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NWCN E-bulletin 14 March 2018


1 Upcoming with NWCN

2 #Haveyoursay at the Free Consumer Parliament Event - SIGN UP NOW

3 Public Art in your hometown


5 What Difference a City Deal Could Make - Teatime Event

6 Stakeholder events - Barriers to Participation and Progression in Education

7 Processions - Join us to celebrate 100 years of women's suffrage!

8 Brass Tax - Looking after your financial health 

9 Thriving as a Carer – Conference Event

10 Would you like information on Dementia?

11 FREE Training in First Aid

12 Focus Group on Disability Information Advice Line (DIAL)

13 Survey  - Accessibility of the built environment for people with sight loss

14 Endometriosis – North West Support Group- Inaugural Meeting

15 Latest Offers from Salto Youth

16 Exodus 500

17 Research project into the views and needs of young people in immediate and surrounding Claudy area

18 La Dolce Vita Project are seeking a part-time (16 hours) temporary support worker

19 Job opportunity with The Churches Trust

20 Indian Culture with Savita

21 Green & Blue

22 Upcoming with Void Gallery - Arts & Older People Programme

23 Energy Of Light Discos - 15+

24  ‘Throwback Disco’ 








1  Upcoming with NWCN

  • Good Governance and Charity reporting

Tuesday 20 March 2018

7pm - 9 pm

DiverseCity Community Partnership

Bishop St


Almost 6,000 charities are now registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland and as such must adhere to the reporting requirements for all registered charities.  Unfortunately, not all charities are aware of the requirement to submit an annual monitoring return, annual accounts and a trustee’s report to the Commission within a specified time. 


North West Community Network in association with the Developing Governance Group and the Charity Commission would like to invite you to a free seminar focusing on the annual reporting requirements.  The session will also look at the Charity Commission’s new guidance on fundraising and data protection. 


This seminar will also focus on the importance of good governance and present how the newly revised Governance Health Check can be used to help charities adhere to regulations and good practice.   


Registration and light refreshments at 6.45pm.

Please note that places are limited.  


To register for either of these seminars please contact Neola on or call 028 7127 9090

  • City Centre Forum - Local Citizens' Assembly

Through the Holywell Trust Good Relations Programme (supported through the Central Good Relations Fund of The Executive Office) Holywell Trust is holding a City Centre Forum on the theme ‘A Citizens’ Assembly for Local Issues’. Delivered in partnership with Community Dialogue and North West Community Network. 


When & Where 

This event will be held on: 

Date: Tuesday 20th March 

Time: 12.30pm - 5.00pm 

Venue: HOLYWELL - DiverseCity Community Partnership, 10-12 Bishop Street, Derry/Londonderry, BT48 6PW 


The purpose of the session is to look into the possibility of forming a Citizens’ Assembly for the Derry City and Strabane District Council area to allow local people to look into issues give local ownership and influence to solutions.


Book your place


  • Raising the Standards of Fundraising in NI Workshop - Derry/Londonderry

Monday 26 March 2018

Holywell DiverseCity Community Partnership 


This free workshop facilitated by the Institute of Fundraising Northern Ireland and funded by the Halifax Foundation for NI will inform and educate on fundraising codes of best practice and self-regulation for any charity involved in fundraising.

The purpose of this project is to develop best practice standards and compliance with self-regulation in fundraising across the charity sector in Northern Ireland. This workshop will provide guidance and support to charities to understand implications of fundraising self regulation and grow best practice with trustees, staff and volunteers and essentially those who benefit from charity services such as supporters, donors and funders of charities.


Funded by the Halifax Foundation for Northern Ireland this is the first in a series of 6 workshops across Northern Ireland and offers charities the opportunity to understand the requirements for Fundraising Code compliance with regards to self-regulation of fundraising activity.

Speaking about the project, Chairperson of IOF NI, Neil Irwin said


"This is a great opportunity for charities right across Northern Ireland to raise their awareness in fundraising and regulation. Any groups involved in fundraising will become more aware of their responsibilities as regards fundraising and the requirements of the new funding regulations."

The workshop will use the Good Practice in Fundraising Guide (Northern Ireland) to support the development of self‐regulation in line with developing policy and practice in the rest of the UK" 

Participants from all charities across Northern Ireland will get the chance to learn about developing their fundraising best practice and compliance with legal obligations as well as benefitting from being more aware of the legal and reputational risks to fundraising practice and understand better their responsibilities. 


Numbers are limited for this event so early booking is advisable: 


For more information, please contact IOFNI at or


  • City Centre Forum - Creating a Voice for the Community Sector

Tuesday 27th March 2018 
Holywell, DiverseCity Community Partnership, 8-14 Bishop Street
10.30am-12.30pm (finishing with lunch). 

North West Community Network is beginning a new phase of work. Holywell Trust is delighted to support this exciting opportunity to create a voice for the sector. There are many changes currently impacting the community and voluntary sector.  We need more than ever to come together in a unified manner to address issues that affect many of us. 
This session will also focus on identifying the needs within the community sector and how the Network can best support.  So we need to hear from you to help us shape our priorities for the next few months. Please come along and have your say.

ook your place... 



Join NWCN in our final Celebration event: Celebrate Rural Inclusion with NWCN

Wednesday 28th March at Learmount Community Development Group
Further information coming soon.......


2 #Haveyoursay at the Free Consumer Parliament Event - SIGN UP NOW


Residents in Derry City and Strabane District Council area will soon get to have their say on the consumer issues that concern them, thanks to The Consumer Council, which is staging a ‘Consumer Parliament’ , in partnership with Derry City and Strabane District Council, at the Guildhall on Friday, 23 March. 


Sheila McClelland, Chair of The Consumer Council said: “Northern Ireland may be small, but the issues consumers face can be very different depending not only on their situation but also where they live. We are encouraging consumers to attend the Consumer Parliament in the Guildhall and #Haveyoursay on issues such as flooding, broadband, telecoms, postal services, transport issues and home energy”.


A consumer clinic to provide one-on-one support to residents will run simultaneously throughout the day. There will also be exhibition stands from a range of consumer organisations, utilities and service providers.


The Consumer Parliament will run from 10.00am to 3.30pm on Friday 23 March at the Guildhall. Registration will open at 9.00am.


Refreshments and lunch will be provided free of charge – register early as spaces will be limited.

To register for the Consumer Parliament at the Guildhall call us free on 0800 121 6022 or email


3   Public Art in your hometown


MAD MONK / BANIJAY are developing a unique television series for a major British TV broadcaster

We want to see how public art can bring a small community together to collectively decide upon their identity and how they would like others to see them


We’re looking for small villages, with fantastic stories and even more amazing people, that would like to win over our experts and claim an unbelievable prize... a privately funded piece of public art that will celebrate the local people and the heritage of their community, that will become a new local landmark and cultural beacon


Please email us:

All applicants must be over 18 and live in the UK or ROI.




Positive Parties® ‘Training With A Difference’ is seeking a collaborative approach to build a platform in the community and voluntary sector, focusing on Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing, in a FUN and INTERACTIVE way.

We have 10 years of experience in this field of positivity, 1000’s of happy customers and for this new venture we wish we work with like-minded organisations to deliver a magnificent Positive Programme that will engage, empower and energise your community. For youth, older people, men, women, children, people with disabilities, all religious and cultural backgrounds, we want to include everyone in a project that will be educational, enlightening, practical but most of all FUN. You assist in the project content and involve your volunteers and community in creating this Positive Package for all.


Positively INTERESTED?  Contact us ASAP   

Phone Denise Devlin - 07790793130 


5 What Difference a City Deal Could Make - Teatime Event


Holywell Trust is holding a Teatime Event from 6.00pm-8.00pm on Wednesday 14th March on ‘What Difference a City Deal Could Make’. The event will be held at Holywell DiverseCity Community Partnership in Bishop Street.


The purpose of the session is to inform local people on what a city deal is, what it might look like and the potential difference that it could make to the local economy. 

We have a panel of speakers including Paul Gosling (local economist), Sinead McLaughlin (Londonderry Chamber of Commerce), Elisha McCallion MP and Mark Durkan. There will also be an opportunity for you to have your say.


The event starts with a light dinner.


Book a place here.


6 Stakeholder events - Barriers to Participation and Progression in Education


The Department for Economy is hosting a series of stakeholder events to seek views regarding barriers to participation and progression in education. Among other things, the events will look at barriers faced by young people, those with disabilities, adult learners, barriers to higher education and barriers caused by social exclusion.

The Department has produced a draft “Barriers to Participation and Progression in Education” report (available on request) and would like to invite you to discuss your views on the paper.  This is an opportunity for you to input ideas into an important piece of research work.

We will be seeking views on:

  • Gaps in evidence – areas that warrant further research;
  • Current project work you may want to combine with the research. If you would like us to review this before the event please email address the address below;
  • Ideas for further research.

Please note: On the day of the event we will be using an interactive method to gather anonymous feedback and would be grateful, if you are able to, if you could bring a smartphone or Ipad to the event.  Wifi will be available and passwords will be provided.


Event dates are as follows:




14 March 2018

Balmoral Hotel, Belfast

9:30 am to 1:00 pm

23 March 2018

Canal Court Hotel, Newry

9:30 am to 1:00 pm

28 March 2018

City Hotel, Derry City

9:30 am to 1:00 pm

All events start at 9:30 am (9.00am tea/coffee) and will finish with lunch at 1:00 pm.


If you are interested in attending please email advising of your chosen venue and date you would like to attend. 



 7 Processions - Join us to celebrate 100 years of women's suffrage!


On Sunday 10th June, women* and girls from across the UK will come together to create a vast participatory artwork taking place for one day in Belfast, Cardiff, Edinburgh and London.
*those who identify as women or non-binary

PROCESSIONS will be a living portrait of UK women in the 21st century. This is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take part in a mass participation artwork to celebrate one hundred years of votes for women.

Be part of something extraordinary this summer.
• Register (as an individual or group) to attend your nearest PROCESSIONS event at:
• Help us spread the word and invite your friends and family to join in!
• Make a banner, pennant or flag! Download the different toolkits at: @artichoketrust @processions2018 #PROCESSIONS2018



PROCESSIONS is produced by Artichoke and commissioned by 14-18 NOW: WW1 Centenary Art Commissions.

Artichoke Trust is a registered charity no. 1112716.


8 Brass Tax - Looking after your financial health 


Support for independent practitioners and smaller independent companies working in the theatre, performing and visual arts sector in the North West.

Presented by Dance Resource Base, Theatre NI and Visual Artists Ireland 

Waterloo Place, Derry~Londonderry
Thursday 22 March 2018
10am to 2pm
DRB Skill Sharing Session from 2.15 to 3.15pm 

Free of Charge (RSVP requested for catering purposes) 


To register follow the link:!event/2018/3/22/brass-tax


Whatever your artistic discipline, as a freelancer or working in a small independent company, you are responsible for your own financial planning and money management. When you don’t have access to all of your options, the thought of this can be so overwhelming. You are not alone. This session is designed to help you get prepared and organised.


In getting down to the brass tacks, the morning session of this event will cover the following topics in a way that both beginners and the more experienced can benefit:

  • Employment Status - Am I an employee or self-employed?
  • Tax and National Insurance contributions.
  • Company Structure - Sole Trader or a Limited Company and how this affects Theatre Tax Relief.
  • Record keeping - why it's important and how to manage it.
  • Deductible Expenses - reducing your tax bill - when and why you might need professional help.
  • Becoming an employer / pensions.
  • Insurance and Risk Management.
  • Eligibility for claiming Working Tax Credits.
  • What the new Universal Credit all about.

After lunch, we’ll host a panel discussion featuring experienced artists in each of the art forms represented asking them to share some of their career challenges and opportunities.

This joint event from Dance Resource Base, TheatreNI and Visual Artists Ireland is designed to help independent artists and smaller companies improve the financial health of their practice through increased knowledge and deepening skills.


All are then invited to stay for Dance Resource Base’s Skill Sharing Session. Presenters were supported through the Love to Dance grant scheme to undertake training to develop as teachers and dance artists. Presentations include:

  • Sandy Cuthbert - Tamalpa Life Art Process - Expressive arts approach combining movement, visual art, and creative writing to access body wisdom and the imagination; and
  • Eleni Kolliopoulou - Butoh Intensive - Japanese Dance Theatre.

The Arts Council of Northern Ireland is the principal funder of presenting organisations. Derry City & Strabane District Council provided additional financial support to this event.


Timetable for Brass Tax
10 – 10.15am – Registration/Welcome (Tea/Coffee/Refreshments)
10.15 – 12.15pm - Financial Planning for Freelancers 
12.15 - 1pm - Lunch/Networking (Lunch provided)
1 – 2pm - Panel Session: Career development: What makes the difference?
2.15 to 3.15pm – Love to Dance Skill Sharing Session


Contact Details
Dance Resource Base – 028 9023 1515 /

Theatre NI – 028 9031 1806 /

Visual Artists Ireland – 028 9587 0361 / 


 Thriving as a Carer – Conference Event


Thursday 19 April 2018
10am until 3:30pm
Whitehorse Hotel, Clooney Road

All Ireland Institute of Hospice and Palliative Care, Derry Well Women and Foyle Hospice are working in partnership to host this one day event.  This conference is primarily for individual carers who care for people who have life limiting illnesses.  It is focused on helping delegates to better understand the services and support available to those who are caring for someone with palliative care needs including those at the end of life.  Representatives from community and voluntary organisations as well as health and social care professionals are also welcome to attend, but early booking is advisable as these places will be limited. 


Carers will also be encouraged to participate, interact and engage in discussions about the important role they have and challenges they face, as well as how they might work closer with professionals to support and influence change in policy and practice. 

Lunch and light refreshments will be served. 

Please note that places are limited and available on a first come first served basis.

To register please contact Andrena Arbuckle at Foyle Hospice Telephone 028 71351010 or email


10 Would you like information on Dementia?


Then come along to our: Carers Information Programme on Dementia

Strabane Enterprise Agency, Orchard Road, Strabane, BT82 9FR 


Session 1 - Thursday 15th March 2018; 2:30-4:00pm

Life as a ‘Carer’ for a loved one with Dementia

Session 2 - Wednesday 21st March 2018; 2:30-4:00pm
What is Dementia and Services Available

Session 3 - Monday 26th March 2018; 2:30-4:00pm
Financial Issues and Dementia

Session 4 - Wednesday 28th March 2018; 2:30-4:00pm
Managing Dementia and Complex Behaviours


If you are interested in attending no need to phone just come along on the afternoon


Joanne Aiken (Dementia Support Worker, Strabane)
M: 07715800031; E: 


11  FREE Training in First Aid


Did you know that at least 59%  of pre hospital deaths could potentially be prevented with Basic First Aid training.


At present in the Red Cross we are trying to promote self-care. I come out to your club and talk to your group about what to do if for example they cut themselves, burn themselves, recognise signs of a heart attack, stroke, hypothermia etc. It is very informal and they get a certificate and booklet at the end of the 2 hour session. It is very practical with no bandages, slings etc. We use everyday items to deal with emergencies. It is reassurance and confidence building. I have all ages in my groups from 10 to 96 years old. I am attaching a booking form so feel free to use and if you would like more than one session I can do 2 X 1 and half hours.


If you have any questions please contact Geraldine Fitzpatrick

Tel: 02871863760 / 07808243707



12 Focus Group on Disability Information Advice Line (DIAL)


The North West Regional College would like to invite you to attend a Focus Group meeting on:-

Date: Monday 26th March 2018

Time: 11.30am to 1.00pm

Venue: North West Regional College – Flying Clipper Restaurant

Tea/Coffee and Scones will be provided


Transport will be organised by Susan and Eleanor at the (NWRC) via Bridge Transport.

Please complete the Booking Form below if you would like to participate in the Focus Group and return to:  /

Tel:  02871276147                     Tel:  02871276510


The purpose of the Focus Group is to inform individuals about the DIAL Centre which is currently under construction within the college.  And to seek their views and ideas regarding:

  • Whether people feel an advisory group to meet e.g. twice a year would be feasible/something they would be interested in.
  • Would people be interested in the possibility of viewing new equipment/products?
  • Would people be interested in setting research challenges/ideas for companies/universities?
  • Are people interested in being involved in designing products?  Have ideas for products themselves they would like to pursue?

The questions posed above are just a few examples of ideas that may be discussed at the meeting.

Booking Form:
Focus Group Monday the 26th of March 2018.
Venue: North West Regional College, Flying Clipper Restaurant
Time: 11.30am to 1.00pm
Bridge Transport Included








Phone Number:





Please specify any particular dietary or access/transport requirements



Telephone Number: 02871276510
Return by email to: Susan McGrory

Telephone Number: 02871276147
Return by email to: Eleanor Keanie


13   Survey  - Accessibility of the built environment for people with sight loss


A student from Queen's University, Belfast has been in touch regarding their dissertation which focuses on accessibility within the built environment for people with sight loss. Please feel free to circulate the below link to the online survey among your networks. For the purposes of this questionnaire the 'built environment' means man-made outdoor space.


Here is the link:

There are 18 short questions.


14  Endometriosis – North West Support Group- Inaugural Meeting


Date: Saturday 24th March

Time: 1pm

Venue: Gateway Studio, Waterside Theatre


Contact Details:  Nuala Crilly 028 7134 3080


A small group of women who have been affected by endometriosis thought that it is about time there is a support group in the North West for all women who think they have or had endometriosis. 


The first meeting will be held on Saturday 24th March at 2pm in the Gateway Studio at the Waterside Theatre.  It will be relaxed and informal to allow women an opportunity (over coffee and refreshments) to share their worries and to find strength from conversations with one another. 


This is a great opportunity for women with endometriosis to meet others and share information to enable you to cope better with your situation.


The longer term aim is twofold:

  • to arrange more structured regular sessions with guest speakers invited to talk on issues women feel they want more information on
  • to simply provide as space where women with endometriosis have a regular opportunity to meet and chat with other women suffering from the same condition

 So come along to Gateway Studio on Saturday 24th March at 1pm for coffee and a chat!

 We look forward to seeing you there!


15 Latest Offers from Salto Youth


Take part and learn!
13 - 18 May 2018 | Merelbeke, Belgium - FL
Participation is a fundamental concept for the work with young people. Within this training course we will explore the diverse facets of participation, showing its challenges and opportunities for youth work.
Organizer: NA Belgium-Flanders (National Agency)
This activity is for participants from: Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries
Application deadline (24h CET): 20 March 2018

See details

DIG-IT up! Training course on including digital tools in Youth work, the basics of digital youth work
11 - 16 April 2018 | Ferrara, Italy
The aim of this training course is to provide knowledge and skills and find creative ways on how to combine analog & outdoor activities in youth work with digital tools and apps that are used by youngsters through a hands-on approach and experience.
Organizer: Italian National Agency for youth sector (ANG) (National Agency)
This activity is for participants from: Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries, Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU
Application deadline (24h CET): 22 March 2018

See details

Start-up! in Erasmus +
8 - 13 May 2018 | Mollina, Málaga, Spain
Start-up in E+ is a 6 days long training course aimed to develop entrepreneurial competences of young people by equipping youth workers with a set of competences, tools and resources to promote entrepreneurship in their local communities.
Organizer: Spanish NA (National Agency)
This activity is for participants from: Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries
Application deadline (24h CET): 8 April 2018

See details


Mobile youth work in rural territories: how to start?
6 - 11 May 2018 | Latvia
Training course on exploring youth work outside city centres, going to the rural parts, discovering possibilities and potential by developing mobile youth work.
Organizer: Latvian National Agency (National Agency)
This activity is for participants from: Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries
Application deadline (24h CET): 9 April 2018

See details


GO VISUAL – Graphic facilitation workshop
3 - 5 May 2018 | Sofia, Bulgaria
GO VISUAL Workshop will equip you with a case full of practical tools and an action plan to integrate visual thinking and creativity in your work routine every day. Visual communication is unstoppable power. Come and upgrade your skills.
Organizer: Smokinya Foundation (NGO/Others)
This activity is for participants from: Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries, Other countries in the world, Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU
Application deadline (24h CET): 12 April 2018

See details

3 - 8 June 2018 | Mollina, Málaga, Spain
Are you interested to increase the impact and quality of youth inclusion projects? Are you searching for new solid partners to implement challenging inclusion projects in the frame of Erasmus+ Programme? This activity is for you
Organizer: Spanish NA (National Agency)
This activity is for participants from: Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries
Application deadline (24h CET): 22 April 2018

See details

Results Plus: The sound of projects
18 - 23 June 2018 | Bucharest, Romania
Have you ever had the feeling that you are doing a great job in your project and it deserves to be better known?
Organizer: ANPCDEFP (National Agency)
This activity is for participants from: Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries
Application deadline (24h CET): 29 April 2018

See details


Demoacray Reloaded Study Visit- Belgium FR
24 - 29 June 2018 | Brussels, Belgium - FR
A 5-day Study Visit in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (Belgium FR) gathering 32 municipality workers to reflect and share practices, tools, methods in engaging young people in decision-making processes at local level.
Organizer: Bureau International Jeunesse (National Agency)
This activity is for participants from: Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries
Application deadline (24h CET): 29 April 2018

See details

Sustainable Development Goals for Good (SDGs for Good)
23 - 28 June 2018 | Marrakech, Morocco
SDGs for good, aims to explore the different international concepts of sustainability and more specifically, social entrepreneurship, as an innovative way to solve social problems, and enhance the human development to achieve the global goals
Organizer: MasterPeace Morocco (NGO/Others)
This activity is for participants from: Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries, Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU
Application deadline (24h CET): 15 May 2018

See details


16  Exodus 500

22 week employability programme which does not affect benefits for 16-25 year

  • Qualifications
  • Fun Trips Out!
  • Lunch provided!
  • Work tasters/Visits!
  • Doesn't Affect Benefits!

Contact Alex @ Bytes on 028 7126 1114 


17 Research project into the views and needs of young people in immediate and surrounding Claudy area


Funded by Derry City and Strabane District Council, findings from The Claudy Visioning Project will be presented at a public information session in The Diamond Centre on Thursday 22nd March at 7.30pm. 


Supported by four schools - St. Patrick’s & St. Brigid’s College, Limavady High School, Foyle College and Lisneal College, research into the views of 260 young people from the Claudy area have just been completed by The Inside Out Programme. 

Information on a wide range of views of young people from Claudy will be presented including:

  1. Infrastructure in Claudy village and proposed responses
  2. Issues affecting young people on a personal level
  3. Opinion on issues at a global level
  4. how young people use their spare time
  5. how they perceive matters of religion and nationality

If you are interested in attending please reserve a place by e-mailing:  Places are limited and will be booked on a first come first served basis.


18 La Dolce Vita Project are seeking a part-time (16 hours) temporary support worker


Post is temporary until 30th April 2018.

Post holder will be based at our main office 13 Queen Street, Derry/Londonderry.  However the successful candidate will be expected to work throughout  Derry/Londonderry, Strabane, Limavady, Coleraine and  Belfast districts.

Salary: £12.00 per hour plus travel allowance at £0.37 p.m.


  • Good standard of education.
  • Minimum of 1 years experience of working with Domestic and Sexual Violence in a paid or unpaid capacity.
  • Minimum of 1 year experience of working with Criminal Justice System and Family Care Proceedings in a paid or unpaid capacity

Essential: Full driving license.

Closing Date: Tuesday 19th March 2018 @ 12noon.   

For more information and application for please call 028 7137 7272 or drop into our office 13 Queen Street, Derry/Londonderry, BT48 7EQ.


19 Job opportunity with The Churches Trust

THE CHURCHES TRUST - Standing together with  those in need
The Churches Trust was established over 30 years ago in recognition of the fact that deprivation and disadvantage are key barriers to building a united community, equality of opportunity and good relations.  The Churches Trust reaches across all communities in a unique and practical way, to deliver services on an equitable basis to the unemployed, young people, the elderly, individuals and families disadvantaged through low education attainment and/or low income levels.   

The Churches Trust wishes to appoint:
Part-time position: Salary £9,461 pro rata (£22,076 Full time equivalent)   15 hours per week
            Purpose and function of post:

  • To support the Chief Executive in the finance function including maintaining finance records (Sage and various excel spreadsheets), and ensuring adherence to finance procedures.
  • To administer payroll, ensuring timely payments to employees, Inland Revenue and pension provider.
  • To maintain records to support project finances and grant claims ensuring that funding obligations are met.

Essential criteria include but are not limited to:

  • 5 GCSEs (or equivalent) including English and Maths, Grade C or above.
  • Minimum of 5 years’ experience in finance and administration.
  • Excellent IT skills and effective written and oral communication skills

For information and application packs, please contact Veronica:

Tel: 028 71311322 or e-mail

Closing date for all applications: 2pm on Friday 15th March


20  Indian Culture with Savita


Do you want to find out more about Indian culture?
We provide many different workshops and cater to what you want and what budget you have.

Range of services available includes:

  • Indian Hair and Beauty
  • Sari Dressing
  • Indian Language
  • Indian Food
  • Customs and Culture

To book your workshop call Savita on 07952390101 or email


21 Green & Blue


Wednesday 14th March 2018 in The Hub (3rd Floor of Rosemount Factory) @7pm

Green & Blue explores the realities faced by the individuals who patrolled the border during the height of the conflict. This new multi-media production looks at the person behind the uniform and the different experiences of two individuals on either side of a man-made line in the ground.

Green & Blue is based on an oral archive of serving RUC and An Garda SÍochána officers. Each performance will be followed by a facilitated discussion.


Green & Blue is a thoughtful and respectful dramatisation of oral history, illuminating the life of officers and their families Alan in Belfast – Slugger O’Toole Higgins and Doran give engaging performances as the men unable to cross a line that only wise men and farmers can see. It’s a simple but effective way of exploring two sides of one conflict. Belfast Telegraph What is striking is the power of the play to engage the audience with reflections on the border and on identities Northern Ireland Foundation.


Tickets: £5

Seating limited - please book in advance by emailing


22 Upcoming with Void GalleryArts & Older People Programme


‘A Stitch in Time’ - A series of workshops as part of the Arts & Older People Programme, at Void Gallery, Derry

March-May 2018

Void Gallery, Patrick Street, Derry, BT48 7EL


Over the coming weeks, Void will be presenting a series of workshops as part of the ACNI funded Arts & Older People Programme titled ‘A Stitch in Time’. 'A Stitch in Time' will be a multi-disciplinary contemporary art project that incorporates textiles, filmmaking, painting, drawing, storytelling & poetry, print-making, reminiscence and exhibition. A team of experienced and trained artist facilitators will work with participants from the third & fourth age sectors including: active age groups, nursing homes, day care centres, community groups, carers associations and government funded bodies. We will work both onsite in Void as well as in offsite locations, bringing the gallery and this project to people who cannot physically come to Void. 


At the turn of the 20th century, Derry's skyline was dominated by the smoke rising from the chimneys of the city's shirt factories. More than 30 firms in Derry made shirts and collars, employing in the region of 7,000 women / girls and thousands more out-workers in surrounding districts. A female workforce powered much of the industrial development of Derry, and produced some of the finest shirts in the world. 


Derry was and still is, rightly proud of its world-famous shirt-making tradition. As a highly regarded contemporary art gallery located in one of the city's largest and only remaining shirt factories, we are eager to develop an inclusive project using contemporary art to reflect upon the historical, cultural and social significance of the linen industry here. 


It has huge meaning that this programme will take place in one of the city's largest shirt factories. Void is located in the City Shirt Factory which runs the length of Patrick Street in Derry. It's a very well known four-storey brown and yellow brick building, four elegant art nouveau-style lampposts in muted green line the pavement outside. The City Shirt Factory which was opened by McIntyre, Hogg & Co. in Queen Street in 1863 employed thousands of men and women over the next 130 years or so. 


From having regular conversations with people who are connected to this factory, our aim with this project is to be able to promote social inclusion and honour that relationship between the people in this area and the building that we now inhabit. It seems that this is our absolute responsibility, to take the stories and the people who are still very much active and engaged in society, and provide a space for the telling and creation of their story in a way that bears witness to the thousands of women and men who inhabited this building before Void came along. 


We see ourselves as strengthening the voice of older people in this way. We are aware that there are other archives to the Linen Industry for example in the Tower Museum, but the fact remains that this building is a physical shirt factory that one can still enter. We must create avenues for contemporary exploration, creative programming and social inclusion. 


This project gives centre stage and a platform to the voices of the participants as it gathers and archives their stories, experiences, histories and skills through a range of mediums. Their lived experiences is at the heart of the project.

  • ‘Utility Quilting Project’ with Tina McLaughlin, Every Thursday - 12-4pm, 15 March - 3 May (publicly accessible)

During this 8 week programme participants will learn, explore, and experiment with a method called Strip Piecing. Strip piecing is an easy way for using your scraps to create interesting and lively fabric arrangements. Traditionally used to make Utility Quilts, strip piecing also lends itself to many contemporary designs.

Please note: this project is supported by the Arts & Older People Programme. It is therefore only open to participants aged 60+.

This project is running as part of 'A Stitch in Time' - funded by The Arts Council, The Baring Foundation, and the Public Health Agency.

  • ‘Writing Workshops’ with Denise Blake, Every Tuesday, 1-4pm, 10 April - 1 May (publicly accessible)

Did you - or your mother, aunt, or grandmother - work in a shirt factory? Do you remember the sounds and the smells; the touch of the materials, the hardships and the good times?

Void Gallery would love to help draw out your memories and stories to share them as part of a wider art project. We are planning a series of workshops for storytelling and creative writing in a safe, relaxing atmosphere with a writing facilitator.

The workshops will be held on Tuesdays in April and are open to people of any age and experience. If you are interested, or know someone who would be interested, please contact


Please note: this project is supported by the Arts & Older People Programme. It is therefore only open to participants aged 60+.

This project is running as part of 'A Stitch in Time' - funded by The Arts Council, The Baring Foundation, and the Public Health Agency.


****** The above workshops are publicly accessible and Void are still taking bookings for them. The workshops are FREE but are aimed at women who are 60+. Anyone who is outside of this remit may still be considered if the workshops are not fully subscribed or if someone cancels so any interested parties should email (, phone (028 71308080)or call into Void (Tues-Sat 11am-5pm). *******


23  Energy Of Light Discos - 15+


New Energy of Light monthly discos in the Studio at the Millennium Forum.  They will be held on the following dates:

  • Friday 23 March
  • Friday 27 April

Times: 8.30pm - 10.30pm/11pm


These are monthly discos for young people age 15+ who are experiencing limited physical, sensory and or learning disability.


Come along to the monthly Energy of Light Disco's, a monthly disco Age 15+ for people who are experiencing limited physical, sensory and or learning disability.  DJ Oliver will have you dancing to a range of music including pop, country and the very best of dance hits.  So come along and enjoy the music, dance and have fun!  Carers and Parents Go Free


Cost is £3.

Tickets are on sale now.  Carers will be entitled to a free ticket  if registered on our Access Membership Scheme.


24  ‘Throwback Disco’ 

Relive your teenage years and dance the night away to the sounds of the 80's, 90's & 00's

Saturday 24th March at City Hotel


Doors: From 9pm
Tickets: £6 on sale now from Foyle Hospice, 028 71359888 or the City Hotel on 028 7136 5800


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