1Derry Journal Bet McLean People of the Year Awards 2018
We've extended our entry closing deadline to Monday 13th August, so there's still time for you to enter and/or nominate in our Derry Journal Bet McLean People of the Year Awards 2018
Categories include:
Carer of the Year
Team, or Sports Volunteer of the YearSports Person and/or
Charity Worker of the Year
Inspirational Young Talent
Community Development Person
Inspirational Educator
Special Recognition Lifetime Achievement Award
& more
To enter or nominate simply log on to https://www.derryjournal.com/peopleawards/ Individuals and/or organisations living or working within the Derry City & Strabane areas are eligible to enter or be entered.
Individuals or groups: can enter or nominate online or you can email Julie directly.
This is a lovely opportunity - For those people who make a difference in our local community and their wonderful achievements to be acknowledged.
Entries can be for groups of people as well as for individuals.
Our Awards will take place at a Formal Dinner & Awards Ceremony on Friday 7th September at the Everglades Hotel, when each finalists’ short film will be screened and then the winner of each category will be announced and presented with their award.
If there's anything I can help with at all, please contact me, Julie Forde, on 028 3839 5504 or email me on julie.forde@jpress.co.uk
This community–pharmacy partnership will be core to the planning, delivery and evaluation of the project. This partnership will also seek to connect with other relevant community/voluntary organisations.
Grants of up to £10,000 will be awarded for projects that can last for 1 year
Building the Community-Pharmacy Partnership Programme (BCPP) is currently seeking applications from communities and/or pharmacists to work together on a health project
CDHN offer support and guidance though out the application process.
If you need to:
Talk over and expand your ideas
Make connections with a pharmacist or community in your area
Get feedback on a draft application form
Contact the BCPP Team on Tel: 3026 4606 or email: bcpp@cdhn.org
Closing date is Thursday 13th September 2018
Click the following link to apply: https://cdhn.org/news/bcpp-level-2-funding-available Previous successful projects
Click the link below to read about some of our successful projects over the past few years. Read their case studies to gain more knowledge on the projects we fund and to get more ideas. We look forward to reading your applications! https://www.cdhn.org/bcpp/past-projects
3 Commission for Victims and Survivors: NIO Legacy Consultation
The Commission for Victims and Survivors will be hosting two closed-group information sessions in our Council area to help with understanding the proposals outlined in the current Northern Ireland Office Legacy Consultation;
6th August 2018 from 10.00-12.00 in Derry City (venue to be confirmed) and 4th September 2018 from 10.00-12.00 at the Council Offices in Strabane.
The Commission strongly believe that through hearing and promoting the voices of those most affected by the conflict, that they can encourage an all-round, victim-centred approach to how the proposed agencies are designed and put into practice. They are encouraging feedback from victims and survivors to allow the Commission to inform its own consultation response and provide guidance on how people can have their say by submitting an individual response. I have attached the Commission’s ‘Have Your Say’ booklet along with some infographics for background information on the consultation proposals.
To register your interest, please contact the Commission’s office on (028) 9031 1000 or emailcommission@cvsni.org
Please note that in order to ensure every voice is heard, focus group numbers will be no greater than eight per table. Any individual who is unable to attend a focus group but would like to feed back to the consultation can also contact the Commission’s office on (028) 9031 1000.
4"The Culture of Work Part II" DARE Intercommunity Interest Forum
Next Intercommunity Interest Forum - "The Culture of Work Part II" 17th August 2018, 11:00am to 2:00pm
Strabane Community Library Rooms - CLICK HERE for directions
We are delighted to invite you to Part II of this dialogue which has been enriched by our DARE Women's Cafe Culture event, where the culture of work was explored.
On the day, there will be input on the perspectives of employers, employees and cross border communities, after which there will be an opportunity to create next steps. Finally, we will agree the theme and location of the next Intercommunity Interest Forum.
To facilitate travel please note the start time of 11:00am and 2:00pm finish. Lunch will be provided.
Are you able to facilitate car-share options from Belfast to Strabane? If so, please contact Ross Fletcher at rfletcher@brysongroup.org
Training Course: Valued Voices 'Trauma Healing & Education Programme'.
Dates: 28/9/18; 5/10/18; 12/10/18; 19/10/18; 2/11/18; 3/11/18
Venue: Holywell Diversecity Community Partnership
Admission: Free 10am -4pm each day.
Registration: Email or Call: Eamonn Baker 71261941
Training Course: Discrimination against women: Why is the earliest and first form of discrimination still with us?
For more information contact: mhetherington@thejunction-ni.org or cathyhiggins34@hotmail.com Valued Voices Conference
Date: 17th September 2018 - 9.30am - 4pm
Location: Holywell DiverseCity Partnership.
Registration: Email or Call: Eamonn Baker 02871261941
Towards Understanding and Healing Valued Voices programme in partnership with North West Community Network present -
A unique testimony event with Belfast soul and blues singer Kaz Hawkins – Kaz will share her story of surviving the troubles, overcoming addiction, recovering her mental health.
Date: 6th September
Time: 12.30 pm – 2 pm Light lunch will be provided
Venue: Holywell DiverseCity Community Partnership, Bishop Street, Derry-Londonderry. Places limited.
6Liberation from Patriarchy for Gender Justice Project
The project’s intention is to expose the exclusive thinking and actions, systems and structures, that patriarchy pervades in Northern Ireland and that prevent the celebration and flourishing of real diversity, and the healing of divisive attitudes and practices, which reinforce prejudice, hate and intolerance.
Liberation from Patriarchy for Gender Justice will critique patriarchy, explore its violent consequences and practices, and suggest a more liberating alternative for all humans beyond patriarchy.
What is the Education and Training Programme about?
Session 1: The Nature and Historical Development of Patriarchy – Explores the origins of patriarchy in the West and the East to understand why patriarchy as a system sets limits on women’s freedoms and sexualities. Session 2: The History of Women’s Struggle for Equality in Ireland– traces the histories of the women’s movements in Ireland and Northern Ireland over the last hundred years, paying particular attention to liberties gained and lost from one decade to the next. Session 3: Patriarchy, Sectarianism and Racism: ‘The Unholy Trinity’- provides an opportunity to compare how all three ideologies operate as social systems which rely on domination, control and fear, and are sustained through force, violence and intimidation. Session 4: The Sex / Gender Myth: Reclaiming the Human- focuses on the issue of gender identity and changing understandings of human sexuality in the 21st C that encourage us to embrace diverse humanness. Session 5: Religion, Patriarchy and Violence – situates the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures within a patriarchal world that shaped the biblical content and later interpretations of key texts. It offers feminist interpretations of biblical texts that in different ways challenge patriarchy. Session 6: Policing Women’s Sexuality for the sake of Patriarchy’s Future – explores how and why, over the last hundred years, women’s sexuality in Ireland and Northern Ireland been controlled by Government and Church. It asks if marriage is still a patriarchal institution Session 7: Patriarchy, Militarism and Para-militarism: The Irish Context – considers the connection between the culture of militarism and that of patriarchy in Northern Ireland and the impact this has had on gender relations. Session 8: The Economics of Patriarchy: Capitalism and the Commodification of Women– explores how patriarchy is fundamental to capitalism’s exploitation not just of human relations but of sexuality and labour, and the environment, all in the service of corporate profits. Session 9: Women’s Rights are Human Rights – looks at the development of human rights as an international challenge, and how women’s rights, in recent years, have been recognised as in need of particular protection. Session 10: Gender based Justice: Strategising for Peace – is a reflective session that looks at key learnings from previous sessions with a view to developing action plans for dismantling patriarchy.
Who is the Programme for?
This is an education and training programme open to women from across the community primarily in the Derry and Strabane District Council area, women from Donegal, and women from the LGBTI community. We will also accommodate those from outside the area if there are places available. We would also encourage men to take part. As numbers on the programme are limited preference will be given to those working in the statutory sector with a direct remit for women’s issues and those working at the grass roots with women.
Details of Upcoming Course Dates: The course will run on the first Monday of every month on following dates:
3 September 2018 from 10 to 4; 1 October 2018 from 10 to 4; 5 November 2018 from 10 to 4;
3 December 2018 from 10 to 4; 7 January 2019 from 10 to 1; 4 February 2019 from 10 to 1. Venue: Holywell Trust, 10-14 Bishop Street, Derry Londonderry, BT48 6PW Course Facilitators: Dr Cathy Higgins and Dr Johnston McMaster
As part of the #ArtsDialogue programme Saluka Kotagama from The Music Project Sri Lanka will visit Northern Ireland during Community Relations & Cultural Awareness Week (17 - 23 September). We are currently putting together a schedule of visits and presentation opportunities for Saluka. If interested please email info.beyondskin@gmail.com
Read more about Saluka's experience with The Music Project here
Read more about Northern Ireland Sri Lanka Parallel Versing project here
Read here about Community Relations & Cultural Awareness Week
The course is ESF funded and will ultimately lead to the learner gaining an OCN Level 1 certificate in vocational skills and their essential skills in Numeracy and Literacy. The overall aim of the programme is to get people aged between 16-24 into either employment or further education.
The OCN Level 1 certificate will consist of 3 compulsory core modules and then 3 pathway modules that the learner can choose.
The 3 core modules will consist of taking part in a vocational taster, teamwork skills and exploring employment opportunities.
You would then have the 3 pathway modules to choose and the learner can choose from:
Building and Construction
Hair and Beauty
Ideally, we would suggest choosing the catering, hair and beauty or sports pathway just because of the facilities we have at the college and the potential for work placements in the city.
Then the college connect programme will also provide the essential skills in numeracy and literacy, a 1:1 mentor on the programme and will offer support in any difficulties or challenges that may potentially become a barrier to education and hopefully provide solutions.
Impact+ Seminar for Adult Education 19 - 20 September 2018 | The Priory Rooms, Birmingham, United Kingdom
The seminar will equip participants with the skills to plan and implement impact assessment activities. Participants will learn how to use the Impact+ Exercise to explore, understand, prioritise and disseminate the impact of their activities.
Organizer: Ecorys UK (National Agency)
This activity is for participants from: Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries Application deadline (24h CET): 17 August 2018 See details
Impact+ Seminar for Vocational Education & Training
8 - 9 October 2018 | The Priory Rooms, Birmingham, United Kingdom
The seminar will equip participants with the skills to plan and implement impact assessment activities. Participants will learn how to use the Impact+ Exercise to explore, understand, prioritise and disseminate the impact of their activities.
Organizer: Ecorys UK (National Agency)
This activity is for participants from: Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries Application deadline (24h CET): 24 August 2018 See details Impact+ Seminar for Youth
14 - 15 November 2018 | The Priory Rooms, Birmingham, United Kingdom
The seminar will equip participants with the skills to plan and implement impact assessment activities. Participants will learn how to use the Impact+ Exercise to explore, understand, prioritise and disseminate the impact of their activities.
Organizer: Ecorys UK (National Agency)
This activity is for participants from: Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries Application deadline (24h CET): 31 August 2018 See details Inclusive Volunteering in Social Enterprises Training course
10 - 14 December 2018 | Glasgow, United Kingdom
SALTO I&D, UK and IT NAs would like to see more young people with fewer opportunities taking part in volunteering projects. This course brings together social enterprises, youth workers, and volunteering organisations to foster inclusive volunteering.
Organizer: SALTO Inclusion & Diversity Resource Centre, UK Erasmus+ National Agency, Italian Erasmus+:Youth in Action National Agency (National Agency)
This activity is for participants from: Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries Application deadline (24h CET): 3 September 2018 See details
EYE Opener
12 - 17 November 2018 | To be confirmed, Norway
In this training course you will learn all the basics you need to organise and apply for a grant for youth exchanges in Erasmus+: Youth in Action. In this activity we focus on youth-adult pairing (1 adult leader + 1 or 2 youth, 15-18 years old)
Organizer: Aktiv Ungdom, Bufdir (National Agency)
This activity is for participants from: Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries Application deadline (24h CET): 14 September 2018 See details SOHO - European Training Course for support people in E+: Youth in Action Volunteering Activities
21 - 25 November 2018 | Luxembourg
SOHO aims at enhancing quality of Volunteering Activities through development of essential competences of support persons. It also provides up-to-date information on the new EU initiative European Solidarity Corps to support volunteering for young people.
Organizer: YiA National Agency Luxembourg (National Agency)
This activity is for participants from: Austria, Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Eastern Partnership countries, Western Balkan countries Application deadline (24h CET): 30 September 2018 See details APPETISER - An introduction on how to use the ‘Erasmus+ Youth in Action’ Programme for international youth work
10 - 14 December 2018 | Latvia
Giving a strong positive first experience of international youth projects to motivate the participants to use the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.
Organizer: Latvian National Agency for Erasmus+: Youth in Action (National Agency)
This activity is for participants from: Austria, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom Application deadline (24h CET): 7 October 2018 See details
WRDA has opened recruitment for its Award winning Community Facilitator programme. The training will be delivered in both Newry and Derry and offers local women the opportunity to complete a Level 3 OCN Certificate in Learning and Development, develop facilitation and leadership skills, and increase their employability in the learning and development / community sector. They will also gain employment opportunities delivering WRDA’s training programmes on a self-employed basis.
It is aimed that the programme will commence first week in October, one day a week, from 9.30 – 2.30 and run until the end of January. Monday for Newry, Tuesday for Derry.
(Eligibility: Age 18+ and unemployed with some active involvement in their local community).
Next information day for Derry will be held:
Wednesday 15th August 2018, 11.30 -1.30 pm, Greater Shantallow Area Partnership Unit C3-C4 Northside Village Centre Glengalliagh Road, BT48 8NN
The information event will provide interested applicants with an overview of the programme and the application process. You can apply for a place at your preferred delivery location at either event.
Please contact Deirdre Quinn on 02890 230212 to indicate interest at either information event.
St Columb’s Park House is a peace centre located in the heart of a beautiful historic park in the Waterside area of Derry/Londonderry. St Columb’s Park House contributes to peace building and active citizenship by providing a range of programmes which promote civic participation, human rights & leadership. We also operate as a ‘not for profit’ social enterprise that offers conference and residential facilities.
We wish to appoint a Project Leader (30 hours per week) on a fixed term contract (Sept 2018 – 31st August 2019) subject to a three month probationary period. Gross salary £20,500.
The Project Leader will deliver the aims and outcomes the IGNYTE programme. This is an innovative personal development programme which aims to build a capacity of marginalised young people by engaging them in training support in three key areas: Good Relations, Personal Development and Skills Development Essential criteria include but are not limited to:
A relevant 3rd level qualification related to informal education/community work/youth work.
A minimum of 3 years experience of working in a relevant field at supervisory or management level.
Proven facilitation skills in working with young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and experience in designing and delivering training.
Shortlisting criteria may be enhanced in the instance of large numbers of applications.
Further information and application packs are available from Sharon Doherty St Columb’s Park House, 4 Limavady Road, Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland, BT47 6JY. Telephone: 028 71 343080. Packs can also be requested using email; sharon@stcolumbsparkhouse.org Completed Applications must be returned to the Operations Manager in an envelope clearly marked “JOB APPLICATION” no later than 12noon on Friday 10th August 2018 .We will only accept completed and signed application forms issued with the job information. We do not accept CVs. Applications received after the closing date / time will not be considered. Interviews for short-listed applicants will be held on the week beginning 13 Aug 2018.
The Playhouse is inviting applications for the position of Education Officer. This position offers the opportunity to work within a dynamic, creative community arts centre.
The role is positioned within The Education Department and will have the following responsibilities:
• Open College Network Internal Verifier- moderation of all OCN units, including site visits and requesting certificates. This includes attending relevant training.
• Open College Network Administrator - responsible for the registration and induction of new learners, managing assessors, unit development, general administration duties, finance and attending OCN training.
• Coordination of North West Regional College short community education courses, which includes recruitment, registration, marketing, general administration and finances plus course development.
• Volunteer coordinator - develop a volunteer induction pack, manage volunteers, deliver inductions, evaluation and general administration.
• Report to senior management and attend regular Education Department meetings.
• Administration experience including data processing, evaluation, report writing and experience operating Microsoft Office.
• Experience of liaising and working with community, voluntary, public and statutory agencies.
• Finance experience, invoicing, making payments, managing budgets.
• Experience working in an educational environment, managing courses/ curriculum, course/ unit development.
• Project coordination.
• Recruitment and marketing.
• Experience of leading and working in a team.
• Able to work flexible hours if required.
• Experience of Internal Moderation of OCN accredited courses.
• Experience of preparing fundraising applications.
• Third level education.
• Access to own transport. Full driver's license.
Skills and Expertise
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
• Computer literacy.
• Able to work on own and as part of a team.
Salary: £20,661 - £22,658 (pa pro rata, 40 Hrs/Wk), Hours: 20 Hrs/Wk (12-Month Contract with a possible extension subject to funding), Based: Derry/Londonderry. Closing Date: Friday 3rd August @ 5pm. Please send your C.V to The Playhouse, 5-7 Artillery Street, Derry/Londonderry BT48 6RG or email info@derryplayhouse.co.uk before Friday 3rd August @ 5pm.
The Charity Commission for England and Wales (CCEW), the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland and the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) are pleased to invite bids for the contract for the provision of print, publication, distribution and future updating of the new Charities SORP.
Church Leaders Invite Public to join them on the Tour de Foyle 1080
The countdown is on as leaders of the city’s four main churches invite people to get on their bikes or to put on their walking/running shoes for the Tour de Foyle 1080 Charity Event, which will begin at the Foyle Arena on Saturday 25th August.
The event is being organised jointly by The Churches Trust and the North West Methodist Mission, and is supported by church leaders in Derry-Londonderry. Now in its fifth year, the event has attracted participants from far and wide, and organisers hope this year’s event will be bigger and better than ever.
The event caters for all, with three aspects to choose from: 10k Walk: 10k Run: or 80k Cycle Registration details for the walk/run/cycle can be found on the website: www.tourdefoyle.co.uk.
Alternatively, you can call Michael on 028-71348531 to request a registration form or call in to the office at Clooney Hall Centre, BT47 6AR.
RT @FoyleHospice: Do you have a few hours to spare?
We are in urgent need of Volunteers to help out at the Summer Raffle Stalls in… https://t.co/BBKZ2RmOyZ —
1 year 9 months ago
RT @YouthActionNI: We are delighted to invite you to our art exhibition and critical youth research hub and hear stories from young pe… https://t.co/QjcN2U5cr1 —
1 year 9 months ago
RT @YouthActionNI: As part of empathy day, we have an art exhibition at Waterside Library this week and school workshops in Newry and… https://t.co/zoGEkjiBPe —
1 year 9 months ago
RT @ApexHousingAssn: 📣 Join our team! We're looking for a manager who will be responsible for the daily running of our sheltered housing… https://t.co/5U1eOQZNiR —
1 year 9 months ago
RT @SuppCommunities: Join us for this popular session online 7 June at 10 am.
Learners will gain an understanding of the key processes… https://t.co/W4bfd0E2CK —
1 year 9 months ago
RT @ConsumerCouncil: Our latest free newsletter is now out. This month we have information on:
📺Save money on household appliances
🍳 5… https://t.co/6Wz1wBT6X9 —
1 year 9 months ago
RT @NIAntiPov: @NWCN01
Hearing from local elected reps in Derry about the cuts to the community and voluntary sector. A lot of un… https://t.co/mrNL7fwGdD —
1 year 9 months ago
RT @CRJDerry: This morning we attended a meeting organised by @NWCN01 with our local elected reps to discuss the potential impact… https://t.co/1u8zOTaRZY —
1 year 9 months ago
A huge thanks to all who came along to our meeting about the funding crisis in the sector, good conversations were… https://t.co/UGzifowO2O —
1 year 9 months ago