Consultation Title |
Organisation |
Closing Date |
Contact Name/Dept & Tel No |
Email / Website / Further Info |
Ebrington Hotel Proposal
Derry City & Strabane District Council |
N/a |
N/a |
A Fundamental Review of Social Housing Allocations
Department for Communities |
21/12/17 @ 17:00 |
Social Housing Policy Team
Respond Online: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/allocations-review
https://www.communities-ni.gov.uk/consultations/fundamental-review-social-housing-allocations |
The regulation of medical associate professions in the UK
Department of Health
22/12/17 @11:59
N/a |
https://www.health-ni.gov.uk/consultations/regulation-medical-associate-professions-uk |
Strategic Framework for Imaging Services in Health and Social Care |
Department of Health |
22/12/17 @ 5pm |
Helena Brown 028 9052 2301 |
Proposed changes to the NI Crime Survey
Department of Justice |
09/01/18 |
Richard Ramsden
028 9072 4551
Graduated Driver Licencing and changes to the practical Driving Test |
Department for Infrastructure |
17/01/18 @ 11:59 |
028 7034 6928
Promoting professionalism, reforming regulation
Department of Health |
23/01/18 @ 11:59 |
N/a |
https://consultations.dh.gov.uk/professional-regulation/regulatory-reform/consultation/intro/ |
Changes to the Affordable Warmth Scheme
Department for Communities |
16/02/18 @ 17:00 |
028 9051 5237 |
Equality Action Plan and Disability Action Plan |
Department of Health |
28/02/18 |
Judith Tener 02890 522433
Respond Online(external link opens in a new window / tab)
https://www.health-ni.gov.uk/consultations/draft-disability-action-plan-and-equality-action-plan |
Promoting Organ Donation and Transplantation in Northern Ireland
Department of Health |
05/03/18 17:00 |
Ryan Wilson
Advanced and Specialist Digital Skills Survey
Department for Communities (on behalf of Dept for Digital, Cultural, Media & Sport) |
N/a |
N/a |
There are many more Consultations open within the Department of Health, you can access them here: https://www.health-ni.gov.uk/consultations
If you are an individual or organisation who responds to or creates consultations please see link below for a copy of the Equality Coalitions’ Effective Consultation Guidance including case studies and how to complain HERE. Some great points made in this article definitely worth a read. |