When: Tuesday 28th March – 11:30am Where: DCCP, Holywell Building, Bishop Street
Lunch included
Please join us for our NWCN Members catch-up event on Tuesday 28th March.
This is a chance to come together to build connections, seek support and an opportunity to talk about the challenges for you/your community. And a wee update from us on our focus for the year ahead.
Let us know if you are planning to attend - email us at info@nwcn.org
3 Save the Date: Cost of Living Crisis - Tough Times, Smart Solutions
How can we best support your organisation and help fight your corner through the current cost of living crisis?
Date: 25 May 2023 Time: 1:30pm to 4:30pm Venue: DiverseCity Community Partnership, Holywell Building, 10-12 Bishop Street.
NWCN in partnership with NICVA would like to invite you to this timely event. This workshop is an opportunity for you and your organisation to share the challenges you are facing. Voluntary and community organisations are on the front line of the cost-of-living crisis supporting people and communities, all while facing rising demand for services, falling income, and rising operational costs.
Our sector can't continue to respond to this crisis without support.
This event will be a safe space to share your concerns, learn from other organisations and have a say on the support your organisation and beneficiaries need.
The overall aim of the Halifax Foundation is: To support charitable organisations within Northern Ireland to enable people, who are disadvantaged or with special needs, to participate actively in their communities.
The Foundation has two main target areas to which it seeks to allocate funds: • Social and Community Needs
• Education and Training
Types of costs funded include - materials and equipment, contribution towards salary costs, overheads, transport costs, volunteer expenses, training/tutor costs, activity costs and refurbishment costs.
Funding is available for fresh ideas looking to secure up to £50,000. Every three months, £250,000 will be shared equally among their UK employees to donate to the forward thinking projects that matter to them most. Each charity can apply for funding of up to a maximum of £50,000 and Aviva employees will decide how the funding is distributed. Eligible causes will be able to submit their projects to the Aviva Community Fund through Crowdfunder. Funding applications are open to projects looking to raise up to £50,000.
The quarterly Aviva Community Fund through Crowdfunder distributes £250,000 of funding from Aviva with further support from the public.
Aviva has launched the next round of its Community Fund.
Aviva has teamed up with the fundraising platform Crowdfunder to offer funding of up to £50,000 to small charities, schools and community interest groups in the UK with innovative ideas that benefit their community.
Funding Areas
Community resilience: tackling inequality and improving environments by building inclusive and resilient communities; or
Financial capability and inclusion: promoting financially inclusive communities, where people can better manage their finances and avoid problem debt.
To take part the project must also be raising funds to develop a new approach, product or technology, pilot a new scheme, implement a new initiative, or expand existing services to a new area or beneficiary group.
Applications are currently open for groups who wish to deliver a programme under Planned Interventions Programme.
Completed applications must be submitted to the Education Authority no later than 4pm on Friday April 21st 2023.
All programmes must:
Engage young people living in interface areas or locations where there is potential for of heightened social unrest or in areas experiencing intra and inter community conflict.
Target young people aged 9-25 years old.
Focus delivery to engage and provide outcomes for young people against the three outcomes of the Planned Interventions Programme.
Delivery period is 1st June 2023 until 7th November 2023.
Funding Support Workshops:
EA T:BUC Team have organised a number of application support workshops which all applicants are strongly encouraged to attend. They provide advice on programme planning, completing the application form, resources for support and the Programme outcomes. Links to the online workshops will be sent after registration is completed.
The Prince’s Countryside Fund remains one of very few funders focused on rural communities across the UK. Our experience shows that, by working with local organisations, we can help to address the challenges faced by those who live and work in rural areas.
Supporting Rural Communities is our flagship grant programme, awarding £500,000 each year to power community-led solutions that enhance the viability and sustainability of rural communities. Grants are for a maximum of £25,000 over two years, and applicants must be from properly constituted, not for profit organisations with an income of less than £500,000. We support projects taking places in villages and towns in rurally isolated areas, where access to services is limited.
8Community Service Work Placements 2023-2024 Funding Scheme
The Probation Board for Northern Ireland (PBNI) has responsibility for securing placements for individuals who are subject to Community Service/Supervised Activity Orders imposed by the Courts.
To fulfil the obligations of these Orders, the people to which they are subject complete unpaid work placements within their communities in local organisations. PBNI therefore invites applications from organisations across Northern Ireland in the Community and Voluntary Sector (CVS) to provide such placements.
Successful applicants will be required to:
Provide meaningful work and effective supervision of people subject to any such Court Orders;
Support PBNI’s commitment to community-based restorative practice;
Accept individuals who may be considered more complex in nature;
Maintain records of work to provide evidence towards the achievement of completed hours for placements;
Undertake basic trauma-informed training.
In addition, successful applicants who provide access to accredited training courses for placements will be awarded extra points in the scoring process. Review meetings will take place between PBNI Area Managers and the placements to review the delivery of the work.
PBNI will fund each placement to the value of £150 with a minimum of 6 placements per application.
Successful applicants will be required to publicly acknowledge and refer to the funding throughout the lifetime of the grant award. The purpose of this is to raise awareness of the partnership role PBNI and CVS plays in contributing to safer communities. Furthermore, in promoting its work PBNI may seek to use a placement to raise awareness of this.
Further details including PBNI’s grant funding policy, procedures and application forms are available via the PBNI website, www.pbni.org.uk
We recommend that you read and fully understand the contents of the application and the supporting documents required before applying.
Completed application forms must be submitted electronically to the PBNI Procurement and Grants Manager, Graham Parkinson at Graham.Parkinson@probation-ni.gov.uk.
Applications received after the closing date will NOT be accepted
Thanks to funding from the Department for Communities NICVA are able to offer one year subscriptions to our GrantTracker service, completely free of charge.
With over 1,000 Northern Ireland specific funding schemes currently listed, GrantTracker will help you find funding relevant to your projects, keep on top of deadline dates and co-ordinate your funding applications.
The DEEDS project is hosting a conference on 16th May at the City Hotel: 9.30am ending with lunch.
This conference will celebrate the success of the first funded phase of DEEDS as well as launch the new phase with a particular reference to our innovative training and education which is being offered out into the community including local businesses and Care provider groups.
11Advance Care Planning Week 3 - 7 April, 2023, ‘Think and Plan Ahead’
Advance care planning is about living for today and planning for our future care needs of tomorrow.
During this week Compassionate Communities NI are running multiple workshops around Northern Ireland on the new Advance Care Planning Policy for Northern Ireland.
The week will be launched on Monday, 3 April at 12.15 p.m. at Foyle Arena, followed by an information session.
On Tuesday, 4 April at 12.30 p.m. there is a literary event, ‘Compassionate Conversations’ followed at 2.00 p.m. by an information session.
Places on the information sessions are limited, to book your place please email info@compassinatecommunitiesni.com or phone Susanne 078 411 01932.
NI EyeCare Network to host ‘EyeCareWeCare roadshow Foyleside Shopping Centre, Thursday 23 March
RNIB, in partnership with the NI Eyecare Network, are inviting the public and support organisations to ‘See Derry Differently’ by visiting their EyeCareWeCare roadshow taking place at Foyleside Shopping Centre Thursday 23 March.
Come along and:
try out our vision simulations,
learn how to provide sighted guidance to clients, customers or family members,
find out about support services available for anyone affected by sight loss in the Derry/Londonderry area,
get top tips on how to keep your eyes as healthy as possible.
13Information day for both New and Established Creative Industry Talent
Foyle Film Festival is hosting an Information day for both New and Established Creative Industry Talent10.30am – 3pm on Friday 31 March in the Nerve Centre.
This session is focused on looking ahead to your career in the creative industries and is designed to give you insights, strategies and practical tools to enable you to manage and develop a freelance career. The session is presented by Alison Grade, author of The Freelance Bible. BFI Film Academy Labs are all about helping 16- to 25-year-olds break into the screen industries. The BFI Film Academy Venue Education Fund is kindly supported by the National Lottery. BOOK:https://nervecentre.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/873634188
11.30AM - 12.15PM CINE: Creative Industries New Entrants - with David Corscadden
This workshop will introduce the Creative Industries New Entrants programme (CINE), a new initiative which aims to broaden access to the screen and creative industries at entry level. Funded by the Department for Communities and working in partnership with BBC Northern Ireland, the scheme will help identify new talent. In line with UK-wide screen industry initiatives CINE will prioritise applicants from underrepresented ethnic minority, socio-economic, and disabled communities, to expand our growing creative industries sector and create a more diverse generation of ‘New Entrants’ of all ages. BOOK: https://nervecentre.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/873634261
This session will look at how we keep ourselves well under stress and pressure. The Film and TV Industry can be fast paced and intense, so protecting our mental health and wellbeing is crucial to our resilience, especially when away from home and our usual networks of support. This is a practical session looking at tools, tips and techniques to help keep you on track.
ScreenSkills ScreenSkills is the UK-wide industry-led skills body for the screen industries - film, television (including children's, unscripted and high end), VFX (visual effects), animation and games. ScreenSkills provides industry focused insight, career development, training and cash grants to help people get into the industry and progress within it. To learn more about training and resources from ScreenSkills check out screenskills.com and contact NI Training Manager liz.barron@screenskills.com BOOK:https://nervecentre.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/873634263
Foyle Film Festival is kindly supported by the Department of Communities through Northern Ireland Screen and Derry City and Strabane District Council.
14Bursaries for ILM Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management
Thanks to funding from the Department for Communities, NICVA are delighted to offer bursaries for our ILM Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management to organisations in the voluntary and community sector in Northern Ireland.
We know that for some people the cost of training can be a barrier to accessing the skills needed for jobs and career progression. That's why we are offering bursaries for our ILM Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Development as part of our Cost Of Living Crisis response, supported by the Department for Communities.
The ILM course normally costs £1,200 (or at a reduced rate of £865 for NICVA members), so we would encourage you to take up this offer and avail of these huge savings.
This offer is open until 31 March 2023 so please apply today.
16Opportunity for Women to be Introduced to Angling
The benefits of angling have been known for a long time but it's been a well kept secret. To be out doors with nature surrounding you, in beautiful places, really gives a boost to your inner-being. And most times it doesn't matter if you catch a fish or not. The fish is a bonus.
Angling really does help to decrease stress and anxiety.
The NW Angling Show is happening 1st & 2nd April at the Melvin Centre in Strabane.
And for the first time ever in the British Isles there will be a 'Ladies Initiative' which will be a women's only session running in parallel with the main show event with two female coaches as part of the coaching team.
The women's session is free to join. Booking in advance is necessary.
It will include a short indoor introduction followed by 2.5 hours casting instruction and practice outside.
This will be followed by a warm lunch and a chance to walk around the shows exhibits.
There will be a Ladies Initiative session on both days and participants can attend on one or on both days.
Each session will be made up of two groups - one for beginners and one for intermediates. You don't need to have any knowledge, experience or equipment to join in the beginners group. Intermediates may provide their own equipment if they wish.
The show is being organised and run by Derry City and Strabane District Council in partnership with the Loughs Agency and will be delivered by The Northern Counties Angling Hub in partnership with Reel Women - a new group for women anglers who wish to meet other women who fish.
For more information about this Ladies Initiative or to request a booking form please email Maddy Kelly on nireelwomen@gmail.com Full joining instructions will be sent to those who book.
For more information about the North West Angling Fair visit www.derrystrabane.com/angling fair and follow on Facebook @NorthWestAnglingFair
17 Mayor's Event - Celebrating Women & Girls In Sport
International Women’s Month - Celebrating Women & Girls In Sport
As part of International Women’s Month during March 2023 the Mayor, Councillor Sandra Duffy, welcomes women and girls within your Community Group to take part in taster sessions in:
Gaelic Games
Disability / Inclusive Sports
The event takes place on Friday 31st March 2023 from 2 pm to 4 pm in Foyle Arena.
If you wish for your Community Group to take part please register your interest by contacting Alexandra Wallace on 02871253253 or email Alexandra.wallace@derrystrabane.com Places are limited and allocated on a first come first served basis.
Due to our ongoing growth, we have an exciting new opportunity opening. We are now recruiting for the following post:
Our Project Co-Ordinator’s are involved across the whole project lifecycle so you would be assisting your Programme Manager by taking a project from scoping right through to completion. You will be part of a wider project team and be working on some of our most transformational and strategically significant changes.
Everything Verbal does aims to give everyone regardless of ability, background or circumstances the opportunity and the means to; tell their story & listen to the stories of others.
Full time 36hrs per week Salary: £23,980 - £25,481 per annum
The Churches Trust was established over 30 years ago in recognition of the fact that deprivation and disadvantage are key barriers to building a united community, equality of opportunity and good relations.
Are you looking to help make a difference to the people living in the community around you?
The Churches Trust is expanding its banking team of Personal Assistants. Title: Personal Assistant Position: Self Employed Salary: National Living Wage
What the role entails:
This role requires you to help our service users to live independently in their own homes, assisting them with daily tasks such as, meal preparation, talking and listening, light housework, shopping & outings in the community, whilst at the same time maintaining their dignity.
Work patterns are available between 9 am and 6 pm: Successful applicants need to be flexible in their working patterns and MUST have access to your own motorised transport.
The role of the Personal Assistant requires you to be: * Enthusiastic and reliable * Caring and considerate
* A good communicator * Dependable
Previous experience of working in care would be an advantage.
All positions subject to an enhanced Access NI check
As a member of the Churches Trust bank of Personal Assistants, you will be part of our team where a genuinely rewarding role is guaranteed along with flexible working hours ensuring a healthy work – life balance.
For information and application packs, please contact Veronica Keenan:
Tel: 028 71311322 or e-mail info@thechurchestrust.org.uk Closing date for applications: 3 pm Friday, 31st March 2023
North West Methodist Mission has been delivering services to the homeless in Derry/Londonderry for 80 years.
We provide accommodation and support encouraging independent living and progression to permanent accommodation.
Job Vacancy - Catering Assistant (bank) Ref: CAB/NWMM/0323 Position: Casual Hours: As and when required Hourly rate: To be discussed at interview Location: Methodist City Mission for Homeless Men, 19A Crawford Square, Derry/Londonderry, BT48 7HR
Essential Criteria:
An understanding of hygiene considerations within a catering environment
An understanding of health and safety considerations within a catering environment
Positive attitude with a desire to deliver an outstanding service to residents
Ability and willingness to work unsocial hours
Six months experience in a catering or hospitality environment
Food Hygiene Certificate
Catering qualification
For a full job profile and details on how to apply please email: hr.talent@nwmm.co.uk Closing date for applications: 12 noon on Tuesday 04 April 2023
North West Methodist Mission is an Equal Opportunities Employer
The Department for Communities has launched a competition for the appointment of six Members to the Board of National Museums NI.
National Museums NI looks after four distinct and unique museums in Northern Ireland, with each serving as a cultural, learning and tourist destination, whilst acting as custodians to 1.4 million objects in a collection spanning, art, history and natural sciences.
As a Board Member you will have an excellent opportunity to make a significant contribution to its leadership and oversight.
The Department for the Economy is pleased to publish Edition 6 of the ‘Funding Innovation for Net Zero’ E-zine. The aim of the E-zine is to keep you informed of funding opportunities available in the Clean tech and green innovation space.
As ever, we would be keen to receive feedback as to whether you believe it is useful and if you feel it can be improved.
If you have any comments, please contact us at: HydrogenAdvancedTechnologiesBranch@economy-ni.gov.uk
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🍳 5… https://t.co/6Wz1wBT6X9 —
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