Building Cyber Resilience for Small Organisations
22 January 2020
6:00pm to 8:00pm
Holywell Diverse City Community Partnership
This session will take a practical approach to help trustees and personnel in voluntary and community organisations to build cyber resilience. NICVA has teamed up with industry experts to provide this tailored cyber security session that will focus on the particular challenges that face small voluntary and community organisations.
The session will include:
As our ability to harness technology and digital services for voluntary and community activity grows, so too does the challenge of keeping our organisations safe from cyber fraud and data breaches.
Ensuring that organisations have the resilience to face threats from malicious and indiscriminate cyber-attacks is now imperative for boards and personnel in all sectors.
Email fraud, ransomware attacks and data breaches are risks for all organisations regardless of size or sector. Local playgroups or sports clubs through to international household name charities are all vulnerable. Ensuring that we keep information about the people we work with secure is a top priority. In addition, preventing fraud and complying with regulatory requirements such as GDPR are key organisational governance issues.
Charities and voluntary organisations have an added challenge in terms of the tendency for being open and transparent about activities and finances, holding sensitive personal data, managing organisations with limited resources and an expectation to focus resources on front line services rather than back office services.
Improve your awareness of cyber security threats and help your organisation improve its cyber resilience. Please note that refreshments will be available from 5.45PM.
Funded by Halifax Foundation for Northern Ireland and delivered in association with North West Community Network.
Register here: https://www.nicva.org/event/building-cyber-resilience-for-small-organisations-derry-city