Raising the Standards of Fundraising in NI Workshop
**Please note there are only a few places left on this workshop**
18 January 2017, 1:30-4:30pm
Holywell DiverseCity Community Partnership
This free workshop facilitated by the Institute of Fundraising Northern Ireland and funded by the Halifax Foundation for NI will inform and educate on fundraising codes of best practice and self-regulation for any charity involved in fundraising. There are a number of workshops running across Northern Ireland with this one being in the North West.
The purpose of this project is to develop best practice standards and compliance with self-regulation in fundraising across the charity sector in Northern Ireland. This workshop will provide guidance and support to charities to understand implications of fundraising self regulation and grow best practice with trustees, staff and volunteers and essentially those who benefit from charity services such as supporters, donors and funders of charities.
Participants will get the chance to learn about developing their fundraising best practice and compliance with legal obligations as well as benefitting from being more aware of the legal and reputational risks to fundraising practice and understand better their responsibilities.
**Please note this workshop is fully booked however there is a reserve list available on the link below **
24 January 2018, 7:00pm to 9:30pm
Holywell DiverseCity Community Partnership
A free two hour practical workshop for treasurers, or those that keep the financial records, of small charities to help them establish appropriate financial systems.
Good financial management is an integral part of ensuring good governance as it not only helps charity trustees to fulfill their legal duties but also helps to protect the charity from mismanagement of funds. Having robust financial procedures in place will help to improve organisational capacity and effectiveness.
The focus of this workshop will be on basic bookkeeping and financial management including setting up and maintaining the books (cash book, cheque ledger, petty cash); cash handling, understanding charity funds and accounts and the role of the treasurer.
As we’re expecting a lot of demand for this training, we’re limiting places to one per organisation in the first instance and holding a waiting list for other interested members of the organisation.
Kindly supported by Halifax Foundation for Northern Ireland.
Money Management Training: Supporting Communities with Welfare Reform
Tuesday 30th January 2018, 10am- 4pm
Holywell - DiverseCity Community Partnership
Citizens Advice is offering a free 1-day course on Money Management to groups throughout Northern Ireland, funded by the Department for Communities (DfC).
We want to ensure that money management training is provided to staff, volunteers and members in organisations, networks and community groups.
Those who attend this training can then share their money management knowledge and skills to those financially impacted by welfare reform.
The training will cover:
All areas of money management (budgeting/saving/credit/banking/debt)
Impact of Welfare reform
Digital inclusion - online budgeting tools, comparison sites
2 Techies in Residence- What can your organisation do with £30k support?
Techies in Residence, the digital social innovation challenge from the Building Change Trust and Comic Relief, is looking for challenges from the Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise sectors that could help transform the sector! We need your ideas and inspiration!
The Techies in Residence programme supports voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations in Northern Ireland to creatively use digital technology to enhance their social impact.
It pairs VCSE organisations with a 'Techie' a digital technology professional to collaboratively develop a new prototype digital product - a tool, app, platform - over a 10-12 week period. Expert support and mentoring is also provided by Innovate NI who handhold each project through the process and also help them access additional support to plan for the growth and sustainability of their idea in future.
All organisations completing Techies in Residence will also be eligible to apply for the Social Innovation NI Seed Fund - an invitation only fund that opens in May 2018
Please note that Techies in Residence is about using technology to enhance the mission-facing work of organisations and is not a vehicle for projects that focus primarily on internal organisational systems, communications or fundraising.
***First stage applications close on 5pm Monday 15th January.***
3 Dfc Small Grants for Volunteering & Free Training
Additional funding allocation and call for applications - January 2018
DfC have managed to secure additional funding towards the Volunteering Small Grants Programme for 2017/2018. These small grants are a lifeline to the voluntary/community sector and we welcome this encouraging development. Limavady Community Development Initiative Ltd (LCDI), acting as lead for the Association of Independent Volunteer Centres (AIVC), North West Volunteer Centre & Volunteer Now, are responsible for administering the Volunteering Small Grants programme as part of NI's Volunteering Strategy "Join in, get involved: build a better future".
Note - those groups who applied in November DO NOT need to apply again. LCDI has their details so will contact you directly to complete an addendum to your original application.
The 2017/2018 grants are being limited to £1,200 and can only be used for the following:
•Volunteer Recognition Event / Thank-You Event (Subsistence)
•PPE (Protective Clothing)
•Training – the Volunteer Centres are the ideal choice to do the training through and they will help you through all stages from choice of training, to getting the correct paperwork for your small grant (details of Volunteer Centres attached)
There will be a very tight deadline for applications. This is so that we can turnaround decisions quickly. The deadline for return of completed applications is 12noon Thursday 18th January 2018.
Due to this tight deadline (and to enable quick turnaround) we are only accepting applications through the attached application form rather than through an online portal. The application form should be completed and emailed along with all the supporting documents (constitution; volunteer policy; bank statement; accounts/income & expenditure) to the following email address:
The Executive Office, in partnership with the Education Authority, are inviting applications from groups who want to deliver a Camp under the T:BUC Camps Programme 2018/19. Completed applications must be returned to the Education Authority no later than 2pm on 23rd February 2018.
The T:BUC Camps Programme is one of the headline actions described in the Together: Building a United Community strategy. The T:BUC Camps Programme is about building positive relations among young people across all parts of our community and must have‘good relations’ at the core of them. Camps must be held between 1 April 2018 and 28 February 2019, camps are not limited to the traditional summer period and can take place throughout the year.
Applications are invited from;
Registered youth organisations
Bona fide voluntary and community organisations including (churches, sports groups, art groups)
Regional organisations
District Councils
Young people taking part in the camp must be aged between 11 and 19 years. Each camp must be run on a cross community basis and consist of three phases.
Pre camp engagement
Post camp engagement
How to apply
Further information can be found in the Guidance Notes and Application Form which can be downloaded by clicking the links below: Application Form Guidance Notes
Hard copies can be requested by e-mailing tbuc@eani.org.uk or by telephone on 028 9056 6429 or 028 9056 6952
T: BUC Camps Programme 2018/19 – Funding Fairs and Good Relations workshops
A number of Funding Fairs have been arranged to provide advice and guidance to organisations who are considering applying for funding under the Camps Programme 2018/19. The Good Relations workshops are designed to help support groups to develop the three Camp phases to include good relations throughout their programmes. The workshops will also provide insight and access to a new Good Relations resource pack. Details of the Fairs and workshops and how to register can be found below by clicking on the links below: Funding Fairs Workshops Twitter - @TBUCCamps Facebook - www.facebook.com/tbuccamps
5Key conference on cross-border working for charities
The Wheel together with NICVA and Moore Stephens, invite you to a special conference for charities on ways of working on an all-island basis, the challenges and opportunities.
Taking place on Tuesday, 6 February at the Armagh City Hotel, 2 Friary Road, Armagh, BT60 4FR, the Charities Working Across Borders Conference will specifically examine the similarities and challenges for organisations working both North and South including charity, company and financial regulations.
Frances McCandless, CEO of the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland and John Farrelly, CEO of the Charities Regulatory Authority will be speaking at the event.
Places are limited and are going really fast so book your place now if you don't want to miss out!
The updated Multiple Deprivation Measures (NIMDM) 2017 were published on 23 November 2017. The NIMDM 2017 replaces the Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2010 as the official measure of deprivation in Northern Ireland.
Public dissemination events are planned, across Northern Ireland, for early 2018 to provide an overview of the updated deprivation measure and an opportunity to ask questions. (Dates and venues to be confirmed).
About The Facilitation Training
This is a two-day Intensive Facilitation Training Programme for youth education practitioners,(teachers, Youth workers and trained youth volunteers) which will equip them with a bespoke set of digital resources to deliver The JustUs Workshop Education Programme to young people. This course is designed to support youth practitioners to have exploratory conversations with young people in a safe setting.
When and where is the training taking place?
The workshops will take place over two full consecutive days as outlined below:
Date: Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st February 2018
Time: 9.15 am – 5 pm
Venue: At Rural Community Network, Cookstown, Co.Tyrone
About the JustUs Programme
JustUs is an innovative, multi-perspective workshop based education programme
(Open College Network NI Level 2 Accredited) purposely designed for young people
living here in NI. Comprising 6 modules, 4 of which are thematic explorations of
challenging and controversial issues. It is delivered by trained youth workers and
teachers in safe educational spaces.
The programme addresses legacy questions and other tension-laced identity issues
(sectarianism, racism, and sexual orientation) with a view to leaving young people
better able to defuse their potential to erupt into violence.
JustUs was developed and produced by Gaslight Media Trust (GMT) who manage
and license its rollout across Northern Ireland and the border counties.
Who is organising the Training?
This training initiative is a collaboratiive undertaken between Gaslight Media Trust & Rural Community Network, with the purpose of upskilling experienced youth education practitioners to deliver the JustUs Workshop Education programme in youth work settings and schools within their respective communities. It is funded by the Cohesion Unit of NIHE.
What The Facilitation Training Gives You
Successful completion of this two-day training workshop and its associated Out of Workshop Exercises qualify participants as GMT Accredited Facilitators of JustUs.
NB Completion of these two elements will give you access to all of the JustUs Programme’s educational resources. N.B. Use and delivery of the JustUs Programme is restricted to GMT Accredited Facilitators.
How much does it cost?
Following financial support from NIHE Community Cohesion Unit the course is free to all successful applicants.
N.B. To take part in this project you must complete and return the registration form which you can find under Useful Downloads at www.nwcn.org Training places are limited to a maximium number of 16 people
The closing date for return of this form is: Thursday, 25th January 2018
The Churches Trust in partnership with the Inner City Trust and the Nerve Centre are recruiting 20 young people (16 – 20 years) to take part in this imaginative, creative art project, funded by the Department for Communities.
The platform on which the project will be framed is the creation of a public art piece as a team. This is a themed project of ‘togetherness’ where participants will ultimately produce one piece of public art.
Benefits of taking part:
£50 voucher on completion of project (attendance dependent)
Free Lunch
OCN Level 1 in digital Fabrication
OCN level 1 in Good Relations
Public display of completed art in Garden of Reflection
9 Local film making opportunity for 18 – 25 year olds
When: Fridays 10am – 4pm beginning Friday 19th January for 10 weeks
The Churches Trust is developing a film on the St.Columba Heritage Trail in partnership with North West Regional College. Funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs.
We are recruiting a team of 10 young people to take part in this exciting, creative project.
Benefits of taking part:
£50 voucher on completion of project (attendance dependent)
International Symposium on Youth Employment Challenges (ISYEC) 3.rd Edition
26 February - 1 March 2018 | Kayseri, Turkey
To gather, learn about/share good practices and get inspired for developing cross-sectoral strategies for employment and for the future of youth.
Organizer: Turkish National Agency (National Agency)
This activity is for participants from: Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries, Other countries in the world, Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU Application deadline (24h CET): 19 January 2018 See details The Power of Non Formal Education 2018
7 - 13 March 2018 | Portugal
Improving the impact of Non Formal Education (NFE), principles and methods in creating empowerment opportunities for young people as real actors of the society (from local to Europe).
Organizer: Portuguese National Agency for Erasmus + Youth in Action (National Agency)
This activity is for participants from: Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries Application deadline (24h CET): 21 January 2018 See details EuroPeer Training Course
2 - 7 March 2018 | Youth centre Marttinen in Virrat, Finland
A training course for young people who have taken part in Erasmus+ : Youth in Action projects. The training prepares participants to share their experiences and inspire other youngsters to get involved in European international mobility programmes.
Organizer: EDUFI (National Agency)
This activity is for participants from: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Netherlands, Slovak Republic, United Kingdom, Western Balkan countries Application deadline (24h CET): 22 January 2018 See details #TCP - Towards collaborative practice - Study visit with contact making activities on youth entrepreneurship and social innovation in Israel
11 - 15 March 2018 | Jerusalem, Israel
This study visit of inspiring social and youth enterprises in Jerusalem is a unique opportunity to discover why Israel is one of the best countries in the word to be a social entrepreneur and how Erasmus+ can support social and youth entrepreneurship.
Organizer: Italian National Agency for Erasmus+ Youth In Action - Agenzia Nazionale per i Giovani (National Agency)
This activity is for participants from: Cyprus, Denmark, France, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom Application deadline (24h CET): 31 January 2018 See details Roma in the past and today
25 - 28 February 2018 | Skopje, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Organizer: Roma Youth Center (NGO/Others)
This activity is for participants from: Albania, Austria, Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom Application deadline (24h CET): 31 January 2018 See details The Sound of Music IV
25 April - 1 May 2018 | Laugarvatn, Iceland, Iceland
European Training course for youth workers to explore the power of music in non-formal education activities with young people, with different aims (to relax, to activate, to cooperate, to reflect, to promote learning, etc.)
Organizer: National Agency of Erasmus+ in Iceland (National Agency)
This activity is for participants from: Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries Application deadline (24h CET): 15 February 2018 See details Graphic facilitation In Action
1 - 9 April 2018 | Tunisia
Our customized graphic recording training workshops will help your team develop and express ideas with more clarity and impact. They’ve developed hands-on, practical graphic recording training to infuse creativity into your business.
Organizer: Farhat Hached Institute for Research and Democracy (NGO/Others)
This activity is for participants from: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Russian Federation, Syria, Eastern Partnership countries, Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries, Other countries in the world, Western Balkan countries Application deadline (24h CET): 15 February 2018 See details Let’s Get It On! A Contact-Making Seminar for Youth Exchanges
16 - 20 April 2018 | Dublin, Ireland
This is a contact-making seminar for Youth Exchanges, targeting organisations doing inclusion youth work. Music will be a key methodology used during the seminar. Building partnerships for future projects together is the main aim of the seminar.
Organizer: Léargas (National Agency)
This activity is for participants from: Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries Application deadline (24h CET): 16 February 2018 See details Communication Matters TC III
22 - 28 April 2018 | Budapest, Hungary
Do you know how to show your sparkles for the world outside? Do you know how to describe what you do? Is it hard for you to write something meaningful in the DEoR part of your project application?
Organizer: Hungarian NA for ERASMUS+ Youth - Tempus Public Foundation (National Agency)
This activity is for participants from: Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries Application deadline (24h CET): 18 February 2018 See details Non-formal Learning in Higher Education: Developing Intercultural Competence
16 - 21 April 2018 | Istanbul, Turkey
This seminar will be held within the long-term TCA project ‘Among Others’, aimed at exploring how non-formal methods can help develop intercultural competence in higher education.
Organizer: Turkish National Agency (National Agency)
This activity is for participants from: Czech Republic, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Poland, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom Application deadline (24h CET): 22 February 2018 See details ATOQ RO - Advanced Training on Quality in Romania
16 - 21 April 2018 | Bucharest, Romania
ATOQ training course aim at increasing quality within youth exchanges. Based on previous exchanges, an international group of youth workers will focus on quality aspects and improve management competences in order to raise quality of future exchanges.
Organizer: The National Agency of Erasmus+ Youth in Action in Romania (National Agency)
This activity is for participants from: Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries Application deadline (24h CET): 4 March 2018 http://trainings.salto-youth.net/7036 MINDSET OF YOUTH WORKERS in supporting learning through youth mobilities
13 - 19 May 2018 | De Glind, Netherlands
This five-day training course provides a learning environment for youth workers to reflect on their mindset with a specific focus on being a learner and supporting learning of young people in youth work and especially in youth mobilities.
Organizer: National Agency Erasmus+ Youth, The Netherlands (National Agency)
This activity is for participants from: Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries Application deadline (24h CET): 30 March 2018 See details
The Compassionate Campaigning Training and Support Programme of St Columb's Park House (SCPH) is delivering a new and exciting Campaign Training and Support Programme beginning 23rd Jan 2018 until 26th June 2018.
Delivered fortnightly in SCPH, the programme will offer a range of skills and support (such as Media Training, Voice Coaching Presentation Skills, Developing a Campaign, understanding relevant legislation, compassion and care for self and others, awareness of systems and interdependence within them) as well as helping participants develop their chosen campaign issue. Additionally, guest speakers will include local campaigners who can inspire participants with insights into what worked and didn’t work on their own campaigns.
Childcare, travel and caring costs can be supported if required. Programme is free to participate in but commitment to attendance and developing campaign over the six month period appreciated.
For further information and to arrange a chat about programme, call Nuala on 028 71343080 or email on nuala@stcolumbsparkhouse.org
Strengthening Families Programme is an evidence-based parenting programme, designed to promote the protective factors associated with good parenting and better outcomes for children.
Delivered over 14 sessions SFP works with the whole family by improving relationships, parental bonds and parenting skills whilst improving social and life skills for the young people participating.
For organisations SFP Provides:
-access to a free evidence based programme to complement/enhance existing service delivery
-Facilitates greater interagency working
-Upskilling and professional development of staff
-Free training programme
-Access to additional free training
-Improved outcomes for service users
The next SFP training date for sfp has been confirmed for 22nd and 29th January 2018. Venue to be confirmed. Training will be two full days and upon completion of training participants can facilitate and refer onto SFP.
Please complete training form and return, find it under Useful Downloads on www.nwcn.org.
13 Syrian Refugee and Arabic Culture Awareness Training
Derry City and Strabane District Council Good Relations team are delighted to invite individuals to register for a free day of training.
The aim of the course is to give locally resident community workers, youth workers, and individuals the opportunity to increase their understanding and awareness of Syrian Refugees and Arabic Culture, in particular the Syrian Vulnerable Persons Relocation Scheme. There will also be the opportunity to hear from Refugees about their experiences of coming to Northern Ireland (please see attached programme).
Venue: Fir Trees Hotel
Date: Monday 29th January 2018
Time: 9.45am – 4.00pm
Booking forms should be returned to Amanda Biega – email Amanda.biega@derrystrabane.com. Registration is by receipt of completed booking form only (see www.nwcn.org - Useful Downloads). Priorisation is given to residents in the council area and to those who best meet the remaining prioritization indicators on the form. Booking is on a first come first served basis.
The closing date for booking is 3.00pm Wednesday 24th January 2018.
Accredited Conflict Management and Mediation Skills Workshop
Northern Ireland Open College Network (Level 1 – 1 Credit)
Venue: Clarendon Street Chambers, 67 Clarendon Street, Derry/Londonderry
BT48 7ER
Dates: 8th February 2018
Time 9.30am – 4.30pm
Cost: £100.00 (includes Sandwich Lunch, NIOCN registration fee and course workbook)
Who for?
This course is designed for Solicitors, Police Officers, Social Workers, Probation Officers,
Human Resource School Teachers, Good Relations Officers, Project Officers, Health Officers,
Care Workers and facilitators who work in group settings
Workshop Aims
To introduce participants to the principles of Conflict Management and the use of Mediation as
tool for resolving conflict.
Explain to participants that Mediation is a process, which helps people in dispute to have a
difficult conversation with each other that enables them to work through their issues and
hopefully reach an agreeable outcome.
To give participants an overview of the Learning Outcomes for the course and explain the
Northern Ireland Open College Network Accreditation procedure.
At the end of the Workshop the participants will be able to: -
Identify different ways people deal with conflict
Be aware of the skills of a mediator
Have an understanding of how mediation works in practice
Help disputing parties create their own agreements
Understand the advantages and disadvantages of co-mediation.
To Register: Conflict Management and Mediation Skills Course
Dates: 8 th February 2018
Time: 9.30am to 4.30pm
Venue: Clarendon Street Chambers, 67 Clarendon Street, Derry/ Londonderry BT48 7ER
Name: _________________________________________________
Organisation: _________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
Contact Tel: _________________________________________________
Cost £100.00
Payment to: Mediate NI
Clarendon Street Chambers
67 Clarendon Street
BT48 7ER
Tel: 02871 365636 ex 229
Mob: 07714494258
Email: michael.doherty@mediateni.com
Facilitating Skills – Single identity Programme
OCN Accredited Course Level 2 – 1 Credit
Venue Clarendon Street Chambers, 67 Clarendon Street, Derry/Londonderry, BT48 7ER
Dates: Tuesday 20th and 21 February 2018
Time: 9.30am – 4.30pm Cost: Free as funding has been secured
Who For
The programme is designed for anyone working in a Single Identity community to give
participants the skills and knowledge of what is required to deliver and eventually initiate a
good relations programme with another group.
Course Content
The workshop is delivered through an experiential learning process that will include tutor
input, group activities and discussion.
Participants will explore ways to develop group cohesion by looking at the difference
between ice-breakers and trust exercises, how groups develop and ways to eventually
evaluate different types of Good Relations Programmes.
The background to key developments in the Northern Ireland peace process will be explored
to help participants prepare their eventual Good Relations programme.
Each participant will receive a copy of the tutors resource book ‘The Peace Builders
Places on this workshop are limited to 10 so early booking is advisable
To Register: Facilitating Good Relations – Single
Identity programme
Date: 20th and 21st February 2018
Time 9.30am to 4.30pm
Venue: Clarendon Street Chambers, 67 Clarendon
Street, Derry/ Londonderry BT48 7ER
Michael Doherty,
Mediate NI
Clarendon Street Chambers
67 Clarendon Street
BT48 7ER
Tel; 07714982546
Email; michael.doherty@mediateni.com
Are you over 50? Ready to make a healthy change in your life?
If so, you may be interested in attending the Live Wise Age Well Programme,
The Live Wise Age Well programme is a six week programme to help people develop coping strategies and improve well-being.
The programme involves learning tools and techniques that you will hopefully find useful to help create a happy, healthy lifestyle. The course focuses on how your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes affect our feelings and behaviour and teaches you coping skills for dealing with difficult problems. It will help us gain skills to change unhelpful ways of responding in difficult situations based on the idea that the way we think about situations can affect the way we feel and behave.
Live Wise Age Well Programme
Session 1-Age Well – Adjusting to change as we age including the positives and the challenges.
Session 2- Feel Well – Maintaining a healthier you.
Session 3 – Think Well – Maintaining a healthier mind.
Session 4 – Plan Well – What’s important to us in our life.
Session 5 – Connect Well – Exploring our personal relationships and the way we communicate .
Session 6 – In the last session we explore problem solving and recap on our learning.
Start Date: Wednesday 24th January 2018 Time: 7pm to 9pm Venue: St. Columb’s House Park, Waterside
Admission FREE
For more information or to book a place on Live Wise Age Well programme
Contact Mary on 02871365330 or E.mail to mary@bbhealthforum.org
Jo Jingles
Music and Movement sessions for mums and toddlers. Our structured and interactive music and movement classes offer a fantastic educational activity for children from 3 months to four years of age. Join in and meet other mums and their toddlers. Starts Monday 15th January 2018 at 12:30pm
Time for you and your baby: Jo Jingles (5 weeks) Mum & Toddler Session
Monday 15/1/18, 12.45-1.30pm Baby Massage & Reflexology (8 weeks) (pre - crawling babies)
Wednesday, 10/1/18, 12.30- 1.30pm Baby Aqua (Foyle Arena)(8 weeks) (babies must be over 6 months old)
Tuesday16/1/18, 11-12 noon Baby Yoga (8 weeks) (babies from 12 weeks old to pre-crawling)
Friday 12/1/18, 12.30- 1.30pm
All courses £10 per child
Lots of other programmes including: Upcycling, Yoga, Personal Development & Wellbeing, Conversational English, Crochet for All, Painting for Pleasure, Swimming, Dancercise, walking Art and much more. For the full programme please see www.nwcn.org, Useful Downloads.
Are you confident you could save a life. FREE Training in Everyday First Aid, Conflict and Stigma for groups. Lifetime skills in two hours.
This is available to older peoples groups throughout Northern Ireland. It is available to youth groups, football teams, sports clubs, drama groups etc. in the North West area.
Book your group now, it’s easy. Phone Geraldine 07808243707 or email gfitzpatrick@redcross.org.ukfor more details.
Thursday 18th January 2018, 10.30am-12.30pm
Holywell, Bishop Street, Derry-Londonderry
FWIN are hosting a Multi-Cultural Engagement Event on Thursday 18th January 2018, 10.30am-12.30pm, Holywell, Bishop Street, Derry-Londonderry. Yang Zhou will host a Chinese Cultural Workshop and prepare and serve real homemade Chinese food.
If you would like to attend this event and learn more about Chinese culture you can book a place by Email: info@fwin.org.uk or Telephone: 028 7126 6291. Places will be allocated on a first come basis.
For further information contact FWIN on
Tel: 028 7126 6291 or Email: info@fwin.org.uk
20‘AGE Concern Meals on Wheels Volunteer Opportunity’
We are looking for volunteers to help deliver fresh and nutritious meals to older people in their own homes. This service is vital to a large number of older people who for various reasons can no longer leave their own homes. As well as providing a meal our volunteers help alleviate isolation and loneliness and provide a much needed daily contact with older people.
We urgently require a number of drivers and helpers to deliver our services. We provide a vehicle for this service. Drivers must be between 25 and 70 for insurance purposes. Helpers can be any age.
If you have three hours per week spare we would be delighted to hear from you.
Kinship Care Northern Ireland Ltd (Kinship Care NI) is an award winning charity which helps and supports kinship carers and their children in Northern Ireland.
We are seeking to recruit new Trustees to contribute to Kinship Care NI’s vision so we can continue to develop into an even stronger organisation.
We are interested in hearing from people who want to help, are willing to dedicate time and energy to the issue of kinship care and people who share our passion for Kinship Care NI to grow.
We are looking for individuals with a background in the private, public, voluntary or community sectors who can contribute to the strategic leadership and governance of the organisation. Taking account of the range of skills and experience of Kinship Care NI’s current Board Members, we welcome strengthening the Board’s collective portfolio of skills in the following areas:-
Business Development
Marketing and Public Relations, including digital marketing and/or social media
Social Investment
Impact Measurement
Family, employment and/or commercial law
Kinship carers and/or individuals who have grown up in kinship care.
As a Trustee you will be expected to demonstrate a strong commitment to the values and aims of Kinship Care NI and to be responsible collectively with other Trustees for (i) setting its strategic aims in fulfilment of Kinship Care NI’s charitable objects; (ii) for the well-being and development of the organisation; and, (iii) for its good governance in compliance with current legislation under company and charity law.
For a Trustee Recruitment Information Pack please email jacqueline@kinshipcareni.com or for an informal and confidential discussion about the role contact: Jacqueline Williamson on 028 71373731 or 07515478885.
Closing date for applications is 5.00pm on Friday 26th January 2018.
22Job Opportunity with Void - Head of Access and Engagement
Key objectives:
• To devise and deliver a programme for community groups, particularly those with little or no access to cultural activity in Derry/Londonderry, schools, colleges and other groups and interpretative material to accompany the
gallery, and offsite programmes to enable audiences to actively engage with the work of living artists.
• To foster contact and understanding between artists and the communities of Derry and broaden people's knowledge, engagement and expectations of the contemporary visual arts.
• To promote, participation and enjoyment of contemporary art and its importance as a medium for understanding the world we live in.
• To develop funding sources to support the growth of the outreach programme.
Salary: Full Time, £25,951 per annum (35 hours per week)
Please contact hello@derryvoid.com to request a Job Application Form.
We will not be accepting CV and Cover Letters for this post.
Post Closing Date: 12 January 2018 at 5:00 pm
Interviews to be held on Monday 29 January.
23Various Job Opportunities with Waterside Neighbourhood Partnership
WATERSIDE SHARED VILLAGE PROJECT Youth Diversionary Worker in Charge
All applications will close on 12noonMonday 22nd January 2018
Applications must be completed legibly and returned on or before 12noonMonday 22nd January 2018 by post marked ‘Confidential’ to Waterside Neighbourhood Partnership to arrive before the closing date/time as stated.
Applications received after this deadline will not be considered.
Only information provided on the application form will be considered by the Short-listing panel - CVs will not beconsidered
For full job descriptions and application packs please see www.nwcn.org, Useful Downloads
First Housing Aid & Support Services (Registered Charity No: XR19886)
Invite applicants for the positions of: FLOATING SUPPORT WORKER (Ref: FSWPT/R4/01)
21 hours per week
Based in Derry/Londonderry and facilitating the Northern Sector of the Western Trust
Salary: £10,907 per annum
To implement a floating support service to vulnerable young people (16-25 years) who are or have been
experiencing housing difficulties and related issues, in particular those with substance misuse issues,
mental health issues and those at risk of offending behaviour within the Western Health & Social Care
Trust area.
Minimum Criteria (a Full Job Description and Personnel Specification is available with an
application pack)
Minimum of three GCSEs at grade C or above (or equivalent) including English Language.
NVQ Level III (or equivalent) in Health & Social Care OR relevant equivalent qualification in Social
Work, Community Work or Housing Care
Minimum of 2 years recent experience providing support to 16/17 years old in particular those with
substance misuse issues, mental health issues and those at risk of offending behaviour
A valid driving licence and access to a car. (if disability prohibits driving, the applicant must be able
to organise suitable alternative arrangements)
IT skills
Interested candidates should e-mail for an application pack, quoting the appropriate job reference number
to: karlaokane@first-housing.com
Application Forms can also be downloaded from www.first-housing.com
Please Note: All recruitment correspondence for this position will be done through e-mail. Please
provide a suitable e-mail address for correspondence and e-mail completed applications to karlaokane@first-housing.com
If you do not have an e-mail address, please contact Karla on 02871 266115
It should be noted that the criteria for this post may be enhanced to facilitate short listing. Closing date for completed applications is: Friday, 19th January 2018 at 12 noon.
First Housing operates a child protection and vulnerable adults policy, Access NI checks will be carried
out before an appointment can be confirmed.
25Tender Opportunity with Greater Shantallow Community Arts
Studio 2 Derry
Capital Development
Business Case & Concept Drawing & Costings
Greater Shantallow Community Arts wish to appoint a Consultant to deliver an Economic
Appraisal & Business Plan and First Stage Concept Drawing for our Studio 2 Derry Capital
Development project. ( Estimated maximum value £5000 plus VAT )
Closing date for Tender submissions: Friday 19th January 2018
Appointment of consultants: Monday 22nd January 2018
Completed Business Plan & Concept
Drawing/Designs and Costings: Friday 30th March 2018
Completed proposals should be submitted to “Greater Shantallow Community Arts, Studio 2
Community Arts Centre, Units 2-3 Foyle Business Park, 4 Beraghmore Road, Skeoge Industrial
Estate, Derry BT48 8SE” by no later that the 5pm Friday 19th January 2018.
Two hard copies of the proposal should be submitted in a sealed envelope marked ”Tender
Response – Design Steering Group, Greater Shantallow Community Arts.”
To receive a full project Terms of Reference and any further information email to Mr Oliver
Green on info@gscaderry.com or telephone 028 7135 8750
Six weeks of Discocise exercise to dance music will take place in Pilot's Row Community Centre Derry/ L'derry commencing Tuesday 16th January from 2.00 until 3.00pm.
This class is suitable for beginners, it is facilitated by experienced instructor Paula Moore and is funded by Disability Sport NI. People who are blind or partially sighted are especially welcome, sighted friends and family members can join too. So please spread the word.
Previous Discocise classes have been very successful and most of all are great fun. If you enjoy good music and fancy getting in shape for Spring Summer, then come along and try. Wear comfortable clothing and footwear and bring something to drink.
For more details or to confirm your place contact Annmarie on 07864 067649. Or Paula on 07732045000.
RT @FoyleHospice: Do you have a few hours to spare?
We are in urgent need of Volunteers to help out at the Summer Raffle Stalls in… https://t.co/BBKZ2RmOyZ —
1 year 9 months ago
RT @YouthActionNI: We are delighted to invite you to our art exhibition and critical youth research hub and hear stories from young pe… https://t.co/QjcN2U5cr1 —
1 year 9 months ago
RT @YouthActionNI: As part of empathy day, we have an art exhibition at Waterside Library this week and school workshops in Newry and… https://t.co/zoGEkjiBPe —
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RT @SuppCommunities: Join us for this popular session online 7 June at 10 am.
Learners will gain an understanding of the key processes… https://t.co/W4bfd0E2CK —
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RT @ConsumerCouncil: Our latest free newsletter is now out. This month we have information on:
📺Save money on household appliances
🍳 5… https://t.co/6Wz1wBT6X9 —
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RT @NIAntiPov: @NWCN01
Hearing from local elected reps in Derry about the cuts to the community and voluntary sector. A lot of un… https://t.co/mrNL7fwGdD —
1 year 9 months ago
RT @CRJDerry: This morning we attended a meeting organised by @NWCN01 with our local elected reps to discuss the potential impact… https://t.co/1u8zOTaRZY —
1 year 9 months ago
A huge thanks to all who came along to our meeting about the funding crisis in the sector, good conversations were… https://t.co/UGzifowO2O —
1 year 9 months ago