that time of the year again!
We're delighted to be hosting the annual Human Rights Festival from the 3rd to the 10th of December. Every year we are amazed by the diverse range of events hosted by member-organisations and last year was no different, with informative seminars and hilarious improv providing something for everyone around a theme of human rights.
The Festival, and human rights issues generally, are more important now than ever. In a year that has seen continued attacks by the most powerful against the most marginalised, accompanied with threats to rip up international human rights obligations, it is vital that we continue to come together in celebration and determination, to laugh and to plan ahead for the campaigns to come.
If you're interested in holding an event in the Festival, we're opening submissions from now until November 20th.
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