1Cost of Living Crisis - Tough Times, Smart Solutions
How can we best support your organisation and help fight your corner through the current cost of living crisis?
Date: 25 May 2023 Time: 1:30pm to 4:30pm Venue: DiverseCity Community Partnership, Holywell Building, 10-12 Bishop Street.
NWCN in partnership with NICVA would like to invite you to this timely event. This workshop is an opportunity for you and your organisation to share the challenges you are facing. Voluntary and community organisations are on the front line of the cost-of-living crisis supporting people and communities, all while facing rising demand for services, falling income, and rising operational costs.
Our sector can't continue to respond to this crisis without support.
This event will be a safe space to share your concerns, learn from other organisations and have a say on the support your organisation and beneficiaries need.
Calling all local charities! If you could make use of a grant of up to £1,000 for your work in local communities, we want to hear from you.
Apex Housing Association is now inviting applications for funding from its Common Fund.
Applicants must be registered charities with a proven track record of delivering services and projects in Northern Ireland and must not have received a Common Fund grant within the last three years.
Funding must be used to support social, environmental, recreational, health and well-being, educational or training and employment activities.
Applicants should be able to demonstrate that Apex tenants / residents will benefit from any funding awarded.
We support projects that help make communities fairer for everyone. You can apply if you're a not-for profit group, wanting to fund a specific project that benefits your local community.
You can apply if your project:
brings people together to access food
helps to improve people's mental wellbeing
creates opportunities for young people to be heard and make a difference
helps people to save and restore nature or tackle climate change
The Arts Council has designed this programme to assist organisations to deliver arts projects which contribute to the growth of arts in the community for new and existing audiences and which reflect the diversity of Northern Ireland’s society and culture. We want to support activities which benefit the people of Northern Ireland or that help arts organisations in Northern Ireland carry out their work.
In addition, the Council wishes to support programmes which
Encourage the involvement of under-represented groups including those from black and ethnic minority (BAME) communities;
Encourage the involvement of children and young people, older people, or people with disabilities with organisations and artists of the very highest professional standards across the disciplines;
Promote innovative, original work by Northern Ireland artists, especially in drama and dance, which tours outside the company’s administrative base; and
Advance collaborative audience development projects.
5 FREE VOLT Session: The King’s Award for Voluntary Service
Following the Accession of King Charles III, The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service will now become The King’s Award for Voluntary Services (KAVS)
The King’s Award for Voluntary Service is the highest Award given to local volunteer groups across the UK to recognise outstanding work done in their own communities. It is the MBE for volunteer groups and is awarded to groups of volunteers whose level of initiative and impact are truly exceptional.
182 volunteer groups currently hold the Award in Northern Ireland and there will be more awardees being announced in November 2023. Do you know an inspirational group that could be nominated?
This FREE VOLT Session to promote the Award and explain the nomination process, is being organised by the NI Representative for The King’s Award for Voluntary Service in partnership with Volunteer Now. The event is aimed at potential nominators and interested groups. It will be an opportunity to hear from those involved in promoting the Award and from others who have been through the process.
Date: Wednesday 7 June 2023
Time: 10.00-11.00am
Cost: FREE
The project will provide a safe, welcoming space for men to talk and access support from others who have had similar experiences. The Empathy Tent will travel around Northern Ireland visiting community events, high streets and public spaces for easy access and to improve awareness of poor mental health.
Men will make connections and improve their mental health and wellbeing
Men talking and supporting each other will be normalised
To support the incredible work that so many charities do to support health and wellbeing, our second special draw of the year will award £5,000 each to 10 charities working in this area.
Please vote for Foyle Downn Syndrome Trust - it takes seconds!
8Please support Glendermott Shared Space funding bid
Interested in having quality outdoor public spaces in the Waterside? Please fill in a 5 min online survey and attend a public meeting on Monday 22nd May to show support.
Residents in the Drumahoe, Tullyally and Currynierin areas are being encouraged to attend specially arranged public meetings to share their views on the Glendermott Shared Space Project. The meetings will take place in three separate venues on Monday May 22nd (details below) and are open to local residents, community groups and stakeholders. A survey link to a quick 5 minute survey is here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/GlendermottSharedSpace
Derry City and Strabane District Council is applying for EU PEACEPLUS funding from the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) that, if successful, will be used to fund parks and outdoor public spaces in the local area.
The application will be stronger if local people take part.
The overall objective of the Glendermott Shared Space Project is to address community relations and tensions and impact of the conflict on the area by regenerating the Green Spaces to create a high quality, well connected shared space.
In other words, quality outdoor spaces that everyone can use together. Specifically, it will be an interconnected green shared space for both communities and visitors that is non-contentious and non-sectarian through the regeneration of the lands between Drumahoe, Currynierin and Tullyally.
The PEACEPLUS funding application has two key parts – firstly, the physical creation of shared public space and secondly, a cross-community participation programme. Council will take the lead on the physical/capital part (ie. Masterplan is the design of the Green Infrastructure (GI) shared space) and the cross-community programming and animation of the spaces will be tendered out for delivery by relevant organisations working with local communities.
It is important that local people have a say in what the cross-community programmes should look like. Communities are encouraged to engage in the process and what goes into the bid for funding will be decided in a co-design process where communities put forward relevant ideas. In May there is an initial series of open, public, workshops. Interested groups and individuals are welcome to attend the most relevant and suitable workshop for them and preregistration is not required.
These Phase 1 workshops will be focusing specifically on what communities want in the cross-community participation programme part of the project. At a later date there will be more information on the physical/capital masterplan.
Monday 22nd May 2023
10.30am-12.00 noon
51 Glenshane Rd, Drumahoe
BT47 3SF
Monday 22nd May 2023
14.00pm – 15.30pm
Tullyally Community Partnership
Unit 2
Glendermott Valley Business Park, Tullyally Rd
BT47 3LR
Monday 22nd May 2023
19.00pm – 20.30pm
Currynierin Community Association
Ridgeway Drive
BT47 3UX
9 Meeting of Equality Assurance and Oversight Group
Consultation on the Council’s Improvement Objectives for 2023/24
Derry City and Strabane District Council is committed to its mission of delivering “Improved social, economic and environmental outcomes for everyone” and in this context would welcome your views on the improvement objectives we have identified for the forthcoming year. These priorities are attached and are also available, along with information on how to provide your views, on our web site at: https://www.derrystrabane.com/haveyoursay
We are particularly keen to know if:
• You agree that the draft performance improvement objectives are appropriate
• What alternative improvement objectives would you like to see considered this year or in the future.
In order to hear your views directly, and provide you with information in person, we would like to invite to a meeting of the Equality Assurance and Oversight Group on 9th June from 11.00 to 12.30 to discuss these objectives, listen to your views and answer questions.
10Equal Rights for Women with Learning Disabilities Conference
Destined is hosting a one-day Conference that will provide the opportunity for women with learning disabilities and those without to share and explore their experiences of equal rights in society.
The Conference will take place on Wednesday 24th of May 2023 commencing at 11am until 2pm in the North West Learning Disability Centre, Foyle Road, Derry, BT48 6SQ
The event will consist of a panel of speakers including a woman with a learning disability speaking about her lived experience, a parent of a son with learning disabilities who will talk of the difficulties and challenges accessing services, a speaker who supports women subjected to domestic violence, expert speakers on human rights, women’s rights, and disability rights in a local context, European-wide and globally. There will be a question-and-answer session afterwards to allow for audience participation.
Representatives of the following organisations will have information stands at the event: Bloody Sunday Trust, Bogside & Brandywell Health Forum, Clarendon Shelter, Cunamh, Disability Action, Foyle Parents & Friends, HURT, Inclusively Fit; Insanely Beautiful, Old Library Trust, Pink Ladies, SENSE, and WHSCT.
11 Impact of Brexit on Minority Ethnic and Migrant People in NI
You are invited to a discussion session to hear about the findings from ourrecent research into the impact of Brexit on minority ethnic and migrant people in Northern Ireland, conducted by Pivotal.
At the session, we want to hear your views on the research and on our policy recommendations as we work to improve the lives of people from ethnic minority communities living in post Brexit Northern Ireland.
It will also be an opportunity to hear what we think of the current The Executive Office Race Law Reform consultation and to input into the Commission’s response.
This is an important discussion as we work to improve protections for all minority ethnic people living and working in Northern Ireland.
12 Public invited to preview event for zero emission bus fleet
Step on board – a new era in emissions-free public transport is emerging
Translink has announced a special preview event for its new zero emission Foyle Metro bus fleet in Guildhall Square on Thursday 25th May from 11am – 3pm.
Derry~Londonderry will soon become one of the first cities in the UK and Ireland to operate a fully zero-emission urban bus service and members of the public have been invited to come along and view the future of public transport first-hand.
The first 2 buses in the new zero emission Foyle Metro fleet including a state-of-the-art single decker and double decker electric vehicle will be on site with the public having the opportunity to step on board and find out more from members of the Translink team.
Ian Campbell, Director of Service Operations, Translink, said: “We are delighted to announce this public event and demonstrate our ongoing commitment to tackling climate change, reducing congestion, enhancing air quality, reducing noise pollution and promoting a healthier, better-connected society with a modal shift to cleaner, greener public transport options.
“We encourage everyone to come along and see these impressive new buses in person. The new fleet will not only make travel even more attractive and efficient, but also improve the lives of anyone that lives, works and visits the city.”
The zero emission Foyle Metro bus fleet is due to come into service later this year as part of Translink’s transformational plans to support the decarbonisation of transport in Northern Ireland.
Deafblind UK, is currently funded by the Big Lottery Community Fund to support people with a dual sensory loss.
It is an important part of our work, to work with professional bodies and other charitable organisations, to ensure that as many people with Deafblindness as possible are made aware of our services and have access to them. To make a referral, or if you have further questions about our services, please contact helpline 0800 132320 or email to info@deafblind.org.uk
Alternatively, please visit the relevant section on our website – For Professionals | Deafblind UK where you can make an online referral and gain further information.
RNID is resuming its free drop-in support session for hearing aid users support service in Carnhill Resource Centre on Thursday 18th May from 11am-12.30pm
The sessions are run by trained volunteers and funded by the Health & Social Care Board.
NWRC are recruiting applicants for a FREE Skills Academies that can leads individuals into employment.
These short programmes are fully funded through the Derry City and Strabane Labour Market Partnership and will give individuals the skills that employers are looking for.
You need to be over 16, unemployed and a resident of Derry City and Strabane District Council, you can complete our simple online form and a member of staff will contact you.
17 A special concert of Taiko Drumming and Bon Odori Dance!
Foyle Obon is delighted to announce that on the evening of Saturday May 20th we will be staging a very special concert in the amphitheatre at the Playtrail.
These are difficult times for many organisations and this year we are unable to bring you our usual larger Obon Festival event. However, we are still determined to bring some joy and #taikolove to this wee corner of the Racecourse Road.
The amphitheatre stage will feature performances from local Taiko drum players, including many of our community workshop participants who have been waiting for this moment to show everyone their talent. This concert is the highlight of our year round cultural outreach programme where participants of all ages and abilities have been learning and taking part Taiko workshops. They will come together onstage to showcase their skills and celebrate their achievements. We will also have taiko performances from our own Ibuki Taiko performance group.
The wonderful Hannari Traditional Japanese dancers will be performing beautiful dance pieces and will also lead the audience in some Bon Odori dance, an opportunity for the whole audience to join in (no experience or technique necessary!).
The concert will run from 7.30pm – 9.30pm. Gates open at 7pm. Tea and Coffee will be available to purchase thanks to the lovely Stephanie from Offing Coffee.
The concert is supported by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland Lottery Project Fund and Derry City and Strabane District Council Community Festivals Fund.
20VACANCY- Community Relations Officer (That's Powerful)
The Playhouse wishes to recruit a Community Relations Officer (That’s Powerful) to support the development, coordination and delivery of The Playhouse’s Community Relations Programme in Cross Border Counties most particularly Theatre of Witness and That’s Powerful, as well as other community relations focused projects in cross border areas.
The Community Relations Officer (That’s Powerful) will do so in line with the Vision and Mission of The Playhouse and within the Engagement Strategy, working closely with The Head of Engagement
TO APPLY: Please fill out the job application form outlining your suitability for the role, in particular paying attention to address the essential and (if applicable) desirable experience, skills and attributes. Please also fill out the confidential monitoring form. Both are available at www.derryplayhouse.co.uk
Send both the application form and monitoring form to Rachel Clarke- Hughes, rachel@derryplayhouse.com, whom you can also email with any queries in relation to the application process.
In partnership with CBPES Cross Border Partnership Employment Services and in collaboration with Letterkenny Chamber, the Derry Chamber are hosting this seminar also as an introduction to the free services offered by CBPES, to help establish and strengthen networks between CBPES advisers and employers.
RT @FoyleHospice: Do you have a few hours to spare?
We are in urgent need of Volunteers to help out at the Summer Raffle Stalls in… https://t.co/BBKZ2RmOyZ —
1 year 9 months ago
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📺Save money on household appliances
🍳 5… https://t.co/6Wz1wBT6X9 —
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Hearing from local elected reps in Derry about the cuts to the community and voluntary sector. A lot of un… https://t.co/mrNL7fwGdD —
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RT @CRJDerry: This morning we attended a meeting organised by @NWCN01 with our local elected reps to discuss the potential impact… https://t.co/1u8zOTaRZY —
1 year 9 months ago
A huge thanks to all who came along to our meeting about the funding crisis in the sector, good conversations were… https://t.co/UGzifowO2O —
1 year 9 months ago