The DiverseCity Community Partnership member organisations (Dog Ears, Extern, Foyle Women's Information Network, Holywell Consultancy, Holywell Trust, The Junction, North West Community Network, Towards Understanding & Healing and, REACH Across) have come together to engage with the local community to inform our work over the coming years. Our future work will be informed you. We want to make sure that we are addressing local needs and will be working together over the coming months to engage each of our organisation’s own clients and the public on areas of work that we should focus on.
We will be using a range of engagement techniques including interviews, surveys, focus groups, social cafe and specific engagement carried out by each organisation.
Our next Social Cafe is on 14th June at 4pm in Holywell - DiverseCity Community Partnership, 10-12 Bishop Street. Good coffee and buns available!
The survey has a few general questions but mostly relates to the future work of our partnership and should take 10-15 minutes to complete.
Thanks in advance for taking the time to help us shape our future services.
2 Reading Friends - Grant to establish a Reading Friends Programme up to £10,000
Reading Friends is an exciting new UK-wide programme that will empower, engage and connect isolated older people through reading.
Reading Friends brings together volunteers (“Reading Partners”) and vulnerable and isolated older people (“Reading Friends”) through social reading.
Verbal would like to commission one test project in Northern Ireland to explore ways of developing and delivering Reading Friends.
The test project will be funded to undertake activities from September 2018 to 31st August 2019.
How do I apply?
Please link to: https://www.theverbal.coand read the Reading Friends Information Document to see if you are eligible.
Please request and fill out an Expression of Interest form from Sinead Devine at the following email address:
Completed forms should be returned to Sinead Devine at the same email address by 1pm on Thursday 28th June 2018.
If you have any questions about the Reading Friends project please contact Sinead Devine in advance on 028 71 266 946.
The Social Enterprise NI Awards 2018 are now open for applications. We are delighted that Paul Roberts, CEO of Ashton Community Trust, and winner of last year’s Social Enterprise of the Year joined us this week to launch our Awards.
The Awards recognise organisations for their business excellence and contribution to society, as well as the achievements of people working at the heart of the sector. All social enterprises can apply, but we also have additional specific categories that investors, corporate, private and public sector bodies can apply for.
This year we have introduced another new category, the Social Enterprise Stakeholder of the Year. We want to recognise all private and public sector organisations who support the sector, whether by including social enterprises in their supply chains, having a strategy in support of them or indeed by offering advice to the sector.
We have 12 categories in total. See list below. Why don’t you get your organisation the recognition that it deserves and enter these prestigious awards, which are growing year on year.
Category Names
1. NI Social Enterprise 2018
2. One to Watch
3. Social Impact
4. Consumer facing Social Enterprise
5. Education Training and Jobs
6. Newly Established – not yet trading **
7. Housing Association of the Year – Community Impact
8. Credit Union of the Year – Community Impact
9. Social Enterprise Stakeholder of the Year
10. Local Council of the Year – Social Enterprise Strategy/Development
11. Social Enterprise – Employee/Volunteer of the Year - please use separate application form
12. Social Enterprise Champion – please use separate application form
Gala Awards Night - Save the Date
Our Annual Awards will be held on Friday 19th October in Stormont Hotel, Belfast at 6pm
Please note
If you win a category in our Awards then your application is automatically sent to SEUK Awards for consideration in the overall Awards from England, Scotland, Wales and NI in November 2018
If you are not already a Member or Associate Member join here for priority booking and discounts to the Awards ceremony.
Sponsorship Opportunities
If you are interested in sponsoring one of this year's categories for the biggest awards in the sector email
Derry City & Strabane District Council has secured funding for local Peace and Reconciliation projects as part of its Peace IV ‘One Community Programme’. The aim of this programme is to ensure Good Relations is embedded in the local community planning process. The amount allocated for the Moor DEA is £19,899.
The Council has appointed Fearon Consulting to hold related idea generation workshops in each area in order to generate good relations project ideas in line with the local community plan.
Following the workshop, Fearon Consulting will be responsible for preparing a related proposal for review and consensus by the community representatives before submission to the Council via the Local Area Growth Partnership.
We would very much welcome your participation in the workshop scheduled for the Moor, which will take place at 10am – 12pm on Thursday June 14th, in the Creggan Country Park.
Lunch will be provided.
It would be appreciated if you could confirm your attendance by Tuesday 12th June by email to
5Telling Ourselves Stories: Towards A Gender Equal Future
Liberation from Patriarchy for Gender Justice
Invite you to Our Conference: Telling Ourselves Stories: Towards A Gender Equal Future
The conference will look at the impact of patriarchy on women, and LGBTQ. It will suggest ways of re-describing relationships beyond patriarchy.
The keynote speaker is Professor Lisa Isherwood,
Director of Winchester University’s Institute for Theological Partnerships and Co-founder of the Britain and Ireland School of Feminist Theology.
There will be opportunity for discussion and exploration with: Catherine Cooke, Maurice Mahon and Jennifer Clifford;
The MakeyUppers Will perform sketches to challenge our patriarchal perceptions.
Facilitated by Cathy Higgins and Johnston McMaster
Date: Wednesday 20 June 2018
Time: 9:30-1:30 followed by lunch
Venue: Maldron Hotel, Butcher Street, Londonderry, BT48 6HL
Workshop 2 - PB on-line and digital engagement
Niamh Webster, The Democratic Society - Wednesday 20 June 2018
11.00 am - 13.30 pm (registration from 10.30 am)
What can you expect at the workshop?
An introduction to on-line and digital engagement in Participatory Budgeting (PB) processes
Hear about good practice examples of on-line and digital engagement in Participatory Budgeting (PB) processes
Practical considerations of on-line and digital engagement
Join the PB Works Network
The PB Works Network is free and open to anyone who is interested in participatory budgeting.
Network members are invited to contribute their ideas, learning and enthusiasm to advancing PB across the region.
8Drink Wise Age Well – FREE Training for Staff/Volunteers
‘Helping people make healthier choices about alcohol as they age’
What Is Drink Wise Age Well?
The Drink Wise, Age Well Project is a BIG Lottery funded programme which aims to influence and inform policy and practice in preventing alcohol misuse amongst adults aged 50 and over
FREE Training for Staff/Volunteers
Training sessions can be delivered over half day, one day or two days. These courses are designed for staff/volunteers who directly support individuals who are over 50 and who want to increase their knowledge and skills around alcohol issues. While sessions can be tailored to meet the needs of the group, they usually cover the following topics:
- Consider older adults and the reasons why they may be at increased risk of alcohol misuse
- Identify alcohol misuse in the over 50's, and consider ways in which alcohol may impact on their live
- Consider, and practice, the ways in which to respond to alcohol misuse in the over 50's whom you encounter
- Reflect on your own confidence and skill-base in relation to over 50's and identifying alcohol misuse and/or potential alcohol related harm in later life
The training is informal and relaxed and will help increase your confidence in supporting older people
In the recent past sessions have been delivered to health & social care teams, students, carers groups as well as a wide variety of community/voluntary organisations throughout the project areas.
Should you be interested in arranging a training session for you or your team or would like any further information, please contract Adrian Loughrey, Training Officer on 02871 160 236
ASIST Training
ASIST is a two-day intensive, interactive and practice-dominated course designed to help caregivers recognise risk and learn how to intervene to prevent the immediate risk of suicide.
For details on ASIST Training with the CLEAR Project click on the Flyer Button below.
Course 3
Tuesday 9th & Wednesday 10th October 2018
(Omagh, venue to be confirmed)
To book a place on any of the above please:
Read carefully the Booking and Cancellation Policy (See brochure)
Complete a booking form and return to: or Post: CLEAR Project, Unit 13, Strabane Enterprise Agency, Orchard Rd Industrial Estate, Strabane. BT82 9FR. Alternatively booking forms can also be completed directly on our website www/
Accredited Conflict Management and Mediation Skills Workshop for Managers.
(Northern Ireland Open College Network (Level 1 – 1 Credit) Venue: Clarendon Street Chambers, 67 Clarendon Street, Derry/Londonderry, BT48 7ER Dates: 27 June 2018 Time: 9.30am – 4.30pm Cost: £100.00 (includes Sandwich Lunch, NIOCN registration fee and course workbook)
Who for?
This course is designed for Work-place Managers, Solicitors, Police Officers, Social Workers,
Probation Officers, Human Resource Personnel School Teachers, Good Relations Officers,
Project Officers, Health Officers, Care Workers and Facilitators.
Workshop Aims
To introduce participants to the principles of Conflict Management and the use of Mediation as
tool for resolving conflict.
Explain to participants that Mediation is a process, which helps people in dispute to have a
difficult conversation with each other that enables them to work through their issues and
hopefully reach an agreeable outcome.
To give participants an overview of the Learning Outcomes for the course and explain the Northern Ireland Open College Network Accreditation procedure.
At the end of the Workshop the participants will be able to: -
Identify different ways people deal with conflict
Be aware of the skills of a mediator
Have an understanding of three forms of mediation – Facilitative, Evaluative and Shuttle
How mediation works in practice
Help disputing parties create their own agreements
Understand the legal framework of mediation
To Register: Conflict Management and Mediation Skills Course
Dealing with Difficult Conversations NI OCN Accredited One day Workshop
Venue Clarendon Street Chambers, 67 Clarendon Street, Derry/ Londonderry, BT48 7ER Date Thursday 2 August 2018 Time 9.30am – 4.30pm Cost £100.00 (includes sandwich lunch and NI OCN registration fee)
Who For?
This workshop is for Solicitors, Social Workers, Probation Offers, Managers, Team Leaders, Youth and Community Workers and Community Relations Project workers.
Course Content
This one day NI OCN accredited workshop is designed to help participants explore some of the skills and knowledge needed to deal with difficult conversations.
Part of the day will explore why there is a need to do a lot of self-preparation work before a difficult conversation is about to take place.
The workshop will also consider through case studies the legal aspect of creating a safe and harmonious working environment.
Participants will also take part in an experiential learning process that will allow them to look at their own strengths and weaknesses when working with difficult people.
*You may claim 5 CDP’s for attending this course Places on this workshop are limited to 10 so early booking is advisable
The Mandarin Speakers Association are teaching Chinese Language and Cultural Classes in Good Shepherd Primary School, Oakgrove Primary School, Ebrington Primary School, Lisnagalvin Primary School.
Our group, Mandarin Speakers Association have been running a Chinese School for 9 years in the Oakgrove Primary School portacabin every Sunday. From time to time local adults express interest in learning Chinese so we are beginning new adult classes in September.
Chinese Mandarin class for adult starts in September, please express your interest
Chinese Mandarin class for local children
Email Facebook: Mandarin Speakers Association
Tel 07501470411 Yang
Impulse Boost Camp 2018 7 - 15 July 2018 | Schneeberg, Germany
Apply now and be part of IBC - an international multiplier training that will boost your personal, professional and project life. With 20 peers from the civil society you will get to know creative methods that will make your work joyful and effective.
Organizer: ifzw impulsstiftung (NGO/Others)
This activity is for participants from:
Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries Application deadline (24h CET): 11 June 2018 See details
Training of trainers in youth work as a preventive practice
8 - 11 August 2018 | Sibiu, Romania
The major aim of this training course is to train trainers to contribute to the improvement of quality youth work in Council of Europe countries, with a particular focus on working with youth work preventing violent extremism and radicalization.
Organizer: European confederation of Youth Clubs (NGO/Others)
This activity is for participants from:
Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries, Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU Application deadline (24h CET): 24 June 2018 See details TOOL FAIR XIII – #PowerUp!
12 - 16 November 2018 | Split, Croatia
Tool Fair XIII #PowerUp! shall provide a stimulating environment for varied approaches & practices for those working to support Youth Empowerment with a focus on Human Rights, Active Participation, Intercultural Dialogue, Social Inclusion & Mental Health.
Organizer: SALTO-YOUTH EuroMed & Good Practices (SALTO)
This activity is for participants from:
Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries, Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU Application deadline (24h CET): 22 July 2018 See details
Call for Trainers
Open Call for a facilitator for CIOST – Communication and Information Officers Staff Training SALTO Participation & Information is looking for 1 facilitator Application deadline: 12th of June 2018 Online version
The event is to celebrate the launch of our Community Prospectus and to and develop further links between the College and Community Partners
Itinerary: 10am light refreshments meet and greet 10:30am curriculum provision outlined 11am question and answer session 11:30 tours of campus 12-1 Buffet lunch 1pm close
This event is open to all community groups across all campuses and transport will be provided from Strabane and Limavady campuses to Strand Rd and return.
Wed 13 June 2018, 10:00 – 13:00 North West Regional College
Flying Clipper Restaurant
Strand Road
14 Opportunities for Young People during Foyle Maritime Festival
We have two exciting opportunities for young people during the Foyle Maritime Festival which will take place from Saturday 14th – Sunday 22nd July 2018.
Foyle Sailing Training Programme
A fantastic opportunity to take part in the experience of a life time. 15-30 year olds are invited to apply for one of 10 places as part of a sail training voyage aboard the vessel Brian Boru.
Voyage 1 - for 15-17 year olds will take place from 15/07/2018 to 21/07/2018
Voyage 2 - for 18-30 year olds will take place from 22/07/2018 to 28/07/2018
If you would like to apply yourself or nominate a young person you work with please apply at – deadline for applications is Friday 15th June 2018. Full details are attached.
Volunteering Opportunities for 16+ age group(Sat 14th – Sun 22nd July 2018)
We are looking for enthusiastic people of all ages to join our team and help us create an enjoyable, safe and friendly festival for visitors and international guests. You’ll have the opportunity to meet new people, learn new skills, build your CV and give back to your community while soaking up the fun at this world class festival.
To apply please complete the attached EOI and return asap but no later than Wednesday 20th June to Full details about the roles available are attached.
All documents can be found under Useful Downloads on
Includes opportunites in Derry and Strabane to include Stendhal Festival, Cycle against Suicide Derry SpinOff, The Koram Centre Allotment, Me4mental, Childline and much much more!
16Job Opportunity: Social Prescribing Project Manager @BBHF
Bogside and Brandywell Health Forum is the lead partner of the Social Prescribing Project, funded by the Big Lottery Fund and we have an exciting position available for a Social Prescribing (SP) Project Manager who will provide inspired leadership for the development and implementation of the The Social Prescribing Project and report directly to the Project Management Group
RESPONSIBLE TO: SP Management Group and line managed by BB Health Forum General Manager LOCATION: Home office at Derry, N Ireland with base negotiable with successful applicant – the post will require travel in NI and Scotland HOURS OF DUTY: 35 hours per week – until April 21 (with possible additional 2 years depending on successful outcomes) SALARY: NJC Scale PO 3 Pt 39 £35,229
Social prescribing is a way to link medical care to (typically) non-clinical, locally delivered support services. The Social Prescribing Project will bring together partners from across Scotland and Northern Ireland. The largest coordinated project of its kind, it will synthesise learning from across two regions. Over 16,000 people will co-create a social prescription and engage in at least one of the many interventions delivered by our network of experienced community-led health improvement organisations.
Candidates must possess a relevant third level qualification in a health/social sciences/business/management subject plus three years project management/co-ordination experience in health, education, youth or community development including line-management experience in any discipline. Or
Five years project management/co-ordination experience in health, education, youth or community development including line-management experience in any discipline.
A full application pack can be requested by contacting Susan Harkin: Closing date for applications is 5pm on Tuesday 26 June 2018. Interviews will be held in Belfast, Northern Ireland on Thursday 5th July.
Bogside and Brandywell Health Forum is an Equal Opportunities employer
This is a Big Lottery Funded Partnership with the Bogside & Brandywell Health Forum, Healthy Living Centre Alliance & Scottish Communities for Health & Wellbeing.
17Job Opportunity: Listen Share Change - A Peace IV Project
Listen Share Change is being delivered in partnership with the Northern Ireland Housing Executive. It is a volunteer-led, innovative, shared reading programme based in the community that uses poetry and prose to engage with a range of constituent groups from young people who are hard to reach and at risk to older people.
Listen Share Change utilises the existing infrastructure within the Northern Ireland Housing Executive as well as Community and Youth centres, healthcare settings and other local venues to deliver a fully accessible, customised programme of reading activities tailored to meet the needs of all participants. T
he purpose of Listen Share Change is to create an inclusive, safe and nurturing environment for participants to engage, flourish and develop by listening to stories and to poems read aloud specifically selected to address diversity, cultural identity and build community cohesion.
We invite applications for the following position: Volunteer Coordinator Belfast (Full Time – 36 hours per week) This is a Fixed-term contract to August 2021. Based in Belfast city centre. An application pack can be downloaded from the following:
Closing date for applications is: 12 noon on Wednesday, 13th June 2018.
It should be noted that the criteria for this post may be enhanced to facilitate shortlisting.
Interviews are due to be held week of 18th June 2018.
The Verbal Arts Centre operates a Child Protection Policy.
The Verbal Arts Centre is an Equal Opportunities Employer.
This project has been supported by the EU’s Peace IV Programme, managed by SEUPB
mencap are currently recruiting up to 15 support staff positions in their Derry/Londonderry office.
Representatives from mencap will be in the Foyle Jobs and Benefits Office to advise anyone who may be interested in applying on Tuesday 19th June from 10am- 2:30pm and there will also be an opportunity for any potential new recruits to be interviewed the same day on site.
AXA are currently recruiting up to 60 new positions in their Derry/Londonderry office.
Representatives from AXA will be in the Foyle Jobs and Benefits Office to advise anyone who may be interested in applying on Tuesday 12th June from 10am- 2:30pm.
Any potential applicants should have 5 GCSEs including Maths and English and at least 6 months customer service experience.
Is there an event or activity you'd like to see in St. Columb’s Park? Do you have a nature-based skill you would like to showcase? Do you want to meet community members and get to know more about the group?
Please join us for a social dinner on June 13th from 6:00 - 8:00, in St. Columb's Park House, we will be discussing and planning our future events. Dinner is provided, this is a free event.
Everyone is welcome to attend! For more information, please contact Eliza at: 02871 343080, or
23 Invitation to Writers’ Groups to apply for Poetry Writing Workshops 2018
Community Arts Partnership is pleased to invite applications from writers’ groups to participate in a series of workshops to develop their knowledge of poetry and their poetry-writing skills, and to produce work for a new anthology.
Each participating group will enjoy free, interactive writing workshops during the Summer and Autumn, 2018, facilitated by one of our team of poets.
Participants will then be invited to submit work developed in the workshop process for inclusion in the anthology, due to be launched in March.
All poems selected for the anthology will be considered for The Seamus Heaney Award for New Writing. 2019.
This project will continue to build on the successful work undertaken in our Poetry in Motion programme, which has showcased new writing talent alongside more established names in the world of poetry and spoken word.
Previous contributors to the programmes do indeed include the late Nobel laureate Seamus Heaney, along with Sinead Morrissey, Meadbh McGuckian, Ben Maier, Ann Zell, Ruth Carr, Moyra Donaldson, Paul Maddern, Stephanie Conn and Glenn Wilson, to name a few.
Wednesday 27th June,
12 Noon - 10 pm, An Grianan Hotel, Burt, County Donegal
12 noon - 5pm
Family History Talks, Discussions, Displays, Drama, Dancing, Demonstrations
Guest Speakers will be discussing
5pm - 8pm
Migration and the 1718 voyage to New World America
The best of local and international talent will be available to discuss the origins of local family names, places and crafts. Get an opportunity to meet individuals and groups with a collective wealth of family history knowledge. Enjoy live performances of living family history drama, music, dance and local crafts. the 18th-century voyages to ‘New World’ America. Why did they leave? What were conditions like aboard the ships on the hazardous journey to America? What was life like in the ‘New World’? How do I trace my ancestors who left for America?
8 pm - Late
Live Bluegrass music by the fabulous 'Knotty Pine' &
‘The Mood Swings’ ladies choir
Eden Place Arts Centre Summer Student's Exhibition will take place on Wednesday 20th June @ 7.30pm, we would love to see you at this event to celebrate our 25th Year of Community Arts with us.
On the evening of Saturday 9th June, we will host our third Foyle O-Bon Japanese festival. O-Bon is one of the most important festivals in Japan and for the night the Playtrail will be transformed into a Little Tokyo with a host of stage entertainment, lots of food to try and plenty of activities and games for all the family.
RT @FoyleHospice: Do you have a few hours to spare?
We are in urgent need of Volunteers to help out at the Summer Raffle Stalls in… —
1 year 6 months ago
RT @YouthActionNI: We are delighted to invite you to our art exhibition and critical youth research hub and hear stories from young pe… —
1 year 7 months ago
RT @YouthActionNI: As part of empathy day, we have an art exhibition at Waterside Library this week and school workshops in Newry and… —
1 year 7 months ago
RT @ApexHousingAssn: 📣 Join our team! We're looking for a manager who will be responsible for the daily running of our sheltered housing… —
1 year 7 months ago
RT @SuppCommunities: Join us for this popular session online 7 June at 10 am.
Learners will gain an understanding of the key processes… —
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RT @ConsumerCouncil: Our latest free newsletter is now out. This month we have information on:
📺Save money on household appliances
🍳 5… —
1 year 7 months ago
RT @NIAntiPov: @NWCN01
Hearing from local elected reps in Derry about the cuts to the community and voluntary sector. A lot of un… —
1 year 7 months ago
RT @CRJDerry: This morning we attended a meeting organised by @NWCN01 with our local elected reps to discuss the potential impact… —
1 year 7 months ago
A huge thanks to all who came along to our meeting about the funding crisis in the sector, good conversations were… —
1 year 7 months ago